
The Rogue Meets The Alpha

Calliope Anderson made herself rouge but leaving her pack for the better of herself and her child Riley. She defended herself against all enemies and trusted no one. Her main priority was to ensure Riley's safety at all costs. But what happens when Mr.Badass Alpha Adrian Moore comes into to play trying to protect his mate. Does he reject the one and only soulmate he will ever have due to having a child and mated to another man? Or does he stick around to see what the whole story is?

Dayylyynn0506 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 7

Calliope's POV

I didn't hardly slept last night. I had too many thoughts about today and my nerves were on edge. At four in the morning I decided that it would be best just to get up. I stayed in my pajamas and went downstairs to turn the tv on to see what was on at this hour. Few minutes passed and I went to the kitchen to make myself a bowl of cereal and I went to go back and sit on the couch. I was watching Charmed. It was something that I haven't been able to watch in a long time, it was really nice. I was probably down here for about an hour before Adrian started coming down the stairs. "What are you doing down here?" A little startled I looked at him realizing his bed head looked very sexy on him. "I couldn't sleep so I just came down here so I didn't wake you, which I now see was pointless." I gave off a small chuckle. He headed towards the kitchen to make some coffee. "Everything ok?" He asked with concern in his voice. "Yeah I guess I'm just a little nervous about Riley not being here tonight. I haven't been without her before." It felt like I was lying to him. It's just not the entire truth so technically not lying, more like keeping a secret. Gwen reminded me. I still don't like it. "Well I'm pretty sure she's going to be ok. And if something were to happen they are literally two houses down so it won't be an issue to go and get her." He told me, while bringing over a cup of coffee for me. He sat down on the couch and we both just watched some tv and drank our coffee till it was time to get ready.

My alarm went off cueing that it was time to get Riley up and ready for the day. Before I got up I kissed Adrian on his cheek and headed up. Riley is the worst person to have to wake up in the morning. She was very grumpy. "Cmon Ri, you have got to get ready baby." She started groaning. I sighed "if you don't get up now you are going to miss having breakfast with Adrian." I told her. She bolted right up and started getting dressed. I had decided that today I would put two Dutch braids in her hair so that way Amelia didn't have to worry about too much tomorrow. While Riley was in the bathroom I went ahead and packed her a bag to stay overnight. I made sure she had something a little bit more dressy than her okay clothes for the party tomorrow. Riley came back bursting into her room "ok mommy I'm ready for breakfast now!" I pick her up and tote her downstairs, and as soon as she sees Adrian on the couch she jumps out of my hands and runs to him. "ADRIAN!" She screams as she jumps in his lap, "Oof." Adrian grunts I just laugh. "We'll good morning to you" he said to Riley as he embraced her. "Now what would the princess like for breakfast today?" She thought about it for a moment. "I think today is more of a cereal day." She stated as she got out of his lap and went into the kitchen and took a seat at the bar. Me and Adrian followed. We all sat together and ate our breakfast and we talked about our plans for the day, we'll mainly Riley more than anyone else.

When it got time for Adrian to leave he kissed me goodbye and gave Riley a big hug seeing as how he wouldn't see her till tomorrow afternoon. After he left me and Riley went into the living room and we picked out her favorite toys that she could bring. I had to limit her to only three otherwise she would have taken them all. Afterwards, we gathered all of her things and brought them downstairs by the couch. I sat down on the couch and motioned for Rikey to come over. "Come here Riley. Mommy and you need to have a grown up talk for a second." She walked over and sat in my lap. I wrapped my arms around her, giving her a quick squeeze. "Now when you leave her today and go with Ms.Amelia I need you to be on your best behavior. I want you to listen to everything she says and follow her rules. Her rules may be different from mine but that doesn't mean you don't follow them ok?" She nodded her head "yes mommy I know." I moved her head so she was looking at me "if anything happens Ri you call me. If you need me, call me. If you miss me, call me. You can call me at any time for any reason and I'll be there I promise." She started to get some tears in her eyes. "I'm going to miss you mommy." I hugged her real tight "everything is going to be ok baby. You and Jonathan are going to have so much fun playing and laughing together. You won't even be able to notice how much time has passed." She gave me a small smile and a big hug.

Time had gone by a lot faster than I had expected it to. Noon hit and Amelia and Jonathan came over. We let the kids play together for a few minutes while me and Amelia talked. "So have you decided on your grand plan for tonight?" she said to me while wiggling her eyebrows. I gave her a small laugh while the heat rushed into my face. " I think I'm going to do the whole robe and music thing." She clapped her hands together "oooh! I'm so excited for you! Just remember to SHAVE EVERYTHING, make sure you use a good body scrub and plenty of lotion. You want your skin to feel like silk." I just kept nodding my head to everything she was saying. "Oh! And I know this sounds crazy but spray perfume in your hair while it's wet and let it air dry. Then your hair will smell like perfume." I just kept nodding my head keeping mental notes. Body scrub, shave, lotion, perfume Gwen repeated to me. We got all of Riley's things together, and me and her shared a long embrace. I kissed her on her head before she left. "I love you angel and I'll see you tomorrow I promise!" I called to her as she walked out the door.

I looked at the time when they left and realized that it was 3 in the afternoon, we only have like 2 and half hours to get ready! We better get started! Gwen stated to me. I got off of the couch and ran upstairs into me and Adrian's bathroom and immediately started the bath. As that was going I went and got my outfit for the night out of its hiding place. I got back to the bathroom and I made sure to put in my bath salts that smelled like jasmine and vanilla, my two favorite scents. I got into the tub and began my process making sure that I used things that smelled alike. Like I have this vanilla coconut hair wash and then a vanilla bean body scrub. The only thing that was different was my honey scented body wash but Adrian has always said he liked the smell of it so I'm sticking to it. When I had gotten out of the tub I realized it took me an hour to get everything down in there. So that means I now have an hour and a half to finish getting ready. I went into the bedroom and grabbed my Victoria secret love spell lotion and perfume. I put lotion on pretty much every wear, I sprayed the perfume in my hair and then brushed it and put it into a braid so I can let it down later and have some better waves in my hair. I went back into the bathroom and started applying a little bit of makeup to keep it looking natural. I brushed my teeth extra good wanting to make sure my breath wasn't going to stink. I got out of the bathroom finally and went to put on my outfit and robe. I ran down stairs grabbing all the candles I could find and placing them in different ways so that way it would look like they lead up the stairs. I turned almost all the lights off in the house down stairs and then went back up. I needed to practice this shit because I have never had to do this before. I went into the bedroom and caught a glimpse of myself in my body mirror. I stood there looking at myself, I've really overcome a lot of the issues I had with my body. The scars were a part of me, but they are what made me strong. I wasn't ashamed of them anymore. Pulling my head back out of my thoughts I grabbed my phone and stayed looking through it to see what songs I could find to play. I had about 45 minutes now to get everything finished up.I decided on Body Part by Ciara, Bad Intentions by Niykee Heaton, Oui by Jeremih, Collide by Justine Skye, and Motivation by Kelly Rowland. I figured that was a good group, so started practicing what I was going to be doing. I went back and forth on walking out to him through the bathroom door. Or sitting in the bed waiting for him, or I could be at the top of the stairs using the stairs as like a brace for a nice little dance. I had 15 minutes to spare so I made sure I looked how I wanted to and every a long thought I was going to wait on the stairs for him. I hooked my phone up to a Bluetooth speaker and played it loud enough for him to hear it downstairs by the door but not too long that it would be unbearable upstairs. I was going to play Collide first and then let the others play for the remainder of the time. We've got this. We are going to make this a night to remember. Gwen started to give me a confidence boost.

I heard Adrian's car pull up into the driveway so I then began playing the song over the speaker. When he walked through the door I was already swaying my hips back and forth and rubbing my hands all over my body. Adrian looked around for a second and then noticed what I was doing at the top of the stairs. I could tell that his eyes were black as he slowly started to approach the stairs. He was untucking his shirt and undoing the buttons while going up, his shirt fell to the floor a few moments after. When he got close to the top steps I slowly walked towards him making sure my robe was staying at my sides. He was on the last step when I reached him, I wrapped one of my arms around his neck "Miss me?" I ask flirtatiously, he let out a low growl in response. Adrian laid his hands on my waist and pulled me closer to him. He leaned in for a kiss and right before he touched my lips I turned my head so he got my cheek instead. He let out another low growl "Tease…" he stated. I gave him a small laugh "Only the best for you." I said to give as I gave him a wink. He took a small step back to look at what I was wearing and then looked back up to me "so just a robe huh?" He said while chuckling. I blushed "well what are birthdays for if it isn't surprising?" I said to him, His hands went around my ass, as he grabbed it he picked me up so I was wrapped around his waist. I let out a gasp, "impatient aren't we." I leaned down to his lips as he smiled against them. "Never, '' he said right before I pulled him in for a kiss. It was more passionate and loving. I kept my legs wrapped around his waist as he brought us into the bedroom. The kiss was getting hungrier by the second. When we got to the edge of the bed he slowly laid me down. He had moved one of his hands down from my thigh to my leg. The sparks were constantly flying around my body. He pulled away for just a second, his eyes had returned to the hazel that I loved looking at everyday. "You are so beautiful" he said before he came back down and crushed his lips on mine. His kiss was so powerful and hungry. He licked my lips asking for permission, which I happily gave. Our hands started roaming each other's body heat and tension building up with every touch. When he had brought his body closer to mine and I could feel his member through his pants. I gasped and he grinned against my lips.

After a few minutes of staying like that with very minimal grinding I decided it was time to change things up a bit Gwen was getting stir crazy with all the tension. I rolled us over so I was on top of him. He let out a small groan, I started trailing damp little kisses from his jaw to his waist line. That's when he stopped me "Are you sure this is what you want Calliope? Don't do this for my benefit." He was holding himself up with his arms, almost completely upright. I looked at him and brought my finger to his lips "Shh…" I moved to his ear, setting my area right on top of his. "That's enough talking." I say in a whisper in his ear as I started kissing up and down his neck. Giving small bites around the area where his mark is supposed to be. He had left out soft groans and grunts the whole time. I got right on top of the area for his mark and kissed a few times before I brought out my canines and bit into his skin. He let out a low growl as I did so. When I had finished he immediately rolled me over so I was on my back. He came into my ear and whispered "now your turn" . My breath hitched as he started kissing my neck. As soon as he got on top of the area that he was supposed to mark let off a small moan. I felt his canines graze my skin, the sparks in my body increasing. He teeth but into my skin and I dug my nails into his arm as I let out a loud moan. Feeling pure ecstasy. He pulled away and licked my marked area, sending shivers down my spine. I grabbed his face and smashed my lips on his with a powerful kiss wanting more of him. Before I knew it his hands made their way around my back and unclasped my bra. He threw it across the room and started leaving kisses from my neck down to my chest. He had cupped one of my breasts and was massaging it while his mouth went to the other. His breath was light as it fanned the now sensitive area and I let out a small moan. He then placed my n***le in his mouth and started sucking and licking it. My back arched into his, placing his member right on top of my area. The heat that it radiated caused me to gasp again. He continued messing with my breast. I could feel how wet I was getting and with every slight movement he made his member would rub against me causing the most incredible sensation. Everything just kept building up and I couldn't take it anymore. "Adrian" I growled at him. I know my eyes were flashing back and forth between black and brown. Gwen was just as frustrated as I was.

Adrian came back up to my face and met my lips with his, the kiss was hungry and just begging for me. While we were kissing my hands ran down his chest to his waist band. I was trying to get this belt undone but was struggling trying to do two things at. I pulled away from him so I could get a better look at his belt so I could take it off. "Eager are we?" he said lowly into my ear. I could feel that Gwen had taken over at this point "You are driving me crazy. I'M ready and I want it now." she stated to him as he snatched his belt off and started undoing his pants. He backed away so he could take off his pants, now both of us were just in our underwear. I could see his members a lot easier now. And my goddess was big. I was almost scared of this thing actually going in me, hint word being almost. I let out a low growl before I went up to him and started kissing him again. Adrian pushed me back on the bed and slowly brought one of his hands down to my area. As soon as I felt his hand I let out a whimper begging for him. He let out a low chuckle. "Don't worry, you will be feeling all of it very soon." he said to me. His hands traced the edging of my panties before he slowly started stroking my area outside of my panties. I let out a low moan. The sparks that were spreading throughout my body were incredible, it was as if every part of my body felt the same way. "Fuck…" he breathed out "Your so wet." he stated before he slowly pulled away my under wear adn inserting one finger in a time. Doing slow thrust. I was breathless with each moan on every stroke. "Ohh…" my breathing was starting to get heavier. I was pulling at the sheets as my legs twitched every time he went over my cl*t. He slowly put in another finger and I let out a louder moan. He started spreading up the pace and I couldn't even sit still so many things were going on at once. Sparks were everywhere. Breathing was getting harder between the both of us. After a few minutes of that he took his fingers out and licked them. I let out a moan as he did "Mmm. I just had to have a taste…It's so sweet." He brought his face back up to mine and crashed his lips back on mine. I once again ran my hands down his chest going for his waistband to finally get rid of the only piece of clothing that was blocking us now. I managed to slide them down far enough that all he had to do was kick them off with his feet. He brought his body closer to mine. His member touched mine, the heat caused me to gasp. With every slight movement it had rubbed my cl*t just right. "Oh… Adrian." I said to him, bringing his face to mine or nose touching. "Please.." I begged in between breaths. He started laying pepper kissing down my entire body. He lifted himself up ever so slightly and began stroking himself. "Oh!" I moaned out, my breathing becoming more labored. He carefully pushed his member in me, doing slow long strokes. I was already moaning out and he began to groan. "Ah, fuck." he said in between breaths. "You feeling so fucking good." he said as he started picking up the pace. I brought his face up to mine and gave him another powerful kiss. He then began doing harder strokes putting all of him into me. "OH! Adrian…" I let out. "Oh fuck". My body was on pure fire at this point with all the sparks going everywhere. His strokes got faster and deeper, both of our moans getting louder each time. "Oh fuck, I'm about to c*um." He said as he gave one more thrust into me "Oh Adrian!" I moaned as we both finished. Adrian came back up to my face and gave me a light kiss. "That was amazing," he said to me. "Mmhmm… Let's do it again." I say to him with a smirk on my face.