
Extra 13: We are Pirates ~! (23)

Two days had passed since Kurama had disappeared from [Amazon Lily], a time in which not only Hancock had used to think things over, and at the same time worsening her health.

Marigold, and Sandersonia, didn't know what to do.

They too had distanced themselves from the albino during this time, but now that they saw their sister's situation, they knew they had made a grave mistake.

The [Amazon Lily] women also saw this problem, so they tried to search everywhere for Kurama, but to no avail.

"We have to find Kurama-san and bring him back" - Marigold said with concern - "The talks over [Den den Mushi] aren't helping at all"

"I know, but we don't know where he might be" - replied Sandersonia as she looked at Hancock and noticed how her face was much whiter than usual.

"This is worse than I thought" - Nyon muttered as she sighed regretfully - "She doesn't have much time"

"Is there no way to extend her lifespan until we manage to find Kurama-san?" - Marigold asked with concern.

"I'm sorry, but there's no way to stop the effects of the [love] disease" - Nyon replied while shaking her head - "And if I'm honest, she deserves to be like this"

"This is no time for you to talk shit, Nyon-sama, we have to find a way to save Anee-san!" - Marigold exclaimed angrily.

"What do you want me to say? She had the perfect partner, but because of her unconscious and unjustified fear, he ended up distancing himself" - replied Nyon while frowning - "If I'm honest, I was jealous of Hebihime, she had achieved what many empresses had wished for and without success, to find the love of her life, only to scare him away!"

"Anee-sama is not to blame, the fault lies with the men" - said Sandersonia as she looked hostilely at Nyon.

"And that's why Kurama-dono left [Amazon Lily]" - Nyon replied with disdain.

"Ugh" - Sandersonia let out a groan of irritation when she heard what she had said, only to sigh regretfully.

"Listen, it's not that I don't want to save Hebihime" - Nyon sighed as she shook her head - "It's just that there's no way I can manage to save her, not when the only cure is missing"

"The [Den den Mushi]" - muttered Hancock, who was lying on the bed - "I want to talk to him, I want to apologize, I want to tell him that I miss him"

"Right, how did I forget that before!" - Sandersonia exclaimed as she ran to where her older sister's strange snail was and tried to contact Kurama.

The three women looked at the snail with bloodshot eyes, to the point that the little creature was trembling in terror.

The seconds passed slowly, but the women seemed to feel like years until they finally made contact.


"Kurama-san! We need your help!" - Marigold exclaimed as she grabbed the little snail.

"Don't squeeze it, you idiot!" - Sandersonia roared as she snatched the little creature from her - "If you crush it, we're dead!"

[What was it, what happened to Hancock?]

"She's bad, Kurama-dono, she's about to die" - replied Nyon as she snatched the [Den den Mushi] from them - "She's dying of [love]"

[. . .]

The other side was silent for a few seconds before a silver flash appeared in front of the group.

Kurama had stepped on [Amazon Lily] for the first time after two days, and without even greeting those present, he ran towards Hancock's room with a worried expression.

"He didn't even think about it" - Nyon muttered as she sighed with jealousy at the relationship the albino had with the [Pirate Empress].

"Come on, we need to go check on Anee-san's condition" - Marigold said, only to frown as she saw Nyon step in front of them - "Move it, Nyon-sama"

"Let those two talks alone, it's none of our business to meddle in your sister's love troubles" - Nyon said seriously.

The two current empresses looked at each other before sighing and nodding at the old woman's words.

* * * * *

Two hours later, Kurama was walking out with Hancock hugging her arm.

The [Pirate Empress] was a healthy blush on her cheeks and a bit of sweat running down her beautiful face, showing that she had been a bit busy for the past few hours.

Nyon shook her head when she saw this while Sandersonia and Marigold's expression couldn't have been stranger.

"I see you two made up" - said Nyon as she folded her arms.

"Yes" - nodded Kurama as he hugged Hancock affectionately.

Despite all her flaws and shortcomings, Hancock held a special place in his heart.

"I'm sorry, I acted like a jerk to you" - Hancock muttered as she looked down.

She had been apologizing during the two hours of "exercise" they had had, but unlike before, this time her tone was much sincerer.

"No, I didn't do much on my part either" - Kurama replied as he sighed regretfully - "I belittled our love, that's why I thought that by just talking through [Den den Mushi], you would be fine, but now I regret that I did it."

Kurama had seen what a deplorable state Hancock was in when he arrived.

Her face was much paler than usual, her hair had lost its luster, and her eyes were vacant as she repeated an almost silent "I'm sorry."

"It doesn't matter, we're together again now and that's all that matters" - Hancock replied with a tender smile.

Sandersonia and Marigold let out a sigh of relief when they saw how their older sister was safe, but their expression quickly changed to one of terror when they saw how she started to vomit.

"Ugh" - Hancock let out a groan of pain as she felt her stomach seem to churn.

". . ." - Nyon saw this with seriousness, so she quickly walked to Hancock and grabbed her wrist.

Kurama also saw this with surprise, so he quickly did the same, only to widen his eyes.

"I guess this explains why she was affected so quickly" - Nyon muttered as she looked at Hancock and Kurama - "Congratulations, you're going to be parents."

Sandersonia and Marigold froze when they heard this, after all, it was the news they didn't expect.

Hancock was speechless when she heard Nyon's words, so she slowly looked at Kurama as she waited for confirmation.

Kurama nodded slowly when he felt Hancock's gaze - "She doesn't lie, I feel a little life source growing inside you"

"M-me? A mother?" - Hancock asked unable to believe what she heard - ". . ."

"Relax, you'll be a fantastic mother, of that I'm sure" - replied Kurama as he grabbed the [Pirate Empress]'s hand and caressed it affectionately.

Hancock still couldn't believe what she had heard, but unconsciously moved her hand to her belly and began to caress it - "Mother... I'm going to be a mother"

Tears began to stream down Hancock's cheeks as she ran to hug her younger sisters - "Our family is going to grow!"

The two current empresses woke up when they heard this, only to hug Hancock excitedly.

Neither of them expected this situation, not when Hancock was on the verge of death a few hours before.

Nyon sighed when she saw the drastic change in the situation, but still smiled to see how the family was growing.

Quickly, news of Hancock's recovery spread around the island, as well as Kurama's return, and the soon arrival of the new [Pirate Prince].

None could believe the news about how Hancock was pregnant, but after she confirmed it herself, there was no room for doubt.

The women of [Amazon Lily] quickly began to celebrate the pregnancy of their former empress, although there was a small section that was not happy with the news.

During the past few days, the women of [Amazon Lily] had returned to normal after realizing that they should not blame the innocent for the sins committed by the guilty.

Although there was a small group of radical women who were not accepting those words, for them, all men were guilty, and among that group were the women who were Elein's friends and the two women who had been forced to leave the island.

For them, Hancock having a baby was blasphemy to their family, though to the relief of many, they were only a few women.

* * * * *

Time continued to move forward, and two weeks flew by.

Kurama was most of the time with Hancock now that they knew she was pregnant.

Alvida was much of the time drinking with the [Kuja Pirates] while Kalifa, the group's newest recruit, was serving as [Rokushiki] instructor.

During this time, Kurama received news about how Luffy had defeated a new [Shichibukai], Gekko Moriah, and was heading in the direction of the [Saboady Archipelago].

"That boy never ceases to amaze me" - said Kurama with a huge smile - "Don't you think so too, Hancock?"

"Indeed" - nodded Hancock while shaking her head - "Although I don't know if he's brave, or just stupid for going around looking for a fight with so many strong enemies."

"I'd say a bit of both, though more of the latter" - said Kurama with a huge grin - "10% bravery, 90% stupidity"


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[The Legend of the Kyubi] Extra 13(38) <--- Available in Pa treon.

Remember that this story is translated with MT and edited with [Gramarly].

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