
the monarch

What if you spend your whole life like a vegetable in a hospital bed? Only being able to speak and listen. Just that. Would you go crazy? Unbalanced? What if it was all the fault of a degenerate madman looking for his parents' inheritance? Would you be angry? Would you be mentally broken? That was Kayden's life for 20 years and as quickly as it started, it ended, but luckily for him, reincarnation existed and by some miracle, he still had his memories of it. And....his new world had...magic. In the first moment of consciousness, Kayden made a promise to himself, in this life, he would achieve everything, he would reach the height of power, he wouldn't give a damn about women or money, futile things that would condemn him to mediocrity, his focus was to have the power to rule his destiny, this time he would not be a slave to his own life, he would be a monarch. Image made by: Queen Frieza

Zetronys · แฟนตาซี
466 Chs

Capital[2] BONUS

The boy had square features and blue eyes, with perfect proportions his face resembled that of a model. Matching his face, his body was tall and sculpted with defined muscles.

The girl had long blonde hair that bordered on white, her eyes were also blue and, with her red lips, her beauty far surpassed that of models, it was almost as if she were the personification of the goddess of beauty.

Kayden didn't remember seeing such beautiful people before, for a few seconds he doubted his own appearance.

"Heimer! Long time, I didn't expect your message", the boy was the first to start a conversation with a friendly smile.

"Hello, Matheus, hello, Sarah," Heimer smiled amiably and pointed at Kayden. "This here is my brother, Kayden, I came to participate in the Sol Academy test and it turned out that you lived nearby."

His sentence caused a gleam of understanding to pass through the eyes of the two blondes.

"You should wait another year, Heimer, but that's your choice in the end, come, come in", this time the girl spoke and it seemed like she had already had this conversation with Heimer before.

Along the way, the two introduced themselves to Kayden in a friendly way, it didn't even seem like they were nobles.

As they entered, it was possible to see several statues and sculptures from different eras, the quality of the work was truly impressive, it didn't even look like it had been made in marble.

All of this was complemented with a stone path and carefully chosen trees to enhance the beauty of the place. The mansion was in the Greek style, with large pilasters and made of white marble, it didn't even look like a family home.

"What rank are you?" Heimer asked as they walked.

"Beginning of the ninth kingdom," the boy replied.

"Peak of the ninth realm," the girl also gave her answer.

Kayden was shocked once again that day, it seemed like all the people in this region were incredibly strong.

"What about you, Kayden?" Matheus asked curiously.

"I'm only in the sixth realm," Kayden didn't feel bad saying that, he still had practically five years before taking the academy test. "But I'm only eight years old," the end of his sentence took them both by surprise.

Because of the accelerated development caused by the mana heart, his body already appeared to be a few years older than it actually was, his muscles were already developed, giving him a healthy and strong appearance.

"I see, in a few years you can join us at Academia Sol then", before Kayden could respond, Matheus was slapped on the head by Sarah.

"We haven't entered yet, don't claim victory too soon",

The next few hours Kayden and Heimer spent talking and playing different types of games with the two brothers, this was probably one of the first times in both of his lives that Kayden just took a day to rest without doing anything at all.

Close to the time agreed with Han for them to return home, a man similar to Matheus walked through the door, along with two other brown-haired children.

The man had the same characteristics as Matheus and Sarah, with blond hair and blue eyes, and in addition to his sculpted face, there was a well-cut blonde beard, demarcating his elegant appearance.

The two children had practically the same features as Matheus, the only difference was their brown hair and eyes of the same color, other than that they were practically the same person.

The appearance of this family being practically the same reminded Kayden of something David had told him, as wizards advance on the path to power, their offspring used to come more and more like him.

Almost as if his own DNA recognized that only certain characteristics should be passed on as they were of better quality, David called this natural selection of mana.

"I greet the duke," Heimer bowed, taking Kayden by surprise, the boy never expected that man to be a duke nor even that they were in the house of a high-ranking noble family.

Heimler 's greeting and bowed. The duke just told them to relax and left with the two children, not even an iota of his attention was directed towards the two as he had to carry the two children who seemed to be sulking.

After exchanging contact with the two, Kayden and Heimler left the house and returned to Han. The championship was held over two days, meaning Heimler only had one more day to relax before simply undergoing exams.

As soon as they arrived at the house, they were greeted by Han, who took them to dinner again in the same room with Lucian. Again, the table was simply filled with different foods.

"Dad, can I participate in this year's exams?" Kayden asked directly, bluntly. Even if he wasn't even at the level to pass, he could still use the experience to train.

"Kayden…" Han took a moment to respond as he thought. "Unfortunately, I can't sign you up at the last minute." His tone left no doubt that his words were true.

"It's okay, dad, no problem…" Kayden was interrupted by Lucian.

"I have one spot left, but what can you offer me, kid?" Lucian said with a heavy voice. Unfortunately for him, Han didn't care about his opinion at all.

"There, Kayden, I'll take you the day after tomorrow with Heimler ." As soon as he said that, he went back to eating as if nothing had happened.

"Hey! But what about my compensation? These jobs are not easy to get." Lucian complained and was simply ignored by the old man as if he were a child.


The day had finally arrived. Kayden didn't really expect to participate this time, nor did he even have any ambitions of coming to see the exam, as Heimler only told him about it recently.

It can be said that it was several turns of fate that brought him here. To go to the exam location, which was outside the city, they boarded Lucian's private airship. Kayden didn't know exactly who the redhead was, but he was certainly rich.

The aircraft had dozens of massage chairs, drinks and maids ready to serve any desire of its crew members. Even a private chef was present. All of this reeked of luxury and money.

The trip took about two hours just to get out of the city area and another thirty minutes to get to the destination. As soon as they got close, they could see the huge number of air and land vehicles heading in the same direction.

The exams took place on a plain near a forest. The roads ended in a gigantic parking lot, where robots did the maneuvers so that everyone could be allocated correctly.