

This is cut version of... Novel : THE MEMORY LOST IN SPACE Author: TONG HUA Translator: HONGGSHUAI Lorraine was a fake princess. She's the only pure-gene human in the mutant world. Without past memories, she had befriended with an experimental body who could turn into a dangerous beast. Nothing can escape the clutches of time. Death and deterioration is but an eventuality. Only memory is not bound by the shackles of time. In fact some memories become clearer steeped in time. The beautiful, the ugly, all the has-beens. Each event seemingly small and insignificant but their flashes of brilliance can even outdazzle the night’s sky. An existence that should be denied, he thought he would be alone forever for a soul born in darkness was destined to be swallowed up by darkness. Happiness can only be a mirage. Yet he cannot control his feelings that are overflowing because he has found someone willing to stand with him against all odds. One existence was built on another person’s genetic makeup. The other lived a fabricated lie. Just like a whisper in the wind, they had no past and no future. They only have the present. They only have each other. Will your pursuit only end with the withering of the final rose? Will you discover that you’ve missed all of its radiant beauty only when it is gone? Will you only stop grumbling about the cold when the last snowflake has fallen? Will you regret failing to appreciate the here and now?

94 Chs


Luo Xun woke up dizzyly and found herself lying in the treatment pod, not knowing how long she had been unconscious, feeling her head heavy and stiffened limbs.   

She struggled out of the treatment pod, exercising her hands and feet while cautiously looking around.   

In the small sealed room were full with neat and tidy packed commodities like a storage room. Had she been considered as commodities?  

Luo Xun opened the metal door and walked out. She carefully observed the surrounding environment, feeling like she was on a spaceship.   

She was absolutely at a loss, totally not know what happened. Could it be that she was exiled by Anda after failing to escape from prison?   

Luo Xun didn't know where she was and also didn't know whether the encompassment was friend or foe. She didn't dare to shout loudly, so she could only be on the alert and went on, hoping to figure out where she was first.

She felt that something was fishy as she walked. This was not a civilian spaceship, nor an ordinary military spaceship, but a battleship.   

Luo Xun's heartbeat speeded up. Did Anda sneak her onto Yin Nanzhao's battleship, disguised as extra supplies?   

Suddenly, a sharp siren sounded.   

Luo Xun didn't know what was going on. As she was at a loss, the battleship began to shake turbulently. She hurriedly grabbed anything she could hold nearby her hand and tried to fix herself with full strength.

The battleship shook left and right. The gravity changed rapidly.   

While the sky spun, Luo Xun was extremely grateful to Su Qi for her special training, not letting her became the first person to die on a battleship because of a crash.   

The turbulence became more and more violent. After twenty-thirty minutes, the battleship gradually stabilized.   

Luo Xun sighed, thanking that her feet could finally touch the floor.

A gun soundlessly pressed on the back of her head, "Who are you?"  

Luo Xun clearly felt the cold murderous aura, extremely sure that the person behind if not an iron-blood soldier, would be a demon hitman. She confessed very honestly: "Luo Xun."   

"Why sneaking up on the spaceship?"   

Luo Xun was about to cry, she didn't even know where this was, how could she know why she came here?   

The man's gun was pressed forward and was about to pull the trigger, Luo Xun panicked without thinking and hurriedly said: "Find your boss, I am his woman."   

The man's hand trembled a little before putting away the gun in silence. He bounded her hands behind her back without saying a word and pushed her forward.  




Following many turns and corners passageway, walking for a long way, after crossing a cabin door, suddenly became more people.

A dining room, some people were drinking and gambling, some people were eating and chatting, very lively.

No one wore military uniform, nor was there strict military atmosphere. Each and every one of them looked sloppy, wild and vicious, more like interstellar pirates who killed people for money and commit all sorts of crimes.

Luo Xun recalled what she had seen along the way, but did not see any sign that seemed to be Odin Federation.   

Her heart alarmed in fear. Where actually was here?

Battleship was battleship, but it was not like a battleship of Consul of the Odin Federation, more like a pirate spaceship transformed from a battleship.   

Wasn't Anda that sent her up but she was kidnapped after she fell unconscious?

"One-eyed bee, where did the woman come from?"   

The one-eyed man who escorted Luo Xun over replied with a cold face: "Caught over from the cargo, should have been sneaked on the spaceship during the last battle. She said she was the boss's woman."   

The dining room sudden became silence. Some men who were drinking 'pfff' out and spurted all liqueur. Those who were eating were choked by the paste-like nutrient and constantly coughing.

A group of large sturdy men all looked at Luo Xun with a look of 'admiring the great martyrs who were about to die valiantly'.

Luo Xun was in a state of confusion, yet was calm on the surface, accepting their admiration.   

One-eyed bee pushed Luo Xun into a distant corner of the dining room and ordered her to sit down, "Wait here and behaved."   

"Where is your boss?" Luo Xun tried asking.

One-eyed bee stared at Luo Xun with his only one eye.   

Luo Xun felt cold in her heart and did not dare to speak any more.   

One-eyed bee went to the counter to order a nutrient then sat down with two friends, talking while eating.   

Luo Xun all alone sat in the corner.   

There was no day and night on the interstellar spaceship. Shift working all on schedule and dining room was always open. People kept coming and going. Everyone coming in would take a special admiration on her. Obviously, she had already famous as the 'Boss's woman' on this pirate ship.

Luo Xun felt a little weird.  

The real and fake princess incident involved the two largest star nations in the interstellar world, Al Empire and Odin Federation together. It was the recent biggest news to watch out for. Although the current she and her in the video had a big difference, but it was still a bit strange that no one of so many crew members recognized her. Could it be that everyone didn't watch the news?   

Luo Xun made a smiling face and said to the chef who was as thin as a bamboo pole: "Sitting here is a bit boring, can you open the news?"   

One-eyed bee scolded: "Shut up!"   

The bamboo pole chef didn't care and lazily said: "All signals are blocked, no outside signals can be received, and no signals can be sent out. You be patient, won't last long anyway."

Luo Xun suddenly realized that this was the case. It seemed that this spaceship appeared to be loosely managed, but in fact was actually very strict.   

Not far away, a table of people who was drinking and gambling laughed and said, "Of all anyone to disguise, she wants to disguise as the boss's woman?"

"Even if she is looking for death, maybe choose a more comfortable way to die! Do you want to bet on how she died?"   

"See the boss' mood!"   

Luo Xun gloomily lay down on the table. That time a gun was pointed at her head, she thought only how she could shock the opponent to save her life. How would she have time to think so thoroughly?




Didn't know how long had passed, the noisy dining room suddenly quieted down.   

A man with deep and resounding voice reported: "Boss, one-eyed bee had caught a woman who sneaked into the spaceship. She said she was boss's woman."   

"My woman?" The indifferent tone with no temperature indifferent tone and even without emotions.

Luo Xun's body suddenly trembled. It was Qian Xu's voice!   

She was overwhelmed by emotions for a moment, her hands and feet were weakened. One instant she calmed down before she had the courage to lift her head and look at the speaker…

He turned his back to her, taking a nutrient.

The man standing next to him seemed to be refined and polite, but his face was tattooed with a red flying bird tattoo covering half of his face, looked very fascinating and weird. He looked at Luo Xun and said with a smile, "Oh! Look pretty good. Boss is very lucky with women."

"If you fancy her, you can take her back to sleep for a night, remember to dispose her after putting on your pants."

The tattooed man forced a smile and shook his head, "No need, no need."   

Luo Xun stared at the speaker in a daze. It obviously was Qian Xu's voice, but what he said was definitely not Qian Xu.   

"Kill then." He coldly ordered without turning his head back.   

Luo Xun was as if awaken from a dream and was about to open her mouth. One-eyed bee grabbed her to leave and covered her mouth tightly with one hand as if he was afraid that she would agitate their boss and caused trouble.   

Luo Xun muffled scream while kicked hard with her legs but no one pay attention to her.   

She had been dragged out of the dining room that Luo Xun finally struggled to make an unclear voice: "Qian Xu."   


Amidst the command shout, a shadow flew by her side like a gust of wind.   

Luo Xun's face was full of shock, foolishly staring at the person in front of her. It was really Qian Xu.

Those brows resembled thousands extending mountains, and those eyes were like the rising sun, those she had dreamed back at midnight, tossed and turned restlessly, and missed countless times.

Although they were obviously the same brows and eyes, but because of the different expressions and personality, he had become an entirely different person.  

He wore black combat suit. His brows were like cutting knife, his eyes were like carving sword, the whole stiff person was coldly sharp like a humanoid weapon that had killed countless people, not having the slightest trace of warmth atmosphere.

The author were poetically describing Qian Xu's feature. His name 千旭 is thousand + rising sun.

HONGGSHUAIcreators' thoughts