

Anna2810 · Fantasy
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86 Chs


Ji zue turned to face Lu chen when he heard the door close. Lu chen's face is as expected dimmed. Ji zue sighed and spoke

"Are you alright?" lu chen was startled by his voice. He quickly came back to his usual cheerfulness and said

"Yeah" Ji zue sighed again and looked away. Something's in life you have to fight them yourself overcome things yourself. There was nothing he could do except to make sure to stay by lu chens side.

"I'm actually quite looking forward to how our dummies will react when they meet the shadowsisters" Lu chen said suddenly. Ji zue felt a headache coming on. When he saw Ji zue's expression Lu chen laughed.

"Here take your phone and inform them everything and all the best in answering their questions" Ji zue glared at him.

"Captain wolf don't you think it should be you informing them about this since you are the captain?" Lu chen gave him his most adorable smile and stood up.

"I'm confident in my second in command Mr Ji" he than ran out of the room. Ji zue shook his head in frustration. He took his phone and contemplated about who he should call. He finally dialed someone's number who he thought was the safest one among the troublesome group. The phone connected sooner than he expected. Soon a loud voice could be heard

"STOOOOOPPP that you twoooo" then he heard the person breathing hard "Bro?" then the other person called out happily. Ji zue smiled at the ever so familiar tone.

"Mm its me. why any of you aren't asleep? its very late already and how come you are all at one place?" he said his tone containing a softness that others never get to witness. The other party let out a frustrated sigh.

"Just what do you want me to do bro???? that bastard woke the demoness up and you know what the next scene is. We felt bored that's why we gathered up in our usual place. Anyway why did you call me now? why aren't you asleep?" she started firing questions. Ji zue's face turned serious as he said.

"Don't tell them that I called you just yet and get away from them for a little while" the other party went silent for a moment

"What's the matter bro ? you're scaring me..." she paused and said after a heartbeat "Okay good. Now tell me what's this about?" Ji zue took a deep breath and explained everything to her while answering her questions now and then. She was a good listener and that is why he called her.

"So you are basically telling me that we have three days before we are off to jump off a clip" she said glumly. He laughed

"Yeah. you're absolutely right. " she sighed

"Alright then I will tell them now since they aren't asleep anyway."

"Yeah okay. Get ready okay? We are gonna meet up tomorrow" he reminded her again.

"When ? Morning?" he heard her ask. He thought for a moment before saying

"Probably afternoon rose. We are gonna get off our posts in the morning and we'll return to our usual place and I'll take you from there to meet them"

"Okay bro. Goodnight" she chirped excitedly.

"Good night rose" Ji zue said and hung up the phone.

* * * * *

Inside song lin's office.

Song lin sat in her seat flipping some documents while shi jin stood infront of her. The silence in the room is killing him. He is too afraid to ask her anything. He worked so many years as her third. So he sort of knew that Song lin's not in a good mood right now. She kept on frowning from the moment she sat in her chair. The door opened and Lin shiyu came in. Shi jin heaved a sigh of relief because if there's anyone who's daring enough to go near song lin in such times its her.

Lin shiyu laughed when she saw shi jin's expression. She gave him an assured expression and spoke to song lin

"Why did you call him in here?" song lin looked up abruptly and she had an expression that said : Oh you are still here! Seeing that shi jin felt like killing her but ofcourse he wouldn't dare to.

"I forgot I called you in here. Why are you standing there like a rock without saying anything" vahhh...this women is driving him crazy. As he opened his mouth song lin spoke again.

"Tomorrow both the major and his second are going to leave" she paused and looked up. Shi jin felt relieved. He didn't know how many more fights would have happened if they stayed.

"And both me and shiyu are off on a mission. Unlike everytime this time we are going to be out for 4 months"

"4 months ??!!" he asked her bewildered. Its normal for her to go on missions but never for such a long time. Song lin nodded

"While I'm away colonel Liang may come to check things out. I don't want to hear any complaints shi jin and you know how to contact me when I'm away right?" shi jin nodded.

"We'll be leaving at 8:00. You will be in charge while I'm away. you can leave now" shi jin saluted her and went out. Lin shiyu sighed and turned to song lin

"Come let's packup" Song lin nodded and they both walked towards their dorm.

"Its our first time working with others....I feel a little nervous" shiyu said as she opened the door to their room. Song lin walked towards her shelf and took out a suit case while lin shiyu did the same.

"What's there to be nervous? " she asked as she put her clothes one by one in to her suit case.

"You sure are confident. What if we have problems while working with each other?" shiyu asked frowning.

"You think any of them would care about some teeny tiny internal problems when these many lives are at stake?" Song lin as she turned to face shiyu.

"Yeah you are right..but ,I don't know I just feel a little nervous" song lin sighed as she walked towards shiyu. She sat beside her and said

"What are you so nervous for? Its not like you are alone...I'll be there with you" she assured her. Lin shiyu sighed and nodded.