
the monarch

What if you spend your whole life like a vegetable in a hospital bed? Only being able to speak and listen. Just that. Would you go crazy? Unbalanced? What if it was all the fault of a degenerate madman looking for his parents' inheritance? Would you be angry? Would you be mentally broken? That was Kayden's life for 20 years and as quickly as it started, it ended, but luckily for him, reincarnation existed and by some miracle, he still had his memories of it. And....his new world had...magic. In the first moment of consciousness, Kayden made a promise to himself, in this life, he would achieve everything, he would reach the height of power, he wouldn't give a damn about women or money, futile things that would condemn him to mediocrity, his focus was to have the power to rule his destiny, this time he would not be a slave to his own life, he would be a monarch. Image made by: Queen Frieza

Zetronys · Fantasy
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466 Chs


Author's note: at the beginning because I can, you readers are heartless, right? Just add an extra chapter and you can sell it to your mother if necessary, it was simply 8 stones 2 hours after yesterday's note. The next chapters will just be a taste of the main track, don't get too used to it.

In one district, everything was in medieval Chinese characteristics, with details very specific to their culture, such as curved tile roofs, carved columns, tree-lined internal courtyards, and symmetrical layouts. It was truly impressive to see.

In another, there were just square buildings without any details, nothing more than a large black rectangle or any other color. It looked like something from an apocalyptic world controlled only by robots.

After a few minutes of traveling within the capital, they stopped in an area that looked like a normal city. There weren't any different details, it was just a big, well-built city.

After getting off the train, Han led them to a large mansion in the upscale area of the city. This area had its walls and made a clear separation between nobles and commoners.

The houses here had immense gardens and boasted wealth in every inch of construction. Kayden had no idea why they were heading in this direction, but it became clear when, within moments, they stopped at one of the houses.

It looked similar to all the others in the area, with gardens and trees scattered throughout and a 3-story mansion in the center of the property. As soon as Han rang the doorbell, he was answered promptly.

"Mister Han! Thank you for coming, I was eagerly waiting for you, sir." Pretending to be casual from the surreal speed with which he appeared, a relatively young man appeared.

His stature was tall, approaching 1.90 meters, with bright red hair, that appeared to be dyed because the color was so strong. His eyes matched his hair and were bright red too.

And with his fair skin, everything was highlighted a notch higher. With a dazzling white smile, he beckoned them in.

" Come in, come in, I have prepared a banquet in your honor." Kayden didn't know what to say. The man didn't even look at them while he was fixated on Han. As they entered, the man continued talking and talking, while receiving short answers from Han.

The house was very well looked after. When they entered the front door, they found themselves in a large lounge with sofas and a fireplace. It seemed to be more of a living room for the family than for receiving visitors.

The man guided them to a typical movie dining room, with a table that spanned the room with dozens of chairs on each side. The room was extensively decorated with gold and torches, symbolizing wealth.

The table was filled with different types of food and drinks. With a huge roast pig with an apple in its mouth in the center, the feast could easily feed 40 people and still have leftovers for the next meal.

"Lucian, what did I say about wasting things?" As soon as Han's voice came out, Lucian lost his cheerful attitude for a moment. But quickly a wide-open smile returned to his face.

"I will give it to the household staff for their good service the year after." His excuse seemed similar to that of a child who was caught doing something wrong. As everyone was sitting down and starting to eat, Kayden was thinking.

'Lucian?' Where had he heard that name before? It seemed like a long time ago. After a few minutes of eating in silence, Kayden managed to remember. It was in a call he heard from Han when he was not even 1 year old.

"And your path?" Han asked Lucian, snapping Kayden out of his flashback. This was a subject that interested him since he also had to find his way. Lucian opened his spiritual sense to Han.

"Very well, I see you have made it to the next kingdom well."

'Next kingdom?' Kayden's mind went blank for a few seconds. This meant he was facing a wizard in the fourth realm. If even the guide was in the third realm and could rule an entire guild, what could someone from the fourth realm do?

Was he a marquis? No, that seemed too low. A duke? But he didn't even have family in the house. It didn't even look like he was noble, maybe he was a merchant or something.

"So what brings you to town, Han?" Lucian asked curiously as he looked at the two boys. It seemed to be the first time he had laid eyes on them and ended up noticing their presence.

"Heimer is going to take the Sol Academy test," the old man said calmly as he nodded toward Heimer. When he heard this, Lucian checked the boy with his spiritual sense.

"Not bad, peak ninth rank at 14 years old," Lucian wasn't impressed considering everything he'd seen in the capital, but he had to admit that it wasn't a talent to throw away.

"I'm 13 years old, Mr. Lucian", Heimer's speech made him freeze a little as he processed the information. It may seem small, but this one-year difference was simply monstrous.

"13 years… congratulations, kid, you have what it takes to go to Sol Academy." Everyone knew that it wasn't just the rank that would determine one's ability to pass the prestigious best college in the kingdom, but since he came with Han, the boy must be truly talented.

After this brief interaction between the two, Lucian no longer spoke to them. Kayden didn't like the host very much, it seemed like he didn't even consider the two of them as people. Maybe this was a problem among the powerful.

A few minutes after they had a hearty lunch, Han simply took two gold coins out of his pocket and gave one to each of the children and, with a smile, told the two to be back in time for dinner.

Outside the mansion, the two found themselves lost without knowing what to do. Within seconds, Han had them out without even giving any explanation. Sighing, Heimer took the lead.

"Come with me, I know some people nearby", Kayden, who had nothing better to do, followed his friend who was using his cell phone. After a few minutes, Kayden discovered that Heimer had talent in many areas, but directing wasn't one of them.

Kayden coughed.

"Can I see the map?" Heimer handed over his cell phone as if he wasn't the problem as the two were walking around the place. The dot on the map was barely two kilometers away and, considering the size of the houses in this neighborhood, it was practically three houses away.

A few minutes later, the two found themselves facing a giant iron gate. Unlike Lucian's house, this one had a griffin coat of arms representing that it was the residence of a noble family.

"Who are your friends, Heimer?" Kayden asked curiously, the capital was quite far from his hometown.

"I met them when I went to compete in the state magic competitions a few years ago," before the boy could continue, the gate opened revealing a couple of blonde teenagers.