
Chapter 5: returning home

When the ceremony finished all eyes were on the Ensin and Phoenix clans. Ike and Alex joyfully met the children at the entrance. No parent was allowed in the hall during the ceremony. "Umbra... shall we go to the auction. You can tell me about your affinities later" Alex had many children and they all had and enlightened affinity with fire so he thought Umbra would be no different. Ike thought the same way as all four of them got on the carriage. "So what is your affinity?" Alex asked the moment they started to move. "I have enlightenment with both wind and lightning and scared with fire" the moment he said scared Ike and Alex were shocked. They could tell that Umbra was not lying due to the fact that they could sense his soul and it never gave the impression unless that Umbra was on the same cultivation level as them there was no way of hiding the truth from them. "So what about you Isis?" Ike asked her. He would never be disappointed in her; he mostly thought that she would have the same affinity as her brothers and sister. "I have a sacred affinity with ice." She said happily.

This shock almost gave him a heart attack. Ike looked at Alex "We are truly blessed with these two children."

"Indeed" Alex replied

When they arrived they entered a VIP room. A lot of items passed by but none that Umbra wanted to buy. He sat there for a while until the announcer brought up an elemental cultivation technique "Zeus's Heavenly Smiting technique."

[Ding new mission available]

'View missions'

[Obtain Zeus's Heavenly Smiting Technique

Rewards: 100,000 soul points.]

"Farther can I get that elemental cultivation technique?"

"Of course you will need a lightning one."

"The base price will begin at 500 gold coins" Umbra was shocked that was his monthly allowance. 100 copper coins made 1 silver 100 silver made 1 gold and 1000 gold made 1 emperor coin. 10 copper coins could be used to sustain family of four with no cultivators for a year.




"1300" Alex suddenly said

"Going once, going twice, sold to number 200!"

Nobody argued. That was a lot of money for a technique of an unknown level. The level for the techniques and skills goes as follows lower medium higher scared and god levels.

Then the one that came next interested Umbra "An unknown eye patch that was found in the same tomb as everything else. Bidding starts at 3 silver."

"1 gold" Umbra immediately shouted.

"Going once going twice sold to number 200" who would pay more than one gold for a random eye patch.

The Auction continued like this Umbra brought whatever the system said to buy he spent roughly 1500 on stuff. When the Auction Alex and Umbra bid their farewells to Ike and Isis and left for their home. Everyone else in the family already started to go over as they only came to visit the Ensin clan. While Alex and Umbra were on the road going back to Phoenix city, Umbra put on his eye patch it covered his forehead, his eye and a his ear. He felt something stirring inside of him 'Infinity scans this eye patch'

[Unable to scan at this level… needs update.]

'Fine update'

[Unable to update to low a cultivation level. Need to be at 9th earth realm at the least]

"Farther when am I going to get my elemental techniques for wind and fire?" Umbra asked. There was nothing else that he was able to do he was able to start body refining but he didn't think that was appropriate in a carriage and his farther would wonder where he got the technique from. "I'll give you the Phoenix's scorching earth right now and your mother will give you hers when we get back to the city. What weapons do you want to practise along with your martial arts?" Umbra thought 'swords are too cliché and there are to close quarters. A spear would be good but I also need a long range… a bow and arrows will work fine, I can also manipulate them with my wind.'

"Can I have more than one?" Umbra asked

"Yes." Alex replied

"Then a spear and bow and arrows!"

"You seem to have thought deeply about this. I'll arrange a teacher for you when we come back."

"Umbra… my baby are you alright? I should have come with you! What's with that black eye patch?" Carmella said worryingly. She never came with them as she had stuff to do and the moment she heard that he lost an eye she started to regret it, she couldn't rest while he wasn't here. "I'm fine mother; I brought this from the auction along with a lightning elemental technique." Umbra replied he was getting tired of people asking if he was alright. "Oh so you have a lightning affinity what level is it and did you get any others?"