
The power of control

A young man far from home finds himself in a world of heroes and villains, and is granted the power to control all...

DaoOfPusy · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

chapter 15: chaos

How incredibly disappointing. To think the most difficult, most esteemed occupation in the world, which the practitioners of were the literal backbone of this society, had such low standards. What a frightening thing it was.

The U.A. entrance exam consisted of two parts: the written and practical test, with the written test being at a separate location than the practical one, which took place at the massive U.A. campus. The written part was not a challenge, as expected. Even Izuku, who had nerves of spaghetti, was feeling confident. Though, granted, his only strength had always been academics, and who knew if All Might's training had brought any improvements. I could only wait for the practical test to see the fruits of his 10-month labor.

Or so I thought.

We entered the large U.A. building and followed the signs placed throughout the building to a giant auditorium, where hundreds of students from all over the country waited anxiously for what was to come. Eventually, Present Mic, a lanky hero with the hair of a lunatic, mustache of a sex offender, and demeanor of a drug addict, came in with the energy of a thousand men, which the crowd did not reciprocate. It made for an embarrassing sight, but he seemed unfazed as he started explaining the practical test. It seemed stage fright was not in this man's vocabulary.

The practical test seemed uncomplicated. The students would go to an area filled with robots of varying strengths. The stronger the robot, the more points it was worth. The objective was to take down the robots and accumulate as many points as possible. The challenging part of this ordeal was that there would only be a limited number of enemies, so it would be a competition between the participants to see who could gather points the fastest. It was strangely competitive for a school of heroics, which is why I suspected there was more to this exam. I did not worry, though. It would not make a difference.

Sadly, I would not be able to watch my little brother's performance. Students who came from the same schools were separated as much as possible. I suspected it was to prevent cooperation, as this was a test of individual skill. It made sense, but my foremost source of entertainment was now gone. I could only hope this test would provide a challenge. Though, looking at the power levels of the other contestants, I highly doubted it.

After Present Mic's presentation, the U.A. staff took us to our respective battle centers. Izuku was assigned to battle center B while I was at battle center A. My fellow examinees and I stood in front of the massive doors of the battle center, which seemed more like a large city district than an examination center. I was amongst quite a varied group of people, including one spiky ash-blonde-haired kid who was my favorite source of entertainment throughout middle school. I was glad to see a familiar face, as his attempts at being a bad kid were quite amusing, if not annoying at times. It seemed that I appreciated his presence more than he did mine, as upon noticing me, he grumbled incoherently, likely cursing me, before standing somewhere else. I smiled and kept looking around, waiting for the countdown of the exam to begin.

"Ok, start!"

There was no countdown. Without any warning, the exam had begun. The examinees and I looked at Present Mic, the announcer, confused at the lack of a countdown. Everyone quickly caught on, however, and ran into the artificial city. I did not run. Why would you run when you could fly?

With that thought, I concentrated, using my quirk to levitate off the ground. The rest had already gotten a head start, but I erased it completely. Once I had floated a sufficient distance from the ground, I created a small, skin-tight barrier around me before dashing into the battle center with enormous speed, creating a sonic boom as I flew past the others. As I zoomed through the mock city, I kept rising in the air until I was floating high above it all, looking down on the examinees as they frantically tried to collect as many points as possible.

I smiled, knowing I barely needed half their effort to surpass all their accomplishments.

There was, surprisingly, a large number of robots in the battle center, and even though the students were mowing them down at astonishing speeds, they just kept coming. They were not strong, either. Any competent human could take a couple out without using any powers. One would need to be inept to score zero points. While having such thoughts, I had already decided on my plan of action.

I raised my hand, a kaleidoscopic aura surrounding me, and concentrated. Formless energy flowed into the surroundings, encompassing the robots I had chosen, with a few left for the other students to defeat. Then, one by one, they started levitating into the sky until the air around me became filled with robots, squirming as they desperately tried to break free. It was of no use. I raised my other hand and clasped the two. Immediately, the robots floated towards each other. The surroundings became filled with the sound of groaning and creaking metal as I pushed the robots against each other with enormous force until they formed a giant metal ball.

The students looked in awe at the colossal ball of metal hovering menacingly in the air, reminiscing a small moon. They were distracted, leaving some of them easy pickings for the leftover robots. Those robots quickly became part of the ever-growing ball of defeated enemies. Each time the metal groaned from being deformed, so too did a student gasp in astonishment. It was a truly glorious sight.

Eventually, my awesomeness was interrupted by a sudden boom. The entire battle center shook, and large buildings fell like cards as the examinees fled for their dear lives. I looked towards the source of the chaos and was surprised. A giant robot the size of a skyscraper marched between the tight buildings, leaving utter destruction in its wake. The robot stood so tall that its head reached me, who was hovering high above the city. With each swing of the robot's arm, many buildings fell. It was clear that this was not an enemy to take lightly.

A mere nuisance.

I swung my hand in its direction. The enormous, still growing ball of robots flew towards the giant enemy, picking up speed at a swift pace. The ball caught fire as it tore through the air, resembling a meteor descending from the heavens. It crashed against it with enormous force, passing cleanly through its large, hulking body. The fiery ball of metal exploded into the city with a deafening roar as the massive robot, now missing its top half, collapsed within the rubble.

It was a one-sided massacre, and its instigator hovered in the air, like a god descended, with a bored look on his face.

A.N./// basically everything is fodder against our boi (for now....?) but we already knew that. also what should his hero fit be i can't really decide. the one with the best fit gets a compliment and some love, I'm poor. love y'all