
The Rogue Meets The Alpha

Calliope Anderson made herself rouge but leaving her pack for the better of herself and her child Riley. She defended herself against all enemies and trusted no one. Her main priority was to ensure Riley's safety at all costs. But what happens when Mr.Badass Alpha Adrian Moore comes into to play trying to protect his mate. Does he reject the one and only soulmate he will ever have due to having a child and mated to another man? Or does he stick around to see what the whole story is?

Dayylyynn0506 · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Chapter 6

Calliope's POV

A few weeks have come and past since me and Riley's first day. We have managed to get ourselves into a nice rhythm. During the weekdays me and Riley find things to do during the day, normally about three days out of the week we spend it at the park where me and Amelia talk while the kids play. Then at night time I have dinner made when Adrian comes home from doing his Alpha duties. After dinner it's a bath bed and a song for Riley. We have been switching it up lately to different things that we have heard on the radio or on movies.

I was able to get a phone about a week into being here Adrian set it up to where I have contact with him, Ben, Ryan, Tyler, Logan and I added Amelia. I don't talk to too many people but I'm good with the company I do have because almost a month ago it was strictly Riley. No offense to her but it is nice to have a grown up conversation every now and then. I have really come to like it here at the Silver Shadows pack. Me and Adrian have pretty much kept everything PG-13. We haven't gone any further than making out with some light grouping of each other. Now I do sleep in his bed with him and Riley. That did take time to get used to but Riley is liking the privacy and I enjoy having alone time with Adrian.

Amelia told me a few days ago that it was Adrian's birthday this following weekend and how they had planned a small get-together at their house for him. I have thought about it as a good birthday gift to him so that we complete the mating process. I feel ready and I know Gwen has been since we met him. I have been talking to Amelia trying to figure out the best way to go about it. She thinks that i should get some lingerie and surprise him Friday night and do it then. So that way when we are all at the get together everyone will already know and we can move forward with me becoming Luna. Me not being Luna but staying here has caused a couple of people to wonder what the issue is. Even though it's not any of their business.

Today though is the day that I have a shopping trip planned with Amelia. Tyler is going to watch Riley and Jonathan as me and her are accompanied by Logan to the shops. I'm so excited, we had talked about getting our nails done and getting that lingerie that she had told me about. I've never been shopping for it before so she said that she would help me pick out just the right thing.

I wake up to the sounds of Adrian's alarm, even though it never wakes him up just me. I start patting him and shaking him to turn the damn thing off. He finally groans and rolls over to turn the thing off. He rolls back over, placing a kiss on my forehead. The sparks it sends every time still makes everything feel like pudding. "Good morning love." i groan and roll over "I don't even know why you have that thing if it doesn't even wake up just me.'' I said to him in a joking manner. He chuckles, in the morning it's so deep, ugh so fucking sexy.

Almost making me want to jump his bones right then and there. Almost. "Well what's the point of waking up if you're not getting up with me," he said. I roll my eyes "Because I don't have anything to do unlike you." He smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek before he got out and went to the bathroom to start getting ready. I started getting ready myself knowing what all I have planned for the day. I decided that some ripped jeans and a cute top pair with sandals was the best way to go. As soon as Adrian gets done in the bathroom I go in to brush my hair and teeth. And I'll meet him down stairs after I get Riley up and dressed.

When we both come down Adrian already has breakfast ready for us. "There's my beautiful girl. How did you sleep Riley?" Riley just shrugs her shoulders. She really just isn't a morning person. We all ate our breakfast together going over what the plans were for today. Riley was super excited to have a playdate with Jonathan again. Before Adrian left he gave me a kiss and gave Riley a hug. "I'll see you two beautiful ladies tonight for dinner." He started as he walked out the door.

Me and RIley decided that we would watch some TV while we waited for Amelia and Jonathan to come. Logan and Tyler were chatting in the background. When they first came around it was really strange having them two but now it's just daily life. Sometimes I can get them to join me and Riley in games. It wasn't too long before there was a knock at the door and Amelia and Johnthan came through the door. Riley and Jonathan did a big embrace, as if it had been forever that they had seen each other. In reality it was only two days. Amelia and I gave a small hug. "So are you guys ready for your playdate with uncle Tyler?" Amelia asked them. They both screamed yeah. Us adults laughed. Tyler got the kids and loaded them up in the car and took them to the park. And they were off. Me and Amelia got into the other vehicle that Logan was going to drive. We had talked about the birthday plans for Adrian on our way to the shopping center.

We pulled up to the shopping center and got out. I let out a shaky sigh, super nervous about buying lingerie. Amelia notices and she comes over to me and gives me a tight squeeze on my shoulder and a reassuring look. "It's going to be ok. I promise you have nothing to worry about." She offered me a small smile, I gave her one back. "If it would make it easier we can go get the party decorations and food and save that for last?" I took in another breath and nodded my head. "Ok hunny" we started walking into the grocery store. We decided to just do a regular barbecue type thing. We grabbed the hamburger and hotdogs with some charcoal. We went with a blue and green theme for the decorations. So we grabbed some table cloths, napkins, plates and a banner. "Hey so who's actually going to help you and Ryan with all this stuff?" Amelia just laughed "Ben of course. You won't be able to come help you and Adrian will be way too busy." She said while wiggling her eyebrows at me. I knew my face was a thousand shades of red with all the heat I felt in it. Amelia laughs again "Trust me Callie, it's a good thing. I know you have had the best experience with stuff but when it comes to your mate." She gave me a small smile. "There isn't anything that he can't do to make you feel good." I gave out a small laugh and nodded my head.

We had finished up with all the food decoration shopping so now it was time for the actual gift shopping portion. Adrian had given me his credit card to go shopping with today. He doesn't know that it's for his birthday, he just thinks that it's just regular shopping. We pull up in Victoria Secret and start looking at different things. "What do you think you would be comfortable in?" Amelia asked me.I took a long walk around the store. "I really don't know. I'm more of a sports bra and spandex type of girl." I tell Amelia. She just nods her head. An associate comes over to us "Are you ladies needing help with anything today?" Amelia gave a big smile to the woman. "Girl yes! So my friend here has never really worn any type of lingerie and sticks to comfortable wear rather than pleasure. What is the best thing that you can suggest for her?" My face has turned red. I can tell by the heat that's there, I just look down at the floor not really wanting to me anyones gaze. The associate gave out a small laugh. "It's no problem, a lot of women actually have the same issue so we actually make something for this situation. What's your bra and underwear size?" I look back up to the woman feeling a little bit better now that I'm not the only one. "I wear a 36 D and a medium." The woman gave me a gentle smile. "Alright, that should be easy enough." The woman started going through the store finding different things for me to try.

She mainly stuck to a bra and panty set. There were some that were all lace and completely see through; others had lace around the stitching. We went through several different things till the Lilian set caught my eyes. I went over to it as Amelia followed. It was so pretty and sparkly. "That's not really lingerie but you could make it work." Amelia told me "I think it's perfect" I stated to her she nodded her head and went to go get the associate. She went and got my sizes and brought the set up to the front to be checked out. "This is a bralette so it is like a sports bra but sexier. It'll be perfect for you." She told me as we checked out with a couple of other items so it didn't look strange when I went back home.

The car ride home was quite bubbly as Amerlia was telling me different things that I could do. She had even offered to take Riley for the night so that way we didn't have to worry about interruptions. I wasn't completely comfortable with the idea only because I've never actually been away from her but I agreed because it was going to be only one day, hopefully. After we pulled back up to the house I went and hid the birthday present. Amelia had stayed for a little while after we got home. Riley and Jonathan constantly played together. Amelia continued to talk to me about this I could do for Adrian. "Maybe you should start out with a lap dance! They always look so fun." She sailed to me, we both shared a look and then busted out laughing. "Now you know I'm one uncoordinated person for all that mess!" I said laughing. "Ok well, what about you coming out of the bathroom, wearing heels and the outfit with that silky black robe we bought and while he's sitting in the bed slowly walking out playing some type of sexy music." She looked at me and I thought about it for a minute. "What if we lose the shoes and go bearfoot instead but keep everything else?" I asked her. She nodded her head "Yeah that might be better it would be weird trying to do the deed while only having heels on." We both started laughing again.

After a few hours of talking and laughing Amelia and Jonathan left, before leaving she told me she would come by around lunch tomorrow to pick up Riley. Because "I needed time to get ready" I smiled at her comment about it. I was almost done cooking dinner when Adrian came walking through the doorway. "Hey there beautiful, did you have a good day today while shopping?" He had asked with a playful smile on his face. I looked at home strangely. "Yes I did, why are you smiling like that?" I questioned him. He gave me a small chuckle. "I got a text message receipt from Victoria secret today. Care to share?" He said I could tell he was wanting to know if I got anything for him. I laugh softly "I got a new robe and I just needed a new bra, no biggie." His smile faded just a little. "We'll damn I was hoping for something a little bit more." I laughed and playfully hit his chest. "Don't be a perv when there are children around." I whisper into his ear. I could see he was fighting his wolf right about now. "Ri baby dinner is ready, come take a seat." I called out to her. His face made a pouty face at me and I just rolled my eyes at him. Riley came over and sat in Adrian's lap , her favorite place to be at dinner time. "Oh Adrian, Riley will be over at Amelia's tomorrow night. They wanted a sleepover so I told her it was ok." He just nodded his head, I don't think he quite realized what I said to him. We continue eating while Riley tells us all about her day with Jonathan and grumpy Uncle Ryan.

After dinner was done Adrian washed the dishes as I went upstairs and got Riley for bed. Here lately our night time song has been "the dream song" from Cinderella. I sang to her as she fell asleep and I went back downstairs and took my place on the couch next to Adrian as we watched whatever interested our minds. As soon as I sat down Adrian pulled me close to him. Heat rushed up to my face and sparks floating around my body, I had some many different feelings going on through my body. Adrian leaned down to whisper in my ear "So with Riley out of the house tomorrow, what are you planning?" My face was completely red. "Well a little birdie told me it was your birthday Saturday so I figured why not have alone time that we can spend together." I told him, and he hummed in response "so what are your big plans then?" He asked and I just laughed. "Now why would I tell you that, when it's supposed to be a surprise." He was once again fighting his wolf I could tell with the way his grip tightened around me. I leaned up to his ear and whispered "now I need you to let me go. I have to get a shower." He groaned in response and loosened his grip, I kissed his cheek and went up to the bathroom and took a shower. When I got out of the shower I realized that I completely forgot my clothes on the bed. I was so focused on getting in here I didn't focus on the aftermath. I groaned. I peeked out the bathroom door to see that Adrian hadn't made it up yet. I quickly rush to my side of the bed and try to get dressed. I had just finished putting the undergarments on when I heard a low growl. I jumped and tried to cover myself with my arms. I turned around to see a black eyed Adrian. He was walking closer and closer to me till I hit the back of the wall and wasn't able to back up anymore. "Mine!" He stated, our faces were centimeters apart. Next thing I know his lips crashed onto mine, this kiss was powerful and hungry.

I kissed Adrian back full force, he had licked my lips asking for permission which I granted happily. I wrapped arms around his neck pulling him closer sparks flying all over my body. As soon as our bodies were touching I could feel his member pressed on my thigh. I let out a gasp, it surprised me with how big it was. He smiled against my lips and kissed me even harder. As he did so, he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and he put us on the bed. He started trailing kisses down my neck and that's when I had to stop him. I was about to do this with Riley's on right next door where she could hear us. I slightly pushed him away telling him that it was time to stop. He pulled away looking at me in my eyes, his flickering back to the hazel green that I loved so much. "You are so beautiful" he said, then he kissed me more lightly and got up to take a shower. "I'm going to need a cold shower tonight." He said I laughed while he went to the bathroom. I had finished putting my clothes on and crawled into the covers and started playing games on my phone. When Adrian stepped out he had just his towel on, wrapped around his waist. I just watched him go to his dresser and grab his clothes. "Like what you see?" He said looking at me through the mirror. My face turns red as I look back at my phone. "Maybe…" I told him as I rolled over to the other side of the bed. Before I knew it he was in the bed pulling him closer to me. He started peppering me with kisses from my cheek to my neck. His lingered a bit around the area he was supposed to mark. I let out a breathless sigh. Man he sure knows what he's doing. My wolf hummed to me. "You have got to stop that now." I said playfully to him and I turned around to face him. He gave me a sheepish smile "I can't help it." I rolled my eyes at him. "Well I need you to be patient." I told him as I placed a light kiss on his lips. "Good night Adrian" I tell him as I roll over and turn off the light on my side.