
The much needed discussion

As William made himself comfortable on the balcony's floor, Cole too decided to sit down.

The balcony was covered with a thick layer of dust and dirt. There were cobwebs everywhere. The place was sure to not have been visited by anyone in a long time. 

"Why do you think they blocked the window?" Cole asked. 

"I am sure there must be a reason. They might have thought people could escape from here, maybe." William said dusting off his hands which had got dirt on them from while he was trying to sit down. 

Despite feeling a bit eery, Cole sat down on the dirt floor. 

"You also wanted to talk about the same thing?" 

The training program itself was so bizarre that Cole had a hunch that William would have also found it strange. 

"Yeah. There was definitely something weird going on."

"Before I joined you, did you notice something out of the place?" Cole asked William as he had gone to the program a few days after him.