
The opulent wife: the cool queen

The royal princess who caused the entire globe to kowtow to her posed as a commoner with an unattractive face and mingle in the academy to facilitate a political union. Due to her inferior rank, her classmates suspected her of theft, and the following day, she was beaten into the hospital. The day after someone dumped filthy water over her in the hallway, her head was shoved into an offensive ditch. At the academy's test celebration, it was revealed that she would be expelled for cheating on the exam, and all of her classmates despised her to the core. However, the royal family, who had been looking for her for years, found her at this very last minute.

OSTAR1 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

CHAPTER FOUR - Does he actually work for Nan?

The room was hushed when Mr. Mark finished speaking.

Was the person next to Moana really just referred to as "Nan's assistant" by Mr. Mark?

"His helper? Is he indeed Nan's helper?

Miller Anna's face froze, her hands squeezed shut, and her expression twisted with rage. She made an effort to keep her composure as she rephrased her initial question to Mr. Mark, "Mr. Mark... is he really the assistant of Nan's subsidiary?"

Due of Mr. Mark's position, the visitors there were afraid to say more.

Only Miller Anna's classmates were shocked and said, "It's impossible," pointing at Moana. even on the official website, her clothing is nowhere to be found.

How could Nan's aide be the one who sent the dress?

Please take a closer look, Mr. Mark.

Take a closer look?," a member of the crowd shouted as Mr. Mark burst out laughing. Are you making fun of me because I'm blind? I'm the CEO of Mark Corporation, how come I don't even recognize Nan's assistant at the subsidiary?"

At Mr. Mark's words, the entire hall was silent.

The people who had earlier made fun of Moana for not being able to purchase the outfit were continually changing their expressions and looked extremely attractive.

I'm sorry, Moana; I misread you.

Miller I didn't think you would receive Nan's design, but it's excellent since it means I won't have to worry about you not having a dress to wear to the dinner, Anna clinched her fingers and forced a grin.

I truly didn't think you could get along with Nan coming from a family like yours. You don't blame me, Moana, do you?

In response, Moana simply grinned deeply.

Do they truly believe that she is the same Moana who was bullied a month earlier and didn't fight back? Now, not even the Millers could afford to irritate her.

"Won't blame you," Moana replied as she walked gracefully and firmly in the direction of Miller Anna. "I blame you for wearing a fake and acting like it's Nan's pre-sale item that the Miller family can easily obtain," the man said.

Miller Anna had worked very hard to obtain this outfit specifically for the banquet today. How was she supposed to take the insult of being called out for wearing a fake?

How could you do this, South Jin? Anna the miller objected. "I graciously extended an invitation to you to attend my birthday feast, but you keep criticizing me. How is this costume a fake?

The visitors agreed that Miller Anna was correct. The Millers were too self-assured to wear fake clothes.

The moment Miller's supporters were going to speak out, Anna, Nan's assistant, who was standing to the side, made a startling announcement that astonished everyone in the room.

Miss Moana is accurate. The cuff of Nan's apparel features an "N" logo, whereas yours does not.

Few people would notice this particular detail in this genuine Nan-designed mark.

The 'N' logo was visible!

Miller Anna quickly glanced at her dress' cuff and gave it two thorough inspections. Her appearance then got significantly worse.

The other kids around her, however, were unaffected by her shift in demeanour and stood up straight, projecting confidence.

One of the students remarked, "Our clothing can't be phoney; there must be a logo on them.

Another student, who assumed Anna was scared to display her brand in front of Moana, exclaimed, "Anna, show Moana your clothes and let her see whether they're real or fake!"


Two, three, four seconds have passed.

The room grew silent as everyone continued to look at Anna's shirt cuff for some time.

I said, "I, I didn't see it?"

"Neither do I!"

You really don't have a logo on the cuff of your clothing, Anna?

Anna bit her lip in embarrassment as she observed this.

She spent a lot of money on garments, but they turned out to be false.

And Moana, the ugly and helpless fool, had the genuine deal.

Had Moana surpassed herself?

"No way? "Anna, your clothes are totally fake, but Moana's are real,"


"How could Anna's clothes be a fake?"

All of the students were in a state of shock as they all gazed with wide eyes.

So who was Anna?

the affluent family's daughter!

Who was Moana, exactly?

How did she afford clothes that Anna couldn't even buy as a commoner?

Tell me, Moana! What store did you get these outfits at?

Moana was being questioned by a student who abruptly stood up and pointed at her nose.

The other students gradually recovered from their amazement upon hearing this.

"Yeah! How could you have Nan's clothes when your mum is simply a garbage collector, one of them asked.

Another person questioned, "Moana, did you obtain these clothes using unlawful means?"

The surrounding students were astounded when they heard this.

They mocked Moana as they observed her.

"Moana, you can't take stuff, even if you wish to compete with Anna for the Landlord's attention! You..." But before the classmate could finish, Nan's assistant, who was standing next to Moana, abruptly cut her off.

The assistant asserted, "Guarantee with Nan's brand reputation that this outfit was specifically created for Miss Moana."

Her face grew pale as the words of the interrupted classmate became lodged in her throat. She carefully lowered her head, appearing as though she wanted to find a hole to hide in, drawing the curious looks of people around her.

Oh no, she hadn't realized Nan's assistant was here.

How did Moana manage to get Nan's assistant's attention?

Miller Anna felt humiliated as she glanced at her classmates who had been silent until Nan's aide spoke. She attempted a grin as she stared at Moana while pulling her rigid jaw back.

"Moana, I made a mistake today."

Moana laughed, interrupting her before she could continue her thought.

wearing knockoffs while being able to sell products that are set to be launched later on in advance. The Miller family will now be prohibited from working for Nan Clothing, per the guidelines. Additionally, they must pay $1,000,000 in damages for Nan's harm to her reputation as a brand.


Miller Anna's eyes filled with hatred.

She truly embarrassed Moana today!

She took a long breath and attempted to control the impulse to hit Moana twice, but she soon felt the curious looks of the other visitors around her.


What ought she to do?

She won't be able to stand tall in aristocratic households ever again after she pays this money...

She must not pay if she is unable to.

But what ought should she do?

A chilly male voice rang out before Miller Anna could think of a solution.

Who the hell would mistreat my woman?