

Anna2810 · แฟนตาซี
86 Chs

The wicked Song lin

" Most of the things we managed to find out are from observing the way you guys kill the other party. I mean...in the start when we were asked to acquire information we didn't know it was for your team and then every person on whom we spied ended up dead some days after we submitted the information. Then rumors started coming around in the military that some team is executing the corrupt politicians and also the threats to the country. Since it was us who acquired the information we understood that it was being given to you so you could eliminate the other party. Our mission was to get the required information and submit it to colonel liang but we didn't know to whom the colonel is giving the information. Then one day.." shiyu stoped and looked up at Song lin. Song lin shrugged and continued

"I was curious. I wanted to find out who you are. So I think it was after your 4th mission we started to work on finding out who you are." she paused and looked at shiyu "As she said since we are your source of information we always knew who your next target would be. So after your every mission we went to that particular scene as journalists" she paused and leaned forward "Every time you guys kill the person you would do it in a different way never the same pattern. So we instead concentrated on the surroundings. One thing thats common in your mission is you always kill them in their respective houses never outside and to do that you will need someone to hack in to their surveillance systems at the same time you get in to their house so they could give you directions. So thats one member and each and everytime you reveal the evidence within seconds after the murder. since you can't sit around in house waiting to reveal the evidence while the others try to kill you, we figured one member from your team would be waiting in some other place so that they could reveal the evidence after the murder. Thats 2 members and from what we observed you never killed any of the guards atleast not every single one of them. They are mostly rendered unconscious and from the information we gave you we knew the number of guards around the house and even for a highly skilled people it takes at least 3 members to render the guard unconscious and they have to stay out guarding them so they don't wake up again. Thats 5 members and you'll need atleatts 2 members to kill the person inside. One for taking care of the guards inside the house and the other to kill the person. we would've thought it took to 2 of you to kill and other one member to take of the guards had it not been for the clean way you kill the person. I never saw any signs of a struggle to fight. You always had it simple like a shot in the head or an injection of paralysis or a clean cut in the throat. So it was unnecessary for 2 members to make the kill and thats totally 7 members" Song lin looked up finally looked up at them. Lu chen stared at her with his jaw open while Ji zue just looked thoughtful. He suddenly whipped his head towards her and asked

"How did you know about the 2 females" both song lin and lin shiyu smiled. Song lin shook her head

"It was just a guess when I said that infront of the commander and since you didnt object I figured I was right." Ji zue and lu chen looked confused.

"How did you guess?" Ji zue asked. Song lin just shook her head

"Okay how about this? Dont tell me who your team members are...I want to see for myself if I'm right and I'll tell you tomorrow how I guessed it" Ji zue would've protested then and there but there was some kind of mischievous light in her eyes. He found it hard to object. She looked wicked but beautiful. He nodded a little dazedly.

"Then we'll meet tomorrow if there's nothing to discuss now" lin shiyu said and stood up but lu chen turned to her and asked a bit neutrally.

"How did you figure out that we are 6 members again?" both Song lin and lin shiyu went silent for a moment. It was hard not to notice the change in Lu chens tone. Song lin spoke since she knew Lin shiyu would use a soft tone and Lu chen might not like the pity.

"I think it was 2 years ago. At first we assumed we were wrong in speculating your members but then you repeated the same pattern. I mean....in your starting missions you used to render all the guards unconscious but since the last 2 years you picked a particular side and we found some rope marks near the windows in mostly every persons window. It was risky. I mean any guards who is in the other side of the house may come there anytime and notice the unconscious guards but still you did it in the same way for past two years. So we figured you are out of options and you will only become out of options if----"

"I got it" lu chen interrupted suddenly. Song lin pursued her lips and nodded and stood up.

"Lets meet tomorrow I need to inform the troops that I'm going on a mission" both the males nodded and song lin , lin shiyu walked out of the room.