
The Pirate Saiyan

Eto Shapan suddenly woke up in the body of Goku. He was excited to be alive in the world of his favourite anime. Things however were not as they seemed. This was a world of Pirates and great adventures on the high seas. This is the world of One Piece. [Disclaimer: I do not claim any sort of ownership to any character or plot or world regarding either the Dragon Ball franchise or the One Piece franchise. Any and all related copyrights belong to their respective owners. This is simply a fan fiction of one of the best and most popular anime franchises on the planet]

thesaiyanprince99 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs

12. An Ominous Warning


As the Straw Hat Pirates made their way back to the Going Merry, the lingering flavors of the exquisite meal at the Baratie clung to their senses. The night air was cool and refreshing, a stark contrast to the warmth and bustle of the floating restaurant.

Johnny and Yosaku were the first to head below deck, their faces flushed with the aftereffects of their hearty meal. "I think I ate too much," Johnny groaned, clutching his stomach.

"Me too," Yosaku echoed, staggering slightly as he followed Johnny. "I can't believe I had that third helping of lobster."

Usopp, looking equally stuffed, nodded in agreement. "I thought I could handle it, but now I just want to sleep it off. Goodnight, everyone," he said, heading to his bunk with a yawn.

Nami, on the other hand, was far from ready to sleep. She spread her maps across the deck table, her eyes scanning the intricate lines and markings with a practiced gaze. "I'll be up for a while studying these charts," she said, not looking up from her work. "We need to plot a course for the Grand Line."

Goku and Zoro exchanged glances. "Feel like a drink?" Zoro asked, a hint of a grin playing on his lips.

"Yeah, let's go," Goku replied, his mind still occupied with thoughts of the mysterious woman he had seen at the Baratie.

The two made their way back to the Baratie, finding seats at the bar. The place was quieter now, the earlier rush of diners having thinned out. They ordered their drinks, and soon enough, they were lost in conversation.

"So, who is this woman you couldn't keep your eyes off?" Zoro asked, taking a swig of his sake. "Is it just physical attraction, or is there something more?"

Goku sighed, swirling his drink thoughtfully. "It's not that simple. I think I know her, but I'm not sure if it's really her. Her name is Ria. She was supposed to be my next target."

Zoro raised an eyebrow. "A target? You mean like an enemy?"

Goku nodded slowly. "Yes and no. It's complicated. She was someone I was supposed to confront, to conquer as a man but I never got the chance. Seeing her here... it brought back a lot of memories."

Zoro leaned back, considering this. "Sounds like there's more to the story than you're letting on. But for now, we should focus on more immediate concerns. Like getting a cook for the ship. We need someone who can handle the Grand Line."

Goku smiled. "I already know who it has to be. That pervy waiter, Sanji. He's the best choice."

Zoro scowled. "I don't like that guy. He's too smooth for his own good."

Goku laughed. "Maybe, but he knows his stuff. Did you see the way he moved in the kitchen? He's got skills. Besides, we need someone who can cook like that if we're going to survive the Grand Line."

Zoro took another drink, nodding reluctantly. "You might be right. But I still don't trust him."

Their conversation drifted to other topics—plans for their journey to the Grand Line, the need for rigorous training, and the types of food they hoped to encounter. The Grand Line was known for its unpredictability and danger, and they both knew they had to be prepared for anything.

As they continued to drink, the door to the bar swung open. Goku's heart skipped a beat as Ria walked in, Fullbody by her side. She scanned the room, her eyes landing on Goku with a mixture of recognition and curiosity.

"Goku," she said, her voice carrying a strange mix of emotions. "We need to talk. Alone."

Fullbody stood beside her, his expression unreadable. Zoro glanced at Goku, who gave a slight nod.

"It's alright," Goku said. "I'll handle this."

Zoro grabbed a crate of booze from behind the bar. "I'll head back to the Merry. Don't do anything stupid," he muttered, giving Goku a pat on the shoulder before leaving the bar.

Goku and Ria sat alone at the bar in the Baratie, the air between them thick with tension and unspoken questions. Fullbody, who had escorted Ria in, had left for the marine warship, leaving the two to their conversation.

Ria was a vision in an alluring, form-fitting dress that seemed to shimmer under the soft lighting of the bar. Her dress was a deep shade of crimson, contrasting sharply with her pale skin and dark, flowing hair. The dress hugged her curves and flowed elegantly to the floor, giving her an ethereal, almost regal appearance. Her eyes, a striking shade of emerald, held a mysterious glint that captivated Goku, even as his mind raced with confusion and anger.

Goku's eyes were filled with a mix of confusion and determination. He leaned forward, his voice low and intense. "Are you really who I think you are? The woman I was hired to kill?"

Ria's lips curled into a faint, enigmatic smile. "Yes, Eto, I am her. But things are more complicated than you know."

Goku's brow furrowed. "What do you mean?" He ignored the fact she called him by his real name. Knowing it was to prove she was the very same woman.

Ria took a slow sip of her drink before continuing. "My boss hired you to kill me, but it was all a setup. They wanted to lure you into a trap. They pulled strings to get you into this world. In fact we replaced Luffy in this universe because we needed the strength of a Saiyan in place. We brought you into the body of Goku because of your job back on earth and because you were a fan."

Goku's mind raced as he tried to piece together her words. His thoughts were a chaotic mix of anger, betrayal, and confusion. "Why? Why go through all this trouble?"

"Everything will be revealed in time," Ria said cryptically. "You were brought to this world for a reason. From time to time, you'll be called upon, but your real goal remains the same: get to Raftel and become the Pirate King."

The mention of Raftel and the Pirate King reignited Goku's determination, but he couldn't ignore the manipulation he felt. His fists clenched, and anger surged through him. "You messed with me. You and your boss played with my life!" he shouted, his voice trembling with rage.

Before he could stop himself, Goku grabbed Ria by the neck. The room seemed to hold its breath as he confronted her. His thoughts were a storm of indignation and betrayal. How could she be so calm, so composed, after everything she had done to him?

Ria's reaction was swift and effortless. She overpowered him easily, bringing him down to his knees with a single, fluid motion. Her grip on his neck was firm and unyielding as she lifted him off the ground, holding him high. Goku's strength seemed to drain from his body, leaving him feeling weak and helpless.

"Don't mess with things you don't understand," she warned ominously, her voice carrying a chilling calmness. "You have no idea of the forces at play here."

Goku's mind struggled to comprehend how she had subdued him so effortlessly. His vision blurred as his strength waned, replaced by an overwhelming sense of powerlessness. This wasn't just physical strength; there was something more, something he couldn't fight against.

Ria's eyes bore into his, and for a moment, he saw a flicker of something deeper—regret? Pity? It was gone as quickly as it had appeared. She threw him to the floor of the bar like a sack of potatoes, the impact jarring and humiliating.

The bar fell silent, everyone turning to watch the scene unfold. Even the toughest-looking pirates stared at Ria with expressions of fear and respect. As she walked out, the patrons of the entire restaurant watched her climb aboard the marine warship. Fullbody was there to greet her, wrapping his arms around her with a knowing look directed at Goku.

From his position on the floor, Goku saw the look in Fullbody's eyes—a mix of pity and triumph. He knew that this encounter was far from over and that the challenges ahead would test him in ways he hadn't imagined. But for now, all he could do was watch as Ria sailed away, leaving him to grapple with the revelations and his newfound weakness.

As he picked himself up, Goku vowed to uncover the truth and reclaim his strength. The path to becoming the Pirate King was fraught with danger and deception, but he was determined to see it through. The journey to Raftel and beyond awaited, and he would face it head-on, no matter the cost. The encounter with Ria had shaken him to his core, but it had also reignited his resolve. Whatever trials lay ahead, he would not face them alone. The Straw Hat Pirates were his family, and together, they would conquer the Grand Line and beyond.

[A/N: Read 10 chapters ahead available on my patreon right now. patreon.com/saiyanprincenovels ]