

Anna2810 · Fantasy
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86 Chs

How many members are there in your team?

Lin shiyu opened her eyes as she heard the door open. She straightened in her chair when she saw all three of them walking in. She stood up and went towards them. Both Ji zue and Lu chen sat on the sofa while song lin stood infront of Lin shiyu like a rock. When shiyu saw that song lin had no intention to move she looked up at her.

"What ?" she asked raising her brows

"I don't think you, going on this mission is a good idea" song lin said and walked towards the window. Lin shiyu stood rooted the spot. She spoke after a moment

"What do you mean ?" shiyu asked as she turned to face song lin but song lin still didn't turn from the window. Lin shiyu could see her clenched fists.

"I meant exactly what I said Sergeant Lin" song lin said with icy calm. Both males looked up at them but wisely kept quite. Lin shiyu's face hardened at that formal tone.

"I thought it was my choice whether to stay or leave" lin shiyu said with steel in her voice. Song lin turned to face her.

"You really want to do this?" Song lin asked her again. She looked very angry.

"Yes" shiyu said immediately. They both stared each other down. After what felt like an eternity Song lin broke her stare and walked towards the sofa without so much as a glance towards lin shiyu. Shiyu clenches her fists but didn't say anything else. She too went and sat opposite song lin.

Ji zue and Lu chen could literally see the electric sparks in the air. Finally Lu chen cleared his throat and said

"You said you know a place right? where is it?"

"You know the Qi kai institute in the city right?" she asked. Lin shiyu's head snapped up but song lin didn't glance at her as she said

"You and your team can come there and I'll take you from there"

"Why are you taking them there?" lin shiyu asked sharply. Song lin looked at her for a long moment before answering.

"We have three days before we leave. Tomorrow morning we are to get off our posts. We'll meet them to discuss our plans and after that we can go home. After 3 days we'll have to meet the commander along with both colonel Zhou and colonel liang and then we are off to America." she said looking down at her hands.

"So.....you are going home then ?" shiyu asked her voice a lot less sharper. Song lin went silent for a moment. Then she looked up and said

"Yeah" she looked away immediately. She knew if they were alone shiyu would ask her a thousand questions. She didn't feel like answering any of them. She didn't even know what to answer.

Lu chen felt weird in this atmosphere. He is used to see Song lin and lin shiyu on one side. Now it is strange to see them opposing each other. He didn't understand why song lin's insisting that shiyu shouldn't come. He cleared his throat and leaned forward

"May I ask you some questions?" he asked looking at Song lin.

"Me first" she said. Lu chen raised his brows but it was Ji zue who spoke, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

" I thought you already figured everything out after all you are the mighty shadowsisters right?" Song lin ignored him and looked straight at Lu chen

"I suspected that there are 7 members in your group from the start but from the last 2 years I'm not sure its 7 or 6?" both Lu chen and Ji zue went very very still. Lu chen looked worse than pale. Song lin didn't understand what she said that offended them so much. She tried to remember every conversation they've had since they came here. Both Song lin and lin shiyu looked at each other at the same moment. By the look from her face Song lin knew lin shiyu was doing the same and had got the answer. Song lin instantly regretted asking that question. That was when Lu chen spoke, his voice neutral and devoid of emotion

"When the alpha group is found it was actually 7 members but now its 6" Song lin nodded and immediately changed the topic

"Tell me the names of your team members. They aren't from the same troop as yours are they?" Lu chen shook his head. Ji zue sighed and leaned forward

"How the hell did you manage to find out all this? When you even know that the remaining members aren't from our troops then how come you don't know who they are?" he looked frustrated like he couldn't believe they were found out so easily. Song lin gave him a cunning smile that she knew would drive his ego insane and indeed his vibe changed the moment he saw her cunning little smile.

Lin shiyu somehow felt the temperature drop around them. She subconsciously turned and looked at Ji zue and Song lin who are now in the middle of a staring contest. She sighed. She was busy observing Lu chen and Song lin already caused trouble. Nothing good could come out of their staring contest. She quickly spoke.

"Oh let me explain major Ji..." she said and all of them turned to her.