
The opulent wife: the cool queen

The royal princess who caused the entire globe to kowtow to her posed as a commoner with an unattractive face and mingle in the academy to facilitate a political union. Due to her inferior rank, her classmates suspected her of theft, and the following day, she was beaten into the hospital. The day after someone dumped filthy water over her in the hallway, her head was shoved into an offensive ditch. At the academy's test celebration, it was revealed that she would be expelled for cheating on the exam, and all of her classmates despised her to the core. However, the royal family, who had been looking for her for years, found her at this very last minute.

OSTAR1 · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

CHAPTER THREE - Mr Mark gave immediate testimony.

It was a personalized piece rather than one that was on sale beforehand! Additionally, it was free in addition to being customized. The audience as a whole was in awe.

"..." Miller Anna stared wide-eyed as Moana took the clothes and put them away. She was constantly asking herself why. Why? Why did she have to make so many arrangements only to obtain Nan's pre-sale item when Moana, the country bumpkin, could have one for free that was specially made?

It is not possible. The other students' responses were essentially identical to Miller Anna's. How is it possible that she is connected to Nan's subsidiary? There must be an error. Open the package right away and pose as interested.

Do you dare to rip open the packaging, Moana? Without even turning to face her, Moana seized the clothing and ripped the packing apart. Everyone's attention was immediately drawn to the luxurious custom-made suit that was immediately eye-catching.

This comparison made Miller Anna's outfit appear to be a copycat in all honesty.

"What is happening here?" The visitors were stunned and chatted about it among themselves. "Moana's parents are garbage collectors, right? Where did she purchase Nan's unique item? It's free, too?

"No, Nan's official website has never featured this kind of clothing!" The sort of apparel Moana was holding couldn't be located on the official website, so a visitor shockedly checked their phone.


Miller Anna glanced at Moana with disappointment as soon as she knew what was happening. I didn't anticipate you to be this way, Moana. How could you use this strategy to humiliate me and sabotage my birthday meal after I've been so wonderful to you?

Is this person, who purports to be Nan's subsidiary's assistant, also someone you invited?

You may enjoy Brother Robinson, but stop being so prejudiced against me! I simply look a little nicer than you do, and I have a little more money at home than you do.

I don't like Mr. Robinson, you are just being pretentious, Moana murmured, glancing carelessly at Miller Anna while everyone stared at her with odd, scornful eyes.

He is Nan's subsidiary's assistant, so I don't need to invite him.

To die for a face hurts so much!

Hehe, I'm still not willing to acknowledge it.

Why hadn't Miller Anna noticed before that this ugly girl had such a powerful plotting mind? She dared to employ Nan just to pursue Brother Robinson!

"Mr. Mark from the business sector will arrive at that moment. He has interacted with Nan's assistant and worked with Nan's subsidiary. It's not too late if you accept it right away. I'm not gonna blame you.

Moana just glanced at Miller Anna laughed mockingly and kept quiet.

The man in a suit next to him, the secondary assistant to Nan, grimaced, and his regard for Miller Anna dropped.

The assistant kindly informed Moana, "Miss Moana, the garments have been delivered. I'm concerned things will get worse and bring difficulties for Moana. I'll return to the company first if there is nothing else.

When the guests heard this, their disdain increased.

"See, he's afraid."

He is leaving earlier than he should be. Is he worried that Mr. Mark will find him?

"I was aware. How could the cleaner's daughter have any manners? She is dishonest and vain. She even has the audacity to say that Nan is her assistant. How despicable. The audience was having fun while verbally making fun of Moana.

At the door, a security guard's voice abruptly cut them off. "Mr. Mark from the Mark Group has arrived."

In a split second, the room became silent. One of An City's most affluent families was the Mark family.

Although there was only one level between the two businesses, their wealth and power were completely different.

Several persons in the room gave each other endearing smiles and turned to face the door.

Moana, don't be so intransigent. You still have time to confess right now. Miller Anna remarked dismally to Moana, "I know you're doing this for the sake of face, and I understand.

She looked to be saying it for Moana's own benefit, but Moana couldn't help but sense the sarcasm in her remarks.

It would be embarrassing for our Miller family if you insisted that you were Nan's assistant and later got caught in front of Mr Mark. Miller Anna persisted in her argument.

Embarrassing? Why did she get the impression that the speaker was truly delighted about it?

Miller Anna was speaking when a deep, regal laugh slowly emerged from the entrance. Everyone then noticed a middle-aged man in his forties, dressed in a tailored suit, approaching them while commanding attention.

Oh, it's such a pleasure to meet Mr. Mark here.

It seems like Mr. Mark is getting younger and younger lately.

Mr. Mark gave the throng a simple hello nod, as if he was used to hearing such flattering remarks.

A female visitor who wanted to get near to him stopped him as he was about to enter and greeted him, "Hello, Mr. Mark. I am...

You are here at the ideal time. Please confirm, we have something to ask you about.

Since he couldn't see what was going on inside, Mr. Mark kindly said, "I'm not sure what it is you need me to confirm?" despite his small frown.

The guest then jokingly stated, "This is a classmate invited by Miss Miller," while pointing directly at Moana, who was donning a faded school uniform. She also had a person posing as an employee from Nan's subsidiary company in order to imply that Miss Miller's clothing is fake.

The custom-made dress Nan is holding is not even listed on the company website.

We heard that you had spoken with the assistant at Nan's subsidiary company, so we thought we'd ask you, Mr. Mark, to confirm.

The instant "Nan's subsidiary company assistant" was spoken, Mr. Mark's eyes flashed a hint of appreciation.

Despite being a top-tier tycoon in An City, Nan was a person who could communicate on a global scale.

He merely needed to compliment Nan's aide.

Mr. Mark instinctively glanced up and followed the guest's gesture in that direction.

It's been a while, Mr. Mark.

Although the assistant didn't want to make things worse, this point had already been reached. He tried to depart but was unable to.

"Long time, no see?" The greeting from the assistant to Mr. Mark brought a chuckle from the audience.

Mr. Mark, does he know him? Does he really believe that by cultivating relationships, he can establish himself as Nan Corporation's assistant?

When did An City generate a person with such a lack of shame? You, Mr. Mark...

The group was making fun of Mr. Mark while smiling smugly and confidently in his direction.

But as they were laughing, they all of a sudden lost their ability to laugh.


Their students carried a portrait of Mr. Mark, the CEO of Mark Corporation.

He quickly flashed the kind of courteous smile that could only be given to someone of tremendous significance when he spotted the person who had called him.

He approached the assistant fast, bowed slightly, and made a very respectful face."

Long time no see, it's really you, the assistant of Nan Corporation..."