
The journey of Rosé through the Multiverse

This is a Fanfic The story takes place in the world of Naruto/ Boruto (Vol .1 )(will add more chapters when the original story progresses) The second volume will follow the story of Rosé in one Piece (vol.2) I do not own any character other than the [Main Character][ summons ] and the [ abilities] [The cover photo is mine] I am writing this purely for my satisfaction .

Rosee_Iamm · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
47 Chs

Thriller Bark,Sabaody Archipelago(R18)

It was the next day , Luffy and ussop were fishing and filling the aquarium, Rosé was enjoying a steam bath and Nami had joined him ,Franky was explaining the details of the new features of the ship ,and zoro was training like always .

It was snowing when Rosé came out of the bath , he was sitting on his cloud with Robin and engaged the snow , zoro spots a ship and they head towards it ,Luffy had invited them for a meal after hearing them say that they were attacked by an unidentified ship and all their belongings were stolen , Rosé didn't bother with them as he was still working on his blades ,another men from their ship then brings sake which was laced with anaesthesia ,after drinking they ask Luffy to take them to their island which he agreed to , Robin had come to Rosé and asked if it was alright to allow this ,Rosé said let him do what he wants,Everyone then acts as if the drug worked ,they then listen to the pirates reveal thier true colours.

Franky ,Robin and Sanji them go on to have a talk with the pirates , some of them are unwilling to attack since the straw hats treated them kindly, while the others attack fearing something,The leader of the group then stops them by Slamming them into the floor,after they saw Zoro and Nami come out unaffected they escape by jumping into the water ,they then try to cut of the rope that was toeing their ship,Robin stops them and they hear a music coming and spot a pirate ship that was imitating The Marines, and were blowing blowing bombs submerged in the water ,Rosé then looks at Nami and says"They are Illusions don't believe them ",even after knowing they go along with the act as they wanted to know who was pulling the strings from the shadows.

Rosé then checked on the Situation and it was the Accino family that was responsible for the whole act ,Rosé watched them celebrate before they even achieved anything, Rosé laughs looking at their arrogance,Black Diamond had arrived at an ice land ,where the icebergs were moving and guiding them to a certain destination,Rosé was working on his blades the whole time ,Luffy and chopper were stuck on the ship of the former pirates who were working for the Accino family after their defeat and were separated form Black diamond, Franky uses coup de Burts to get the ship out of the ice berg maze they were in , The members of Accino family try to steal The straw hats Jolly Roger with the help of a flying fish , Nala flys up into the air and Eats the fish up ,The anchor the ship out side of the Artic path , Rosé unleashed his [Conqueror's Haki] Knocking out all the penguins that were responsible for moving the Ice berg's,Rosé then tells them to go on ahead he will wait on the ship ,They use the soldiers dock system and summon Shark Submerge III and head out , Robin stays back while the rest go out to look for Zoro and the others.

Nami and Franky are confronted by Hockera, Robin sits with Rosé on Black diamond , Sanji and Usopp found themselves chased by penguins in an ice rift and later faced of by Salchow and Arbell,Meanwhile, on the ship of the Phoenix pirates, Chopper and Luffy encountered Brindo.

They all manage to beat their enemy's and regroup they go on to look for Zoro who was wandering around in the snow ,They arrive at The Accino family base and Luffy faces of against Don Accino,Luffy tries to punch him, but the Don can heat up any part of his body so he cannot land a single hit. He then uses a slab of ice and rams it into Don Accino with a Gomu Gomu no Bazooka,As the fight progresses, the Don gets even more angry and Lovely Land starts to melt. He utilizes his power at 5,500 degrees and begins throwing "atsuyaki eggs" (heatballs) at Luffy. When this proves still fruitless, the Don amazes Luffy with "Atsu Atsu Gatling", a somewhat copy of Luffy's technique, though the punches themselves do not hit Luffy, only the generated heat balls do,After a long fight, Luffy enters Gear 2nd in order to end it quickly. He punches Accino and manages to throw him into the Accino Family's castle building,Accino crashes through the wall destroying it ,Luffy uses Gear 3 and slams a giant iceberg into Don , Luffy continues to attack him sending him flying into the ruins of Lovely land and defeating him .

Everyone then arrives at Black Diamond and set sail leaving the island behind,They phoenix pirates had managed to get their Jolly Roger back and had promised to meet them in the New world.

They next day Rosé was sitting in on his cloud with Nala , Fang , scar and Leon , He was working on his blade as they weee almost completed and was watching the rest play around on the deck while Robin and Nami were taking care of Their Garden , Luffy and the rest were playing playing while, Zoro was doing Mental training after his spar with Rosé , Franky was making adjustments to the Waver and Sanji was preparing food .

Rosé notices a barrel floating in the sea,he call out to Luffy, Luffy along with the others pulls it on deck ,They believed it to be treasure but Nami corrected them saying it's booze and rations ,she then tells them that it is a offering to the sea god as it was written on the Banner attached to it ,when they opened the Barrel a Flare shoot up into the air ,Nami tell them to head south west as storm was going to strike the place they were in and as she said it did ,Using the paddle wheels, they avoid the storm and finally enter the Florian Triangle.

There was dense fog covering the whole area ,Suddenly, he and the rest of the crew hear an ominous song resounding throughout the fog and discover a ghost ship that has suddenly appeared behind them,Rosé,Luffy and Nami then go on board of the ship to check it out ,Nami was holding Rosé's hand and hiding behind him, he then introduced himself "Gentleman Skeleton" Brook,whose first action is to question Nami as to whether or not he may see her panties. She, of course, denies this and knocks Brook to the floor,Rosé and Luffy laugh seeing this ,Luffy asks Brook a bunch of stupid questions , After receiving the answers, Rosé looks at luffy and whispers "why don't you invite him to the crew" Luffy as suggested asks Brook to join his crew. Brook casually agrees to ,Leaving the ghost ship with them, Brook goes back with them to the ship and ends up having dinner with the crew,In the common Room Rosé was laying on Nami's laps , Robin was introducing everyone in the crew ,after they listened to Brook who was explaining his Devil Fruit ability and his past to the crew while they ate a meal prepared by Sanji ,Brook explains how his shadow was stolen, and sadly he cannot leave the foggy Florian Triangle with the Straw Hats for the sun would disintegrate him. Not wanting his new friends to get hurt, Brook refuses to reveal the culprit. Nonetheless, meeting the crew has brightened his dreary existence, and Brook is about to play the violin when a ghost appears. Just then, the gates of Thriller Bark Black Diamond . Brook warns the Straw Hats to escape and runs across the water to Thriller Bark.

Luffy tells them he wants to go and explore Thriller Bark ,Ussop ,chopper and Nami hop on to the mini Black diamond that Franky developed to give it a test drive , Nami getting to excited ends up crashing the group lands on to the island ,Rosé ,Luffy,zoro ,Sanji ,Robin and Franky were on the boat ,Luffy was attacked by an invisible monster Nala then gose on to pin Absalom who had eaten the clear clear fruit and swallows him whole ,The others were still trying to figure out who attacked Luffy ,Nami, Usopp, and Chopper arrive on shore,a frightening three-headed stitched up dog suddenly appears. Identifying is as the mythical "Cerberus", the terrified trio escape with help from Usopp's Kemuri Boshi, fleeing up a tree only to then encounter a strange vampire-like individual named Hildon. He asks them if they would like to come to the mansion of Dr. Hogback, whose name immediately gets Chopper's attention, when they arrive at the mansion the meet a Cindry who starts throwing plates at Ussop , she was then stopped by Dr. Hogback,He then invites them for dinner which they accept,Hogback explains he is on the island to do research on the zombie inhabitants.

Black diamond had arrived at the shore , The rest of the crew go on to explore the island and look for Nami and the other ,Rosé stays back on the ship as his blades were close to completion ,the remaining crew encounters the Cerberus from earlier and Luffy "tames" it, the crew wanders through the forest encountering other strange creatures, Luffy trys to capture or convince each to join his crew,Nami , ussop and chopper were exploring the mansion ,they accidentally go through a secret passage in a fireplace that leads to Hogback's lab.

Meanwhile, Luffy and the rest of the crew stumble across several intangible ghosts, similar to the one they encountered on the ship earlier which Luffy attempts to catch without success. The ghost is revealed to have the ability to induce a depressed state in people by passing through them, which Luffy, Franky, and Zoro quickly fall victim too. Luckily for them, however, the state is only temporary. Continuing towards the graveyard, they are attacked by the same zombie horde that chased Nami, Usopp, and Chopper,the group defeat them with ease,Leaving the graveyard, they encounter an old man who, like Brook, is missing his shadow,The man then tells them a shadow thief is a man named Gecko Moria, Robin reveals that Gecko Moria is a Warlord of the Sea.

Back in the mansion Nami, Usopp, and Chopper find Hogback's lab. Peeking inside, they watch as Hogback creates a zombie he calls Mario. Suddenly, the mysterious figure from earlier appears and knocks them forward into the lab. Nami and Chopper exclaim it sounded like Brook but had flesh and skin, The person comes forward revealing himself to be a zombie samurai named Ryuma, and when he sees Nami he asks to see her panties. Initially angered by this, Nami realizes he is acting just like Brook. Ryuma responds by taking out his sword and then he runs right past them. Confused they try to run but are quickly taken down by his attack which they did not even realize had been done when he ran by them.

Luffy and his crew then learn from the old man that Thriller Bark is actually the world's largest pirate ship. With that, Luffy and his crew enter the mansion, in the mansion, Luffy and his crew are attacked by "Surprise Zombies" led by the taxidermized pig zombie Buhichuck,The battle is short.

Meanwhile,in a strange forest, two zombie squirrels are transporting a coffin.Tripping, they drop the coffin Chopper is in, waking him up, and after driving off the squirrels, he wakes up Nami and Usopp. They quickly realize it is not an actual forest but Perona's Wonder Garden.

Rosé was sitting on his cloud with his pets and watching everything happening while he forges his blades ,Luffy finds himself a suit of armour and wears it ,they enter a room filled with tents where they encounter Zombies generals the go on to beat them up but the zombies kept getting up, Franky was able to figure out their weaknesses to fire,Luffy suddenly sees a Zombie General named Jigoro use Zoro's 36-Pound Cannon technique whic distracts him and gets him caught ,while Franky and Robin escaped the horde of zombies,Luffy had been taken captive by the zombies and was being transported by a chain to the tower, they run after him but are blocked by a giant spider/monkey hybrid Zombie General called Tararan.

At Black Diamond Perona and other zombies arriving looking for Treasure , Rosé sends Fang to deal with the zombies ,Fang had dealt with 100 of them with a single Acid fire blast,Rosé was sitting on his cloud on the deck and came into contact with Perona,She stands infront of Rosé looking at him work, Rosé lifts his head and asks "what do you want ?",She didn't say anything and just kept staring, Rosé then taps the space on the cloud next to him and says " You can sit here if you want ", She dose just that and sits next to Rosé staring at him ,Rosé pats her on the head and says "I won't be able to work with you staring ",while Rosé was patting her he used [seal] ,Perona was flushed,Rosé smiles at her and then continues , Scar and Leon then attracted her attention and she could not help but play with them ,She saw Nala and couldn't resist her cuteness and tried to touch her but she moves away and sits on Rosé's lap , Rosé noticing this giggles says "Don't mind her ,she is like that to everyone ",every time Rosé spoke she would look down and blush ,Rosé had then taken her inside and offered to prepare a meal for her and she accepted,after Perona was called back by one of her subordinate , she was hesitant but went after saying "I'll be back wait for me,Please ".

Meanwhile , on the bridge, Robin and Franky are cornered by the generals,Franky smashes the bridge. However, as they fall; Robin reveals the ability to fly for five seconds by using her powers to form large wings. While she keeps them airborne, Franky launches his Strong Right to grab the ledge. However, Tararan is on the tower side of the gap. Suddenly, a weird noise is heard and Brook plummets out of the sky and into the courtyard with the Zombie General.

Tararan begins spinning his web out of his hand moving toward them. Robin uses her Devil Fruit powers to slap Tararan in the eyes when he brings his hands to his eyes, he gets the web in them. Next, Franky shows of his new hands which Rosé modified with Amazonium,Sharp Knuckles come out and starts bashing Tararan hard,Franky looking at the damage his Knuckles had caused says "wow,Rosé's modification are so cool,Gosh darn it ,I freaking love it and ",and strikes a pose ,he then sets him on Fire,as the fire goes out something comes out of Tararan's mouth and Tararan lies defeated .

Robin and Franky then meet up with Brook ,Franky asks Brook what is going on. Brook tells them after Hogback gathers bodies, he fixes them up, but to bring them to the life he needs Moria's help. Moria steals shadows and puts them in corpses creating his zombie army. Moria is able to do this because he has the power of the Kage Kage no Mi. And the stronger the person whose shadow is stolen, the stronger the zombie warrior becomes. The zombies also gain the personality and combat styles of the person whose shadow they come from,However, the zombies do have a weakness: salt. Because their power is Devil Fruit-based, salt from the ocean frees the shadow to go back to its owner.

Perona, Kumashi and Dr. Hogback with Cindry arrive in a massive room and sitting on the throne is Gecko Moria,He questions why Absalom was not present, his spider mice reply telling him that they are unable to find him anywhere,He then asks them about Rosé and his whereabouts,Perona knowing didn't speak ,while the others had no clue about him,Gecko Moria worried about this rushes his plans and gose on to remove Luffy's shadow while Nami, Usopp, and Chopper watch in horror from Kumashi. With his shadow removed, Luffy loses consciousness ,he orders the Spider Mice to take Luffy back to his ship,The Spider Mice trap Luffy and rush off down the stairs taking him to the Black diamond.

Moria, orders his three personal zombies to open the door to the freezer where Zombie 900 is stored,In the freezer enormous giant twenty times Moria's size rests,Moria declares it was once the great conqueror known as Oars ,Brook confronts Ryuma in Hogback's Lab.

Moria walks on one of the chains supporting Oars and inserts Luffy's shadow,The monster awakens and roars for food,Nami , ussop and chopper shocked at what they saw fall out of Kumashi and are discovered they then go on to escape,Nami,Usopp and Chopper Run into dozens of soldier zombies,just as they are being overwhelmed, Franky and Robin show up and begin purifying zombies with.

At black diamond , Zoro and Sanji were brought back by spider mice which were killed by Fang , he then brought the two back onto the ship,after a few minutes Luffy was brought,Rosé then burns the Webs surrounding them and wakes them up ,Rosé then asks them what happened while working on his blades .

Moria has his zombies bring Oars tons of food to eat. The zombies watch in shock as Oars consumes vast amounts of Thriller Bark's stored foods and still wants more. Moria tells Oars who he is and that he is now his minion, but Oars declares he will be Pirate King and proceeds to break out of the freezer.

Meanwhile, Nami,Robin, Franky, Usopp, and Chopper had arrived at the ship,The crew then has a emergency meeting where they exchange everything they learned ,Franky also tells them that Brook was a member of the crew that promised Laboon fifty years ago that they would return to Reverse Mountain ,Rosé then tells Franky the story about the time they met Laboon ,After ,They begin to plan their counterattack, with Luffy stating that it would be easier to just go and beat Moria than to look for their individual shadows,Usopp, Franky decides to go help Brook with Zoro joining them ,Luffy heads out to look for Moria ,while the others head out exorcising the zombies they find ,Rosé hands everyone salt before they leave.

Rosé had finally completed his Katanas, as they were completed a bright light had enveloped the entire sky,[Yùdì]: Twin Katanas/Blades forged by Rosé from the strongest material adamantium, Vibranium, Amazonium and Dargonite ,with the help of [Rosy Flames of carnage] ,They are a beautiful pair of Katanas/Blade ,One Katana had a black and gold blade ,The hilt and saya were black in colour with golden details ,its was made out of Dargonite and Amazonium ,This blade was named (Yù).The second Katana had a white and pink Blade,The hilt and says of the katana were white in colour with pink details,This blade was named as (dì) and was made out of adamantium and Vibranium..Yùdì can absorb the powers and abilities of any material, substance, or any form of energy it comes in contact with, making itself more powerful ,it has The power to slice through utterly anything and the ability to kill anyone including gods, immortals, and spirits , it is an indestructible Blade and could only ever be wielded by Rosé.

Rosé was so excited about using the blades that he rushed of the ship ,on the Shore, was swinging his sword , They were light a feathers, every swing he made was slicing Space-Time, Rosé then infused the blades with energy they vibrated, Two small blade tattoos had appeared on his plams and the blades then disappeared into them ,he was able to bring them out with a thought, he infused them with energy again and had slashed the air slashed the air with both the blades creating cross , The slashes created were enormous to his amazement as he had only infused a little energy , they tore thorough the entire island slicing it into Four parts along with the Mast Mansion causing it to collapse, all of this had happened in a flash ,Rosé seeing this thought "it seems I caused a mess ",Zoro who saw these enormous slashes flash by was sweating in fear and excitement as he knew who was responsible for it ,Luffy and the others were all confused at what happened and what that pink light was,Moria and the others were Then caught under mansion that had collapsed ,Oars who was on top of the Mansion had one of his arm cut off and had fallen to the ground when the mast Mansion collapsed,Oars was howling in pain .

The Straw Hats had continued thier rampage destroying zombies,Luffy, Sanji, Usopp, Robin, and Chopper are taking the upper bridge to where Moria is , but when they arrive all they see is the collapsed mansion and Oars who was howling in pain because of losing a arm , Moria and the others then emerge from the rubble.

Chopper says he will fight Hogback,Robin fights Cindry,Ussop fights Perona and to everyone's shock he was immune to her ghosts,Brook and Ryuma had reached the final moments of thier fight,They face off one last time, seemingly walking past each other, using their fastest sword techniques and Brook is defeated,Zoro then faces off against the Ryuma who was trying to finish of Brook ,Zoro complimented Ryuma about his sword,Ryuma states that it is one of the 21 O Wazamono Grade Swords, Shusui,

Luffy confronts Moria and demands that he returns everybody's shadows and that he will kick Moria's ass .

Ussop had won his fight against Perona by using a Shiny Black Star", a bunch of cockroaches that were fake, at her and then hits her with his 10-Ton Hammer that is actually a balloon on an inflatable stick,. She collapses from the shock, as Usopp leaves her behind.

At another point, Zoro fights Ryuma, The battle progresses and Brook says that the two are nearly equal in strength. Finally, Zoro manages to wound him, and the wound catches fire. Ryuma is then defeated. He then gives Zoro his sword, saying that it shall be "happy with him" and that he feels ashamed that he has "made this samurai's body suffer defeat". A few seconds later, his shadow returns to Brook.

Robin and chopper beat thier Dr.Hogback and cindry ,The rest of the crew had then come together to fight Oars who was now completely under Moria's command and was following his orders of hunting the straw hats , Luffy continued chasing Moria while fighting his shadow Doppelman,Each of the Straw Hats tries attacking Oars individually, but to no avail, and no small amount of salt can purify him as he pummels the crew,Zoro decides they should send Oars flying and Franky decides to use Tactics Fifteen which is essentially Franky standing on Zoro and Sanji's shoulders holding Usopp in his right hand with Chopper on top of his head, Robin does not participate because it was too embarrassing,sends Franky, Usopp, and Chopper flying all the while feeling betrayed by Robin who flatly tells them never to do that again. After a lot of teamwork and combo attacks, the crew manages to flip Oars over on his head,they proceed to break his knees,Luffy thinks he has finally caught up with Moria but it's just his shadow and the dawn is now approaching.

Perona who was defeated by ussop came back to Black diamond mopping, Rosé was comforting her,after some time Bartholomew Kuma of the Seven Warlords of the Sea shows up asking where Moria is, Rosé stands on the starboard and looks at him , Rosé just stands there not replying ,Kuma not receiving an answer ask "if it's true that Luffy has a brother?", Rosé replies "yes",Kuma then turns away and leaves.

The crews resolve to get Luffy his shadow back before dawn so he can still fight even if they run out of time ,Thriller Bark starts shaking again and the fog clears,Thanks to Oars messing with the rudder ,Thriller Bark had drifted out of the Florian Triangle.

Kuma after leaving went on to look for Moria ,after finding him ,Kuma tells him that the successor to Crocodile has been chosen: Marshall D. Teach, also known as Blackbeard with a former bounty of zero. Moria takes this with apathy until Kuma tells him the government is afraid of another Warlord being defeated by the Straw Hats,This angers Moria who tells Kuma to sit back and watch as he defeats the Straw Hats,Kuma rebukes him and says "You still haven't even come in to contact with the "PINK DEMON ",Moria asks him what he is talking about as he thought Rosé was not present with the crew , Kuma disappointed then tells him " I just met with him and don't see how you or myself can defeat him",Moria was quite and then says "I can beat him " and walks away.

Back at the battle with Oars, the crew is still shocked over the mist dissipating when Moria reveals that he is inside of a control room in Oars' stomach, Moria then challenges them saying that if they can defeat him, he will return all their shadows,Rosé along with Perona who was following him carry a big bag of salt , Rosé passes the bag over to the crew .

Brook who was completely healed after drinking milk joins them in the battle against Oars and Moria ,After some more combo attacks, Franky tries to hit Moria point blank only to get knocked out. As Oars is about to finish him Nami arrives using her Thunderbolt Tempo so they can get Franky to safety,Oars uses Gomu Gomu no Pistol at Nami, Robin saves Nami from the attack and Luffy is still lost in the forest, where he meets some of Moria's other victims who say they can give him the power he needs to defeat Moria.

They take Luffy to their captain "Proposal" Lola, who has been rejected 4,443 times, who immediately proposes to Luffy who rejects her making it 4,444 times,It is explained that if a shadow is placed in a body that has its own soul it will augment their power with the shadow's skill but will only last about ten minutes before the shadow goes back to its owner. They proceed to place 100 shadows in Luffy and dubbing him "Nightmare Luffy".

The crew and Oars continue to fight with Oars gaining the upper hand thanks to his new-found stretching ability. Moria tells them that he has reversed the role of the shadow obeying the body henceforth he can now alter Oars' shape at will by changing the shape of Oars' shadow.

Brook, Nami, Usopp, and Robin launch a new combo and throw Oars off balance and giving Zoro a chance to land a damaging blow,Chopper discovers Oars' cause of death (freezing to death in the snow due to lack of clothes) and his weak point, Sanji and Chopper launch a combo attack on Oars' right arm and are then knocked out by Oars' Gomu Gomu no Gatling attack leaving only four of the eight fighting them standing,Oars the proceeds to knock the others out ,Luffy in his Nightmare form gose on to battle Oars ,Oars uses his Gomu Gomu no Rifle on Luffy who stops it with one hand and proceeds to send Oars flying into Thriller Bark's forest,Rosé tends to everyone that was knocked out and then comes into contact with the The rolling pirates who were the one who gave luffy the shadows ,Nightmare Luffy unleashes a barrage of attacks against Oars and Moria, at one point slashing through Oars with a sword, hitting Moria in the face with a Gomu Gomu no Pistol, and seemingly finishing them off with Gomu Gomu no Storm. All the shadows then leave Luffy, and he goes unconscious as the victims of Moria cheer that Thriller Bark has fallen.

Oars gets back on his feet and the sun is almost up, Rosé leaves everyone in the care of The Rolling Pirates , Rosé then summons Yùdí and gose on to battle Oars, At the start of the Fight Rosé avoids all of Oars's Gomu no attacks , occasionally blocking his blows with his blades and landing Kicks sending him Flying left and right ,Rosé not enjoying himself in the fight ,uses Pulverization,slicing the giant body of Oars into minute particles turning him into dust within a flash and releasing Luffys shadow , Rosé then watch Moria falls from the air after landing,he uses his ultimate technique: Shadow's Asgard out of fear ,By absorbing all of his zombie's shadows (including Cindry, Inuppe, Captain John, Lola, Jigoro, Hildon, Buhichuck, Gyoro, Nin, and Bao, and Oars),he had absorbed a thousand shadows , he then transforms into a giant, who looked like a deformed version of himself, resembling a lizard or a gecko,As he displays his destructive powers destroying everything around him ,Rosé puts his blades away and rushes towards him, he gose on to use Taijutsu and launches him into the sky with a kick to the stomach , he then smashes him down into the ground with an Axe kick ,and proceeds to pummel Moria releasing all the shadows he had absorbed,as the shadows were released he kept shrinking , Rosé kept increasing the intensity of his punches ,Moria had finally returned back to his normal size and had lost all the shadows he was holding ,he was bleeding heavily and had dents from Rosé's punches all over his body ,he lay on the floor close to death,Rosé then uses [Mind control ][seal] on him and says "Runaway ", and then walks back,everyone celebrates the return of their shadows just before the sunrise.

The celebration is cut short when Kuma appears and is ordered by the World Government to revive Moria and eliminate everyone who witnessed his defeat. Kuma takes out a few of the Rolling Pirates by launching paw-shaped air blasts similar to Rokuogan,He then teleports again and appears in front of the Straw hats and claims he will start with Zoro,Zoro begins the battle, but Kuma is able to dodge or deflect all of Zoro's attacks with the use of his Devil Fruit ability, the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi,Kuma gose on to beat all the other Straw hats knocking them out ,zoro mustered all his energy and stood up again trying to protect the crew .

Kuma uses his Devil Fruit to compress the air into a paw-shaped balloon, making a small but powerful bomb and release it toward the zoro and the others ,Rosé appears infront of them and stabs the paw shaped balloon absorbing it,Rosé looks at him and says "You sure did a number on my friend ",Rosé uses instantaneous movement and punches Kuma in the chest sending him Flying,Rosé felt like he had punched metal and then realised that he had Pacifista modifications, Rosé uses instantaneous movement to appear ahead of him and proceeds to slam him into the ground and pins his hand to the ground by stabbing his blades into his arms, Rosé then sits on his chest and removes lifts the blindfold of his right eye and looks at him , Rosé then says "It will be better for you to leave, It would be bad if news about Two warlord of the sea being defeated at the same time got out,Right?",This irritated the Warlord of the Sea and he just nods his head , Rosé then takes his sword out of his arm and walks away,Kuma try's to sneak attack him from the back,Rosé irritated Spins around and lands a heel kick to his Face sending him flying with such force that he tears through everything flying to the other end of the island crashing into the Starboard of Thriller Bark .

Rosé gose on to carry's both the crews into a shelter, he then then treats all of them ,healing even those who were at death's door ,Rosé after healing them applies bandages to thier wounds , Meanwhile,Moria ,Kuma and Hogback had left Thriller Bark .

A day has passed and everyone was up and celebrating with a feast in the courtyard,Brook finds a piano and plays some background music, a song that all the pirates of old know: "Bink's Sake",Luffy tells Brook of how he met Laboon at Reverse Mountain which causes Brook to break down in tears,after sharing his story of how he met Laboon ,

Brook takes a Tone Dial out of his skull that contains the final song the Rumbar Pirates performed before they died,As the song plays, the Straw Hats and Rolling Pirates join in, Rosé was sitting with Perona and Robin and was enjoying the song while smoking a cigarette,Perona was acting jealous because Robin was hugging his arm and did the same ,Rosé was stuck in between them ,Nami seeing them joins in and hugs him from the back and kisses him on the cheeks,Rosé lifts his head up and looks up at her ,she then catches his face the gives him a kiss on the lips and Walt's off ,The celebration went on for the whole day with everyone singing and dancing while enjoying the food sanji was preparing.

Two days have passed and Usopp and Franky have erected a grave in the cemetery for Brook's crew. Zoro is awake, and joins Brook at the grave, burying Yubashiri there and finally getting formally acquainted with the crew's new musician. As the Straw Hats are getting ready to leave, Lola gives Nami half of a piece of paper calling it her mother's "Vivre Card" which will always point in the direction of its owner and how they should find Lola's mother in the New World if they ever get in to trouble.

Luffy remembers the piece of paper Ace gave him and finds that it is getting smaller and is burning, Lola explains that this means Ace's life is in danger,Though Luffy is concerned, he decides to not pursue his brother, believing that Ace can handle himself and that the next time they meet, they will be rival pirates.

The crew finally leave Thriller Bark and Florian Triangle after saying Farewell to Lola and the others, following the Log Pose towards Fish-Man Island,Perona had not joined the crew but stayed with Rosé on Black diamond, They had then shared a toast with their new crew members "Brook",Luffy, ussop and chopper had invented a new game in which they used Perona's ghosts to put Zoro into a depression and tease him about the things he say while in that state ,Rosé was sitting on his cloud with Perona and Robin,watching them play around while he was working on creating his next weapon,Brook was playing music making the Mood on the ship lively.

The crew had arrived at the spa island,Rosé was sitting by the Pool with Perona,Robin and Nami and his pets enjoying the weather and drinks ,The owner of the Island Doran was standing next to him and was telling him about all the facilities available,Rosé had used [Mind control] on him as he didn't want any commotion ,Luffy and the others were goofing around ,Foxy who was on the island comes and greets Rosé ,Rosé then tells them not to cause trouble, They nod and go ahead .


Rosé was in his hotel room,Perona was sitting besides him and watching him ,Perona then sits on top of him and proceeds to kiss him .her soft lips touch his ,their tongues intertwined and engaged in a fierce battle,Rosé's hands had slid up her skirt and were groping her soft ass occasionally spanking it which mad perona jump up and moan.


While kissing they removed each other's clothes,after a few minutes of kissing ,he then admires Perona's slim and smooth body,she was wearing a red bra and panties ,after Admiring her Rosé pushes her on to the bed and kisses her on her slim waist and then moves up kissing every inch of her body .

Rosé lowered Perona's bra and held one of her boobs while kissing her ,he kneaded them causing her to moan ,he then broke the kiss and went on to suck he beautiful pink nipple while he played with the other one pinching and pulling it .

Rosé held Perona's legs and split them admiring her red laced panties ,he then removed her panties ,Perona all flushed was covering her face ,Rosé kissed he on the stomach and slowly made his way towards her lovely pussy ,he puts his hands forward and separates her Labias with his two fingers,giving him a good look at her pink insides,he could see her vaginal opening contracting and relaxing.

After he was done admiring,Rosé got closer to her pussy and gently blew on it ,causing her to shiver in arousal,Perona had a little of her love juice leak out .

Rosé kissed her pussy ,he then put his tongue out and licked her vaginal hole ,he then took his tongue to her clit and played with it occasionally sucking it ,Perona trembled with pleasure letting out loud moans .

He then licked her pussy while he massaged her clit with his thumb, after a few minutes of licking ,Rosé insert his middle fingers into her tight pussy which was soaking wet and continues sucking on the clit .


Perona moaned as she tilled her head backwards while she held on to Rosé's hair ,Rosé continued to stimulating her pleasure with his tongue and fingers .

After a few minutes of fingering and sucking ,Perona had reached her limits ,She had caught Rosé's head and pushed it in deeper into her pussy ,her back arched and her eyes rolled, and moaned .

"Ahh...it..s …cumming…ohh"



Perona had squirted and climaxed,her body was shaking as she lay of the bed satisfied,Rosé licks her pussy clean and then kisses her her while fondling her breast,Rosé sucked on her breast and neck marking her .

Rosé then proceeded to take his pants off and present his erect shaft to Perona who gently kissed it ,Rosé felt her soft lips on his shaft and felt a tingling sensation run across his body.

Rosé was laying on the bed ,Perona was kissing and licking his shaft while her beautiful ass was infront of his face ,Rosé gose onto eat her out while she sucked on his shaft .

Perona had taken his entire shaft in her mouth and deepthroated him ,which caught him of guard and let out a groan "Ahhh…",she continued his dick in and out of her mouth occasionally talking it all the way back ,she wa skill fully using her tongue and massaging his glands,Rosé not was wanting to be left behind increased the movement of his Tongue



Both of them let out satisfied moans ,After a while Rosé had stopped licking and inserted two of his fingers into her pussy .


After a few minutes of attacking each other's g spot they were unable to hold on anymore,Rosé had lifted his legs and thrust his dick down Perona's throat and let out a mouthful of white liquid down her throat which she swallowed .

"Ahhh…I'm cumming!!"




While Perona had pushed her pussy into his mouth and squirted her love juices in his mouth which he drank not letting it go to waste .

Rosé then lays Perona down and kisses her ,he then makes his way to her honeypot and tastes her nectar ,Rosé then rubs his dick against her pussy cover it his her love juice.

He inserted his shaft into her slowly so as to not cause any pain ,Perona felt Rosé's hot shaft slowly penetrating her pussy she felt immense pleasure and moaned.


Rosé groaned a little as he felt Perona's tightness and felt pleasure ,Rosé had completely inserted his shaft ,he could feel Perona pussy completely enveloping his dick not wanting to let it go.

Rosé kisses her while he slowly starts thrusting his hips back and forth enjoying her inner wall wrap around his shaft .


Rosé then broke the kiss and sucked on her breast while he continued thrusting his dick into her pussy causing her to moan like crazy .




After a while Rosé had changed positions and was now fucking Perona from behind he had increased his after Perona had told him to ,Rosé then spanked her .

"Ommf ~"

Perona's body jerked in suprise and her insides tightened up ,and she moaned with the increased pleasure she felt ,Rosé was amazed at the sudden tightness and let out a loud groan .

"Ahhh~..Amazing ",

Rosé continued pounding her pussy,while he groped and pulled at her nipples from the back occasionally kissing her ,Rosé feeling that he was close increased the his pace while he continued spanking her.

"Ahhh….Rosé I'm….mhh..close "

Perona said while moaning ,Rosé hearing this had increased his pace more ,thrusting his dick deep into her pussy .



Perona moaned ,her eyes rolled back ,her back arched while her legs gave out and she trembled as her had a mind blowing orgasm.

"Me too….ahhh"

While her insides were spasming and tightening around his dick wildly ,Rosé groaned mad held Perona by the waist tighter pushing his dick to the deepest parts and let out a lad of his cum inside of her pussy .

Rosé after a few seconds took out his shaft ,a large amount of semen poured out mixed with her own love juice,he then lay down next to Perona ,Rosé pulled her closer and wrapped his arms around her waist hugging her from behind and kissing her on the neck , Perona turns to face Rosé and pulls him into a kiss ,They then fall asleep in each other's embrace.


After a few days they had set sail once again leaving the spa Island behind, while they were sailing Rosé notices Brook try really hard to be useful on the ship and was Messing up ,Rosé was in the garden with Robin , Brook approached them and asks if he can help with anything,Rosé looks at Brook and ask "what's the matter Brook ?, you seem on edge ", he replies that he is scared that he will be useless and a hindrance to them in the new world and that he might get kicked out of the the crew , Rosé looks at him and says "idiot ,You are thinking too much , You just have to do what your good at !,"Robin then shares her story with him , Rosé leaves them to talk and climbs on top of his cloud and plays with Nala .

Robin keeps looking at Rosé while she tells him about it ,Robin then climbs on top of the cloud and sit down with him ,Luffy then calls them for lunch and so they head inside ,Brook was relieved of his doubts and took a long relaxing nap on the deck after their meal .

Rosé was training with Zoro , Zoro who saw his new sword was mesmerised by them and sat there admiring them for an hour ,he occasionally touched the sharp side of the blades which cut his hand after he was done Admiring it the went on to spar for hours ,it was late and the sun was setting,Brook was playing beautifully music to match the mood .

In Mary Geoise, Fleet Admiral Sengoku chastises Bartholomew Kuma for not going after the Straw Hats like originally planned,Kuma retorted by saying " I was unable to go after them as I was beaten and almost killed by Rosé,sengoku was unable to question him any further,Sengoku then says "Just who the hell is Rosé ",Garp tells the leader of the Marines about how the straw hats were able to get away from yet another government foe.Sengoku then says that the hunt is not over as he knows that they are following the log pose and will send a stronger force after them .

The crew had been sailing for a few days , they were caught up in a bizarre weather where they were attacked by multiple water tornado nonstop which Luffy and the others dealt with in a joint effort,after travelling through the horrible weather they encountered sea kings which Nala ,Fang ,Scar and Leon took care of eating them ,later they arrived at ,the Red Line, the continent that encircles the Prime Meridian of the world.

Red Line poses many problems to the Straw Hats. For one thing, the extremely tall Red Line looks impassable, preventing passage into the New World. Also, their exact location is close to many of the crucial government landmarks, including the holy land of Mary Geoise and Marine Headquarters. With the Log Pose continuing to point downwards, Luffy, Robin and Brook decide to use the ship's Shark Submerge to search for any signs of Fish-Man Island, only to find nothing after reaching the limit of 5,000 meters.

A rabbit Sea King Chased to the surface by the creature, Luffy defeats it easily with his Gomu Gomu no Rifle, which made it spit out a small mermaid and a starfish.

The mermaid, revealed to be named Camie, introduced herself by trying to sell the crew some takoyaki. Camie, after having introduced herself and her talking starfish, Pappag, calls Hatchan, but is shocked when someone else answers his Den Den Mushi,The Macro Pirates have caught Hatchan, intending to sell him into slavery. Camie wishes to save him and Luffy agrees to do so, after consulting with Nami.The Macro Pirates have caught Hatchan, intending to sell him into slavery. Camie wishes to save him and Luffy agrees to do so, after consulting with Nami.

Rosé and Perona were watching them from his cloud,Rosé then continued working on his weapon.

Camie uses her ability to be able to speak with fish and navigates the ship towards Grove 44 of the Sabaody Archipelago, having been told that Hatchan is being held at the base of the Flying Fish Rider,Brook plays a soothing violin tune while the sail towards Grove 44,Before they arrive, they are attacked by the 3 Flying Fish Riders, who after a brief battle return to their base to report back to their leader,Duval,Meanwhile, the Straw Hats approach the base, attempting to figure out ways to defeat the enemy .

The straw hats had arrived at the the base which was actually a small village built in the middle of the sea,when they entered the village they find that its completely empty and Hatchan was locked up in a cage and had covered himself in his own ink so that he could hide from the straw hats ,The Straw Hats recognize the voice and shape of the octopus Fish-Man and Sanji tricks him to talking about Arlong and his crew.

Finding out that he was the Hatchan who was part of the Arlong pirates , the crew was contemplating weather they should help him ,Camie sad and Pappag angry at the Straw Hats, so they both jump into the sea only to be immediately captured by the Macro Pirates.

Nami convinces the other Straw Hats to save Camie and Pappag since after all, Camie and Pappag are their friends,Luffy then saves camie and pappag while Zoro cuts open the cage freeing Hatchan .

Dozens of Flying Fish Riders emerge all around Black diamond,and begin to Bombard the ship , Sanji ,zoro and Leon go to deflect all the bombs ,while Brook, chopper ,Nami ,Robin and Franky dealt with all them Flying fish riders,uffy to grab a flying fish only to find it and its rider are asleep which causes him to plummet into Duval's room,Duval then attacks the ship with poison laced Harpoons which Leon deflects back towards Duval and he struggles to Dodge them .

Luffy punches him in the face removing his mask ,it is shown to the whole crew and the riders that by a cruel twist of both fate and irony, Duval was born with a face that is a perfect replica of Sanji's wanted posterit is shown to the whole crew and the riders that by a cruel twist of both fate and irony, Duval was born with a face that is a perfect replica of Sanji's wanted poster,Rosé seeing this starts laughing ,Sanji seeing him was on flames and was screaming in anger , Sanji swims ashore and goes on to beat Duval up ,Rosé and Perona seeing them fight could not stop laughing , Nami tell Rosé he is being rude but seeing him she starts laughing too.

Duval tricks Sanji and traps him in a metal net and was then dragged to the bottom of the sea with the Flying Fish , Camie jumps into the water to rescue her ,the flying Fish riders then bring out a humongous anchor that they planned to drop on black diamond, Rosé seeing this summons Yùdì and uses [multiple Slash]:

The ability to cause anything slashed to have multiple cuts,causing the anchor and the Flying fish riders carrying it to be cut into multiple pieces by just a single slash of his blade and were then set ablaze ,covering the sky with scattered Roses, Franky in retaliation fires The Gaon Cannon destroying the entire village.

Zoro who watched this was so impressed and excited that he immediately sat down closed his eyes and started image training not bothering about anything or anyone else.

Camie manages to rescue Sanji and has trapped the Fish Riders in their own steel net. As Camie reaches the surface, Nami asks if Sanji is alright, and Camie says that he is safe but bleeding from his nose , Duval was now furious that Sanji is still alive, but Luffy remarks that his henchmen are now all gone,This further infuriates Duval, and he unleashes the full rage of his bison Motobaro onto Luffy,he unleashed a little of his conquering Haki unbeknownst to him and makes the bison drop Duval few feet away and then faints, Sanji who had returned uses parade shot on Duvals face Knocking him out .

Black diamond is back at sea and are heading for Sabaody Archipelago, They have a takoyaki party with Hatchan cooking,Duval, whose face has become handsome, finds them, He expresses his gratitude for the change and then gives the crew his Den Den Mushi number, saying if they need anything to just call him up.

Hatchan then tells them about the two ways of getting to the New World: requesting permission from the government and passing through Mary Geoise or going through Fish-Man Island,

Hatchan then says they will need a special coating to make sure the ship gets to Fish-Man Island all right. Hatchan promises to take them to a coating craftsman he Knows ,but they have to promise not to oppose the World Nobles, even if someone were to be killed before their very eyes.

When the arrived at the Island everyone was mesmerised by the beauty of the island,it had beautiful bubbles floating all around with huge Mangrove trees and greenery everywhere and the sun brightening the surroundings,Hatchan tell them that there are 79 trees and each of them is an island with its own town and facilities and are connected to each other by a bridge.They set anchor on grove 41 ,Rosé ,Perona ,ussop, Sanji and Franky stay on Black diamond while the rest of them go and explore the island,Rosé was working on his weapon as he had almost completed it ,Perona was sleeping and using his legs as a pillow,Frank was in his workshop and Sanji was guarding the treasure.

Meanwhile Luffy, Nami, Chopper, Robin and Brook tour the island with Hatchan, Camie and Pappag acting as guides. Hatchan warning them not to draw attention to themselves as even though pirates walk freely on the island so do Marines and bounty hunters, plus if they are captured and sold as slaves the law will not help them. He also mentions to treat Camie and himself as regular people claiming it'll be easier for them.

The Fish-Man shows the Straw Hats' the wonders of island and how they make use of the bubbles, from making bikes out of them and using them for transportation to holding their souvenirs in balloon-like bubbles to even creating hotels and shopping malls out of them ,Nami and Robin depart from the group and go shopping .

The crew then come across a pirate captain who was running through the town begging for someone to remove the collar on his neck,Hatchan, however, tells the group not to help him as he is a slave of the World Nobles. After mentioning this fact, the collar activates and blows up the Captain though he surprisingly survives still feebly begging to leave while a shadowed figure holding an axe and bounty poster identifies the Captain from above a building. Two nobles, Rosward and his daughter, Shalria, show up afterwards causing everyone to bow as they pass. After their dog urinates on the charred Captain, Shalria kicks him before shooting him with a pistol, Luffy nearly attacks them after seeing this, but Hatchan stops him. Rosward and she then casually walk away talking about buying another slave, The crew leaves and go to a secluded spot where pappag tells them that wounding a Noblewould make the offender the target of one the Admirals and he would lead a army just to hunt them, When asked what gives the nobles such special treatment, the starfish tells them that they are the descendants of the ones that created the World Government.

Rosé watched all of these events unfolding,when he saw the nobles he thought "How ugly and disgusting,should I kill them off ? ",Rosé then decided to calm down and sit back and let things unfold naturally.

The crew then encountered many bounty hunters who were dealt with easily,the group find themselves in Grove 16 which Hatchan explains is a lawless region of the island. He goes on to explain that Grove 1-29 which make up the interior of the island are like this while the surrounding Groves house the entertainment and shopping districts. Finally, after a bit of traveling, they reach Grove 13 and a bar where the coating engineer is said to stay.

Upon entering, they meet the owner of the bar Shakuyaku (Shakky for short), a former pirate and friend of Hatchan. After the usual meet and greet, Shakky reveals she has been following the Straw Hats' exploits and that she was even chased by Garp during her pirate career. When asked about the engineer Rayleigh, Shakky tells them he is not there though has not left the island. Luffy suggest waiting for him, she reveals that he has not been back in a half a year pretty much wandering the island's bars and casinos. Hearing this, the group agree on searching for him to which Shakky warns them to be careful in doing so, as since the Straw Hats arrival, that now makes Twelve rookie pirates with over a 100 million bounties on them that have reached the Red Line, Luffy being the Second highest of the ranks in terms of bounties with first being Rosé and were termed as Supernovas ,she then shared information about all of them .

Finished at the bar, Luffy's group soon head out to look for Rayleigh. Shakky sees them off, informing them that although the Marines are aware of some of the big names on the island, they have their hands full with another matter and gives one last warning not to make a big scene before they head out.

Meanwhile ,Zoro who was wandering around alone come into contact with Saint Charlos, who was left behind by Shalria and their father,Zoro just happens to walk by, ignorant of the rules about nobles. He catches the attention Charlos who steps in his way,Zoro asks if he needs directions which angers Charlos, the noble instantly pulls his pistol on Zoro and fires. But the swordsman easily dodges and goes for a counterattack. Bonney, however, tackles Zoro into the ground before he can do so, putting up an act as if he was shot and killed. Charlos, at first thinking Zoro dodged, shrugs it off and buys it before he and his subordinates go on their way.

Bonney instantly chastises Zoro for his actions and almost bringing the Admirals on them. Zoro, however, is clueless to the whole situation while most of the Supernovas, who were watching and commenting on everything, are impressed by his strength and murderous intent. Zoro then picks up the doctor that was shot and goes to locate a hospital, much to the confusion of Bonney since after all he is a pirate.

Rosé then receives a call from Chopper telling him that cami was kidnapped ,Sanji contacts the Duval gang,Sanji informs them of the situation and they set out to look for her ,Rosé then looks for Camie and finds the group that kidnapped her in Grove 1, home to a human auction ground,Rosé then appears infront of the Peterman and his group , Rosé gose on to erase them from existence after extensive torture.

Rosé then enters the Auction ground where he spots ,Rosward and Shalria,there are Kid, Killer and their crew, as well as Trafalgar Law , Rosé then proceeded to sit in on a seat,'with Nala on his shoulders and smokes a cigarette,all those next him had gotten up and left out of fear,Everyone in the auction had recognised him and were staring at him and gossiping, the Nobles were also staring at him,Rosé ignored them ,Meanwhile Silvers Rayleigh, former First Mate of the Roger Pirates, The Pirate King's Right Hand who was also in the Auction house being sold as a slave ,saved Camie who was being beaten by head auctioneer named Disco by Knocking him out with [Conqueror's Haki],Rosé seeing him thought "Amazing!!",he was the strongest person he had encountered till now ".

The auction soon begins with a pirate musician and winemaker being the opening item,after some time the crew (excluding Luffy and zoro)had finally gathered at the auction house and were discussing how to go about this situation,reminded that the nobles could be inside and could alert the Admirals. Nami suggests they then play by their rules and try to buy Camie back, which causes Hatchan and Pappag to cry over her desire to help them and not being able to repay her.

The crew then head inside where they Spot Rosé already sitting in a booth ,they then join him ,Charlos arrives and joins the other nobles,the next auction, a pirate Captain named Lacuba, begins. However, before any bids are made he bites his tongue of killing himself ,Disco decides it is time to bring out Camie next who's been fitted with an explosive collar and put into a fishbowl.

Disco introduces Camie to the crowd prompting Nami to get ready to bid for her. However, Charlos blindsides her and everyone in the house with an instant bid of 500,000,000 berries,Rosé outbids him with a bid of 1 billion berries,the bid went on and finally stopped at 2 billion berries with Rosé winning ,The nobles looked at him but didn't know how to react as they didn't feel angry at losing and just sat looking at him in admiration ,the whole auction house was silent with not a single word being spoken everyone was looking at him in shock while the crew admired him,Disco begins to close out Camie's auction ,Luffy crashes into the auction house as the Fish Rider he was with could not land properly. Zoro is with the two as well having been picked up on the way to the house,Rosé looks at them and puts his hand on his face and "sighs ",Upon seeing Camie, Luffy rushes the stage despite the protest of Hatchan, who is forced to use his remaining arms to try and restrain him. This unfortunately reveals his identity as a Fish-Man to the crowd, and they immediately raises a panic,Rosé who was irritated looks at the crew and says " why did you'll leave this idiot alone ",they all had thier heads down.

A shot suddenly rings out, stopping the commotion. Charlos has shot Hatchan with his pistol,Luffy then makes his way towards the World Nobles,the injured Hatchan tries to stop Luffy ,Charlos hears enough and tries to shoot him again. Luffy, already angered, no longer restrains himself and, and not caring about the rules anymore, gets up and punches Charlos in the face,The whole room is speechless after such an attack ,

Luffy apologizes to his crew for the attack,The audience quickly clears out to avoid the World Noble's wrath.

Rosé seeing this takes out a cigarette and smokes it while laying back on the couch irritated at this reckless beg and uses [Omni -Manipulation] to destroys the Fish bowl and her collar freeing Camie ,he also snaps Disco's neck ,Sanji gose on to kick Rosward who was firing bullets at them ,Franky and the others proceeded to knock many of thier guard out ,The guards of the celestial Dragon keep coming and attacking the crew Rosé just sat there smoking ,Brook and Usopp who were on a Flying Fish jump down only to crash into Rosward, knocking him out ,Shalria suddenly makes her way towards Camie, intending to kill the mermaid,However, before she can pull the trigger, she suddenly faints,The back wall is ripped open, revealing Rayleigh and a giant , Rayleigh spots Hatchan and asks what he was doing there. Upon seeing Camie, however, he connects the dots before using another burst of[Conqueror's Haki] on the guards, knocking them all out,The straw hats were not surprised by this as they had seen Rosé use it and knew what it was ,Rayleigh then spots Luffy and Rosé , commenting that he has been waiting to meet them,Rayleigh looking at Rosé thinks "what a strong presence he has ,Amazing!!,I would love to have a talk with him but it doesn't seem like the right time for that ".

The news of the straw hats beating World Nobles quickly spreads throughout the island, causing more widespread panic. Most of the Supernovas quickly decide to leave the island to avoid the inevitable dispatch of an Admiral, though a few who are curious decide to stay behind and see which Admiral will come.

Marines continue to mobilize outside the house,Rayleigh then checks on Hatchan and thanks the Straw Hats' for saving him before telling the group that they should leave. However, the Marines have the place covered by now and demand that they release the World Nobles.

Kid offers to take care of the Marines while the others escape,However, Luffy and Law seem to take it as an insult and join him in battle,Luffy, Kid and Law easily destroy them ,the Straw Hats arrive and see the damage caused by the three Captain's rampage,Rose and Rayleigh walk out together ,Rose had offered him sake and he accepted it and was enjoying himself ,Rayleigh laughs at seeing the destruction the others had caused,Rosé watching more Marines charge at them an unleashed some of his

[Conqueror's Haki],a pink wave of light envelopes the marines knocking each and every one of them out ,Kid,law and Rayleigh look at him shock and think "Fucking Monster !",Rosé then looks at the crew at says" let's go" ,The Straw Hats then head back to Shakky's bar.

Rosé was scolding Luffy about his reckless moves ,Luffy was sitting on his knees and was apologising ,after they talk with Rayleigh where he reveals he was a member of Gol D. Roger's crew and served as his first mate,Roger's crew were captured, to which Rayleigh reveals that Roger actually turned himself in. The government just made it seem that way to show their strength to the public. Rayleigh goes on to tell the reason why was because four years before he was executed, Roger came down with an incurable disease. His crew, however, came across Crocus at the entrance of the Grand Line and asked him to join Roger on his final journey to keep his disease in check.Finally, after three years they had managed to conquer the Grand Line.

Rayleigh continues, telling them that after they conquered the sea, Roger was dubbed the Pirate King. However, the title was meaningless since he was about to die. But Roger enjoyed it anyway through parties and fighting as a way to coop with the future. Eventually, Roger disbanded his crew who silently went their separate ways.

One year later, Roger turned himself in to the Marines who decided to make a public execution of him to throw fear into pirates around the world. However, Roger had other plans, his last words to Rayleigh being "I ain't gonna die, partner". Then on the fateful day of his execution, Roger made his famous speech to the world which in turned created the current age of piracy. The Straw Hats are astonished by the story. Rayleigh then tells the group about Buggy and Shanks' apprenticeship aboard Roger's ship, the latter of which ran into Rayleigh ten years afterward who told Rayleigh about Luffy, claiming that had met a kid that said the same things as their Captain did.

Rayleigh explains that the Roger Pirates did indeed find out the whole history, though he advises her to continue looking for it on her own. Rayleigh says that maybe she could reach different conclusions than those that they reached. Still, he offers to reveal it to her, but Robin politely turns him down agreeing with his earlier advice.

Rayleigh then tells the crew he will have their ship coated in three days which until then, the crew will have to avoid trouble. Thus, the Straw Hats decide their best bet is to split up and draw attention away from the shop,Shakky gives each member a Vivre Card so they can find their way back to Rayleigh once the coating is finished who decides to move Black diamond to a different location ,Rosé stays on the ship with Perona and continues working on his weapon.

Rosé was observing Kizaru who was going around destroying every pirate he found along with the Groves,Back in Grove 12, the Straw Hats encounter a Pacifista Kuma ,after a long fight against him Kuma they manage to beat him,Sanji uses Flambage Shot to knock him back, Zoro uses Kiki Kyutoryu: Ashura and Ashura: Makyusen to damage Kuma before Luffy uses Gear 3 and Gigant Rifle to finish him off.

After the fight all the straw hats were completely exhausted as they had to use all thier strength just to beat Kuma ,They soon start to discuss what to do next when Sentomaru and the Kuma clone known as a Pacifista, PX-1 appears in front of them ,Rosé seeing the situation decided to teleport on top of the Grove tree .

PX-1 soon fires on the group forcing the Straw Hats to dodge. This prompts Luffy to decides they must now split up and run. Sanji Nami and Franky go along. Usopp goes with Zoro with Brook joining as well . Leaving Luffy, Robin, and Chopper together. The three groups run in different direction promising to meet up in three days.

Px-1 had gone after Sanji's group,Sentomaru goes for Luffy's group,Luffy try's attack her only get counter attack and set flying into a tree and actually hurting him ,Kizaru had appeared infront of Zoro and the others, he had attacked zoro injuring him ,Zoro was rendered unable to move ,Kizaru try's to kill Zoro, Rosé seeing the use [Armament Haki] to coat his legsand uses instantaneous movement ,he lands a spinning kick to his face sending him flying ,Rosé the tell's ussop to take zoro and go ahead,Rosé then uses instantaneous movement and appears before Kizaru who transform his body into light to stop himself,Kizaru then gose on to launch a kick at the speed of light with Rosé Blocks mid air with his leg and lands a punch pushing back again,Kizaru was shocked as Rosé was not only able to keep up with his speed he was also able to injure him ,Kizaru then Get up and gets serious,he starts moving at the speed of light and attacking Rosé with kicks ,Rosé was able to keep up with him with ease and dodge most of his attacks while occasionally ,landing heavy blows injuring him,Kizaru seeing that he was not able to land and kicks , gose on to create a sword made of light , Rosé takes out Yùdì ,They then go on to exchange blows at the speed of law , Rosé was continuously pushing Kizaru back occasionally Slashing him and causing cuts all over his body,Rosé and Kizaru had exchanged more than a thousand blows within seconds and kept exchanging blows for a few minutes,Kizaru was enjoying the fight so much that he laughed continuously forgetting about everything else .

While they were fighting Kizaru would occasionally Fire laser beams which Rosé dodge flawlessly,Kizaru has also tried to bind Rosé with Light but he cut through them with ease,Rosé had coated his blade with [Rosy Flames of carnage],Kizaru has created clones of himself and was attacking Rosé from every angle,Rosé used Instantaneous Multi Slash which allowed him to slash multiple time in a instant destroying all his clones ,Kizaru then uses Yasakani no Magatama sending a torrent of deadly light particles towards him ,Rosé deflected all of them using his blades and set them ablaze turning them into Roses, he then uses Ama no Iwato shooting a powerful massive laser beam from his feet in the form of a monkey head which Rosé counters by using Impale sending a huge pink beam of flames which pierce through the monkey setting it ablaze and heading towards Kizaru he was just barely able to dodge it ,Rosé predicted this and uses instantaneous movement to appear before him and Land a heel kick to his Ribs sending him flying ,Rosé appears above him midair and lands a Axe kick to his head smashing him into the the ground and instantly appears before him and lands a palm strike to his stomach which created a huge crater around them and had caused tremor shaking the island they were on ,Rosé then walks away leaving the knocked out Kizaru , once Rosé comes out of the crater he looks back at kizaru and thinks "They sure have strong bodies ", as he had seen seen Kizaru get up and walk away as if nothing happened after few minutes, in the future,Rosé then looks towards Rayleigh who was observing and asks "Let's have a drink together at Black diamond ",Rayleigh then appears besides him laughing because he was caught.

While Rosé was batting Kizaru,the real Bartholomew Kuma had appeared and had gone ahead and used his ability and sent the straw hat flying in different directions ,Luffy had lost his morale after seeing four of crew disappear right before his eyes while Rosé continued to battle Kizaru,Kuma had then gone ahead and Sent the remaining members flying while Luffy helplessly watched ,Luffy lost any remaining will to fight and collapsed to the ground in despair. Berating himself for not being able to save even one of his friends. Kuma then appears before Luffy and send him flying too.

Rosé was sitting with Perona and Rayleigh and having a drink ,Rayleigh questioned Rosé "Are you not worried about you Friends?",Rosé looks at him and says "No ,I know they will be just fine ",Rayleigh laughs and says "That's true ",Kuma had already told Rayleigh what he was doing,They then spend the whole night Drinking in the ship .