
The power of control

A young man far from home finds himself in a world of heroes and villains, and is granted the power to control all...

DaoOfPusy · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
45 Chs

chapter 16: new beginnings

I had passed.

It was no surprise. The moment I decided on enrolling at U.A. High, I knew I would get in without a hitch.

Izuku also passed.

Now that was a surprise. From what Izuku told me, his experience with the exam was one of failure and injury, with the only enemy he defeated being, also surprisingly, the giant zero-pointer, though that was mostly by luck.

All Might had sent us a holographic recording in which he announced our success. In it, he explained that Izuku's act of defeating the giant zero-pointer and saving a helpless girl had earned him rescue points: points awarded not for defeating robots but by doing helpless deeds. He had gained enough rescue points that, combined with the points earned from the written test, he passed the entrance exam and was qualified to enter U.A. High School.

Unfortunately for him, as big as his accomplishments were, Izuku did not get the spotlight in All Might's recording. For minutes on end, the pro hero praised my capabilities, and he would likely have continued for many more had I not prematurely stopped the recording. As good as all the praise was for my self-esteem, it got annoying at a rapid pace, and I was afraid of Izuku's pride getting hurt. Plus, there were more important things to do. Our mother had prepared a feast. It was time to celebrate.

Time flew by quickly. Less than a month after we getting accepted into U.A, we graduated middle school. After that, we had a month-long break before finally starting our high school careers. Of course, I never stopped growing during those four months. After all, not even the sky was the limit in this world.

It was finally time. Today was the day the academic year of U.A. High would start. I was, understandably, quite excited. I had even woken up early, something I detested with all my heart and soul. The reason for this excitement was simple. This institution had a massive budget equivalent to a small country. Not only that, but their technology was almost incomparable to anything else in this world. While the rest of the world, or at least Japan, was still stuck with their old school smartphones, U.A. was throwing around holograms like it was nothing. So, of course, I was excited. As I freshened up and ate my breakfast, I felt like a child on Christmas morning, looking forward to getting some new toys.

It was a perfect morning. The sun shone brightly, with nary a cloud in the sky. The weather was excellent as well, neither too hot nor too cold. Birds chirped happily, excited to carry out their springtime activities. With a full belly and a clear sky, I was ready to start my day. It was almost ruined by Izuku being late, but I was in a good mood and forgave him. Running was a good exercise, after all.

Eventually, we arrived at the massive U.A. campus that loomed over the city of Mustafu. It was an enormous building with a ludicrous amount of hallways and chambers, so we were lost the moment we entered it. After a few minutes of running around, we finally arrived at our destination: A massive door the length of a house, with 1-A written on it in giant red letters. No doubt, this was where we were supposed to be. Without hesitation, I slid open the door, only to be greeted by an almost complete class. It seems we were the last ones to arrive. Everyone was neatly seated, waiting for the teacher to arrive, save for two people, one of whom Izuku and I knew very well.

The class contained many people, each one completely different. One girl was even completely invisible, her gender only visible due to the style of school uniform. As I looked around the class, the class looked at me, likely wondering why I was still standing at the door like an idiot. Eventually, I gained the attention of the person talking to my friend sparky. He was nicely built, at least as good as me, if not better, with tall stature, broad shoulders, and sharp facial features. He had hair neatly combed to the side and wore glasses that shone in the sun, making him look quite intelligent. He was clearly a rich kid, perhaps the scion of an established family, and he carried himself as such, with rigid, almost robotic steps as he walked towards us. As he approached, he greeted Izuku, likely recognizing him from the entrance exams. As he started talking with my brother, he noticed me standing beside him and introduced himself.

"I am from Somei private academy! My name is Ida Tenya."

"Nice to meet you, Tenya."

He seemed like a good guy, if not a little pretentious. I smiled friendlily and extended my hand.

"My name is Akai Midoriya."

A.N./// yay, we finally know the MC's name. since their last name was a color thing I thought I'd do the same for the first name (means red in Japanese but you already knew that ya weeb). Akai also means gift of god in some African languages, but I'm sure that won't have any significance to the plot........

also the first anime arc of this story, which was his origin story, is finally over. now we can get on the actual plot.... stay tuned for more. love y'all