
The journey of Rosé through the Multiverse

This is a Fanfic The story takes place in the world of Naruto/ Boruto (Vol .1 )(will add more chapters when the original story progresses) The second volume will follow the story of Rosé in one Piece (vol.2) I do not own any character other than the [Main Character][ summons ] and the [ abilities] [The cover photo is mine] I am writing this purely for my satisfaction .

Rosee_Iamm · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
47 Chs

Water 7

Everyone was discussing what to do with the gold , Rosé was laying on a couch while hugging Robin, Nami joins them and lays down next to him while hugging his arm they fall asleep like that .

At night when they woke up they were still descending,the octopus was shrinking and they were heading down in full speed ,Rosé then grabs Nami and Robin and floats above the ship as is landed into the water ,the ship had received a little damage but was recovering quickly , suddenly a whole lot of Spotting lights were flashed at their ship , Alarms were ringing, Rosé then noticed that they landed in a Marine Fortress G8.

Rosé Noticed multiple Cannons pointing at the ship ,He unsheathed his sword and coated it with [Rosy Flames of carnage], he then sent slashes towards one of the mountain that was housing multiple Cannons and set the whole Mountain ablaze , The cannons were destroyed and had turned into Roses that scattered and the mountain continued burning ,All the Marine looking at this sight were afraid ,The base was put on a lock down ,security was increased , Rosé then ordered every to jump off the ship and hide till they figure out a way to escape .

Black diamond was Taken into custody , Rosé was sitting on top of the Fortress and watching the Commander and Lt commander investigate the ship and how he figured out that they had come from Jaya, Rosé then looked at the Fortress and it was surrounded by mountains on all side, the bases were built inside of these mountains and were heavily armed,at the centre is a Mountain which looked like the control centre and was the place Rosé set ablaze and was still burning, Rosé had caused them major losses manpower ,communication and facilities.

Rosé then looked for everyone and saw that they had all gone their separate ways ,Rosé then appears infront of the Vice admiral Jonathan and holds him by the head and uses [seal][Mind control] on him and then disappears.

Nami had been acting like a Nurse while chopper was disguised as a doctor , Sanji and Luffy were acting like cooks , zoro was caught by the Marine,Robin and Ussop were still outside hiding in the forest and was caught when he went to see the ship ,The shipwrights in the base were all observing the beauty of Black Diamond as it was the first time they had ever seen a ship like it before , Robin was impersonating a special inspector from the Marine .

Jonathan had already figured out everyone's identity and was setting a trap for them ,Rosé was watching and Thought " what a smart man !",Rosé cause more cause had gone ahead and destroyed the Gates of the Fortress , cause great chaos , this gave the crew time to move around faster ,Rosé then went ahead and planted remote controlled Dynamite in the base .

Luffy and Sanji went into the prison to rescue Zoro and ussop and got caused a big explosion in the prison freeing them ,

Because of all the chaos they were easily able to hide And make thier way towards the dock where Black Diamond was being kept.

Rosé had appeared at the ship and knocked out all the 200 Marines that were laying there in wait for them , the whole crew arrives and Rosé looks at them and say " you'll sure took your time ", Robin shows them a map of the base and the Straw Hats hide Black Diamond in an abandoned dock, since there are so many.

After preparing at night Usopp produces an Impact Dial and Luffy produces the same octopus that the Straw Hats used to exit Skypiea ,Along with a Breath Dial and a Flame Dial, they manage to blast the Black Diamond into the sky and use the wings to sail over , sailing over the cliffs of G-8 and escaping as they used the octopus to soften the landing,Rosé stands on the deck looking at the Fortress and presses a button that sets of 5 explosions in 5 different sides destroying half of the Fortress with this they were unable to pursue them any further.

They had been gliding in the air for quite some time ,at night when the ran out of fuel the finally landed in the ocean ,they thanked the octopus for all its hard work and left it in the ocean,They set sail for their next island, sea monkeys were following them for quite some time ,Rosé had summoned his pets back , they all jumped on him pushing him back on the couch and licking him .

After a while the crossed thick fog and landed on an island that was a grassland with rarely any trees , everyone had gone on the island Rosé stayed on the island with Nala and the others and took a nap Nami had come and cuddled him after hearing the hearing the chaos she went out .

While they were napping Foxy pirates had come and tried to block the ship even though thier ship was 5 times smaller that Black Diamond , Scar seeing this got up and Used wind Roar and pushed thier ship away and went back to sleep .

The pirates of the ship which was blown further away from Black Diamond came on shore an told them about the game"Davy back fight" in which the fight and the winner of the game gets to take crew members of the opposite team, the pirate flag , the ship or anything from the loser.

They then look at the ship and say call out the members who are on the ship , Robin and Zoro looked at them and said if you value you like it would be better to not touch the ship , They then remembered that The straw hat pirates had "The pink haired demon" in thier crew,they then began scheming so that the could take Him away for the Straw hats .

The crew was participating in a Donut race where they built a boat within an hour and use that to race , they could use any method possible to win , Zoro and chopper were disqualified from the race after thier Boat was destroyed, Sanji and luffy were in one team , Ussop ,Nami and robin were another team, they were racing against many teams of the Foxy pirates,the team cutie wagon belonging to the Foxy pirates had won because the leader of the crew had used his devil fruit power "slow slow fruit " on Nami's team slowing them down ,they then took Chopper as the prize .

Rosé then sent Scar to help them if needed after he informed him of what happened and went back to sleep ,Scar then gose and sits on Robin and would help them from outside if needed,they had then started the Ball Ball game in which Zoro and Sanji participated.

Sanji was thrown into the air by the opponents and was thrown towards the goal , Scar uses Aerokinesis and has Sanji move away from the goal and back onto the field, everyone was wondering what happened but had no clue, Zoro and Sanji seeing scar had a big grin on thier face .

They then go on to beat The giant of the enemy team , scar keeps using Aerokinesis to help them , leading zoro and Sanji to beat them up so so badly that they were at death's door, it was a quick easy victory ,they then take back chopper as a prize, Robin pats scar and says "Thank you ".

Rosé after having waking up creates a giant cloud bed and which were exactly like the ones they saw on Skypiea , he then jumps up on it and lays down with Nala , Fang and Leon ,he then gose on to float above the stadium that was built for the Roller skating Race between the two crews , Rosé then looks down and says " This looks like a fun event you are having Luffy ", They all look up , Luffy then says " Yeah did we disturb you ?", Rosé says "No i finished my Nap , well enjoy yourself I'm gonna stay here and watch ",Luffy then nods , The Foxy pirates that Saw Rosé for the first time felt shivers run down thier spine just looking at him ,they were all nervous but had calmed down when he said that he would only be watching, Rosé had used [Mind control] on Foxy and all of his crew member's .

Luffy didn't know how to skate and as soon as he wore them he fell face first on the ground,Rosé looking at him lets out a giggle ,Luffy loses the fist round, Nami then wins the second round ,Ussop won the third round and Robin won the fourth leading them to win the race, For this match they chose thier ship as a prize.

They then had a game of dodgeball,they had given the ball to the giant to throw , scar had used the air to stop the ball and then sent it back at sonic speed sending most of them Foxy crew members out of bounds , the only person remaining was the leader of the crew,Sanji was eliminated along with Ussop ,Zoro got out because he sliced the ball ,chopper got out trying to save Luffy, Luffy then knocks Foxy out of the field winning the game , For this one they took thier flag .

They then have a game of green light and red light ,with scar joining the game it was a easy victory as the game finished before he could turn and say red light , seeing the speed that scar was running at everyone had their mouth wide open in disbelief,for this one they took all thier treasure as the prize

The final game they had was a one on one all allowed fight between the captains of both the crews ,after a long, fierce fight Luffy after countless Knockdowns and standing up again was finally able to beat Foxy .

Rosé watching this from the air and enjoyed watching all the games ,after it was done Foxy all beat up had come and kneeled infront of Rosé , Rosé then told him to keep doing what he was doing and grow the crew bigger and that he can keep his ship and the as for the flag he had changed the design as it now had A skull with a pink rose coming out of its eyes and a sword piercing through the top of the skull ,and the name of the group was changed to "The Pink Demon Pirates ", After Receiving his order the group departed form the island .

At evening they boarded Black Diamond and set sail to thier next island,at night when Rosé was sleeping with Robin he felt someone try to harm the crew , Rosé had send Fang a mental message and he had taken care of boy and reached him to the village imand had brought the sea horse who was stealing memories to him , Rosé then gose oh to catch the sea horse by the neck and squeeze him returning all the memories he had stolen and the use [Mind control][seal] on it and stores him away .

They next day they set sail once again,heading for the next island on their journey,they were caught up in a storm and it was cold outside .

The next day they arrive at an island,they set up camp at the shore and go to the forest to gather supplies and have a meal ,after they go deeper in to the forest to find medical herbs for chopper and emergency supplies for the ship , after walking through the forest they arrive at a grassland , when they arrive , Chopper and luffy charge ahead seeing a huge mushroom which was actually a person,when the reach closer , Rosé sees Aokiji a Marine Admiral,Robin seeing him falls to the ground , Rosé helps her up ,Robin then tells the others who he is .

Rosé then tells all of them to come back ,as they were all ready to attack him , Zoro and the others listen to him and go behind him and luffy stands at the side of him , Aokiji then tell them to calm down as he is not here on official orders and was out on a stroll, Rosé then takes out a cigarette and smokes it , He tells them to lower their weapons,Everyone listens to him , Aokiji then lays down and gose to sleep Rosé looks and him and says " Zoro he is just like us , He loves to sleep too", and everyone starts laughing.

Rosé then summons his cloud bed and lays on it ,they then meet people who were passengers of Liner that went missing, chopper then gose on to heal them while the kids play with Rosé on his cloud bed which he extends, Luffy seeing this joins as he loved bouncing on them .

Sanji then prepares food for all of them , Aokiji who was looking at Rosé all this time thought " So the infamous Demon can be kind like this too!",The passengers then tell them how a frog destroyed thier ship , Aokiji then tells them that it was Yokozuna, Rosé then holds Robin's had sits down next to her .

Aokiji then goes on to freeze the entire ocean in a straight line going from their island to one that was close by , he then walks away ,Rosé was sitting next to Robin and watching this and says "Not bad !",Robin the rests her head on his shoulder while the others were playing on the ice .

Aokiji then tells luffy that he is just like his Grandfather free spirited,Luffy start shaking in fear hearing that word , Aokiji then says "Maybe I should kill you'll now before it turns to late ",Rosé then stands up and release such extreme bloodlust that everyone falls to their knees ,Aokiji moved back several steps in reflex and thought " So this is how he is when someone threatens him , Such insane bloodlust that it gives even me a chill!!",Rosé then Takes his blade out and coats it in [Rosy Flames of carnage],the colour of the flames were dark pink, Rosé then removed the blindfold of his right eye and tells everyone to move back , Everyone seeing Rosé removed his blindfold and was serious were surprised and didn't say anything , they moved back as Told .

Aokiji then creates a ice saber and slashes towards them , Rosé stops his blade and lands a kick coated with Haki send him Flying , Rosé then throws his blade towards him and appears infront of him lands a punch smashing him into the ground ,Rosé then catches the sword that was flying towards him was about to slam it but then sees the future where Aokiji create large ice spikes from his hand and attack him, Rosé then Falls back and sends two blade slashes destroying the ice spears that he was making , Aokiji then stands up Blood dripping from his mouth and a dent in his stomach,Aokiji the ask " who the hell are you ?,why are you who is at such a level not known to the world till now? ", Rosé looks at him and says " I am Rosé the vice captain of the straw hat pirates , you don't really need to know anything else ",Rosé then stares Aokiji in the eyes and says " i really liked you but you shouldn't have threatened my friends !",Rosé rushes at Aokiji ,he creates ice spikes from the ground trying to attack him Rosé with his swift movements dodges them all and heads towards him , Rosé clashes sword with him , his ice blade catches on fire and starts melting , Rosé taking this chance spins and lands a heal kick on Aokiji's head sending him flying ,he then approache him mid flight and punches him into the air , He t flys up into the air and punches him down sending him crashing into the ground creating a huge crater,Rosé and Aokiji then go on to exchange blows for a few minutes as Rosé study's his movements ,All though Aokiji had a strong body and was covering it with ice he was not able to keep up with Rosé's swift and heavy Taijutsu blows mixed with his sword art , Aokiji was using [Armament Haki] along with ice and protecting himself and was trying to Block Rosé's blade but even when he managed block the blade with ice spear and saber they would melt instantly and he was then attacked by kicks and punches that were coated in [Armament Haki]which were dealing some serious damage to him ,Aokiji gose on to create distance and attack Rosé with ice spears,ice time capsule and ice block partisan that he evades continuously , Rosé close the distance between them and lands a kick to his sides sending him flying ,Rosé then goes on to catch him and smash him Into the ground , he throws his blade towards Aokiji who was stuck in the crater, The blade lands a few inches away from his Neck ,Rosé lands another blow to his stomach having him cough up a mouthful of blood, he uses [seal ][Mind control] on him and tells him " Do not report to the Marines about this fight", Rosé picks up his blade and walks away leaving Aokiji who was covered in cuts and bruises ,which would heal in a day ,Rosé didn't consider Aokiji a enemy so his flames didn't harm him .

The crew then head back to the ship ,Aokiji gets up saying " That was a wonderful fight !", he gose on to pick his cycle and head back to the base .

Everyone was back to normal with their usual cheerful mood , Robin looked a little worried and disturbed , Rosé didn't pry and let things play out ,The crew had set sail ,whilst sailing they came across the frog the Passengers told them about and followed him .

While following him they came across a steam train, the frog was Standing on its track and was blown away because of the impact,after the frog was blown away they me "chimney " and "Kokoro",and they tell them that the frog will be back as he loves to compete in strength.

Kokoro tells them about "Water seven " which is their next destination , she tells them that water seven is a hangout spot for all shipwrights and that they make one of the best ships ,she then gives them a reference letter along with a map to the town .

They were guided to the back alley by a Townsfolk and arrived at the back of the town where they anchored the ship ,Zoro and Rosé stayed at the ship while , Robin and chopper went for a stroll , Sanji went to purchase provisions,Nami ,Luffy and ussop went to exchange their gold and look for a shipwright , while this was on Black Diamond was attacked by a group of pirates "Franky Family "who Zoro dealt without any problem .

Luffy and the group had met with iceberg and his assistant"Kalifa" who was talking about the crews bounty and their total bounty was "789 million Berries ",they had showed him the reference letter and asked him to add some modifications to Black diamond , which he agreed to and had sent "Kaku"to look at the ship.

Rosé was laying on the couch with his pets and watching all the events unfold , Robin had disappeared with a member not Cp9,Ussop who was carrying the money was kidnapped by the franky family ,Sanji and chopper were together , Kaku had returned to them taking about how he had never seen such a wonderful ship in all his years and that three was really nothing they could modify in her .

Luffy had rushed out to find Ussop,Nami who was following him found Ussop laying all beat up on a street with all the money taken away,Ussop then rushed to the Franky house all alone when Nami went to get help ,he was ganged up on and beaten ,Rosé then gose to the Franky house that was on a small land right next to them , Rosé had gone ahead and beat the shit out of everyone present there , he beat them till when their face was disfigured and were on deaths bed,Rosé destroyed the house as set it ablaze ,he went back and carried ussop back to the ship while healing him .

When Rosé came back to the ship , only Nami was there along with the pets ,Rosé lay ussop in his room , Rosé gose back onto the deck and takes out a cigarette and smokes it .

When The others arrived at the spot the all they saw were people scattered around and a pile of rubble that was on fire , Zoro then looks at this and says " so that's why Rosé disappeared , he must have been really mad!", They make their way back to the ship , chopper gose to his room to treat him.

Ussop was guilty of not being able to protect the money and was depressed ,they all cheered him up by telling him not to worry,Scar was helping him cope by sitting besides him,Rosé was sitting on the deck with Nala and smoking,Robin had yet to return,Nami had come next to him and hugged him from behind and asked"Don't worry she will come back", Rosé looked at her nodded,they sat on the deck watching the sun set .

Luffy and ussop had a fight and Ussop decided that he will leave the ship as he was not able to keep up with everyones strength in the crew and didn't have to go along with them , he challenges Luffy ,they have a duel and ussop with all of his tricks was controlling the battle , pushing Luffy to his limits,with the help of a gas dial he covered the whole area in gas and sent a flame shot causing a massive explosion and knocking him back with bruises and burns all over his body , everyone one on the crew was requesting Rosé to stop them , He just stood and watching them silencing everyone .

ussop even in his injured state had dominated the fight with the help of his dials and had beaten Luffy to a pulp , but after he ran out of ammunition and injured his hands using a impact dial , Luffy knocked him out with a single blow.

Luffy then bids him farewell and comes back to the ship,Luffy was crying and in the verge of losing himself,everyone was shedding tears .

The next day Water seven was in chaos as news about an assassination attempt on the Mayor was spread ,The mood in the crew was depressing , The loss of two friends and crew members was to much to handle.

Luffy and Nami had gone to check on Iceberg,Sanji and chopper were looking for Robin,Rosé and zoro were sitting on the rooftop of a building,Rosé was petting Nala who was sitting on his lap ,Zoro asks him" what are you going to do?",Rosé replies "Nothing ,I'll watch how things play out for a little longer ",Zoro nods his head in agreement and goes on to polish Rosé's sword .

Franky was back after spending the crew's money, when he arrived at his base all he was scattered Roses ,He was enraged and wanted revenge,His men had arrived and had informed him about what happened, A alert about Aqua Laguna which was storm surge was given,it was estimated to him the city by midnight.

Franky had made his appearance in the town with only his underwear and a shirt on ,everyone who saw him ran in the opposite direction,Franky had found Luffy and went on to fight him .

Rosé was watching the conversation happening between Iceberg who had gained consciousness and his subordinates, Rosé heard that Robin and a tall man who was wearing a mask were involved in the assassination attempt .

Rosé stands up and tell Zoro that he is going back to the ship and zoro nodded his head in agreement ,Rosé had made his back to the ship and had gone into his room ,He sat down with a cigarette in his mouth while music was playing behind him,Rosé was preparing to Forge him self some blades.

At Dock One, Franky attacks Luffy with a flame attack, leading the two pirates to believe he's a Devil Fruit user, until he jumps straight into the canal and attacks from there. After trading several more attacks, Franky reveals that he's a cyborg, a human with robotic parts. Before the fight can go on for much longer, however, the Galley-La foremen intervene.

The Foremen attack Luffy,After much fighting, with Luffy not fighting back, Rosé gets annoyed and teleports to the location , Rosé Releases his blood which drops everyone to their knees , Rosé walks up to Rob lucci who was attacking him he catches him by the head and lifts him of the ground, He then says "Didn't he say that he didn't know what was happening "Rosé slams him into the ground and continues to do so till he is knocked out , he then punches all of them in the guts sending them flying with blood coming out of thier mouths and looks at the other

Galley-La workers and the people that were holding Nami and said "Fuck off before I actually kill you'll ",He then increases the his bloodlust and adds [Overwhelming Presence] , Shaking everyone down thier core .

Rosé then carries Luffy with Nami following him ,After Rosé left nobody dared to move , some had passed out while the others trembled

uncontrollably ,Franky was glad he didn't make a serious move or else he would have been dead, After they leave Franky unleashed his ultimate attack, Coup de Vent, to destroy the entire dock ,because they interrupted his fight ,Luffy then tells Rosé that he wants to confirm the truth,Rosé nods and lets him go ,he gose back to his room.

News had spread that the straw hat pirates were responsible for the attack on the Mayor ,The newspaper paper was spread throughout the town ,Robin who had seen then news paper ,Iceberg had ordered for the capture of all the straw hat pirates .

Rosé was in his room creating his blade ,they would take a lot of time to complete,Rosé was watching the events from his room, Robin had met with lucci and the others and had planned to infiltrate the mayor's mansion again, there were people who came to the ship to look for them and were killed by Fang and Scar who where guarding the ship.

With the coming of the storm everyone in had evacuated leaving the lower region of the town completely empty, Robin had made contact with Sanji and chopper ,she told them that this is the place where they part ways and that she had purposefully pinned the crime on them and that this is just the beginning ,she thanks them for being so nice and bids farewell.

Luffy , zoro and Nami were being chased by everyone in the town ,chopper then meets up with them and informs them about what happenedthey conclude that there will be another attack that night and they should confront her there,Meanwhile, Franky decides to bring Luffy out of hiding by kidnapping Usopp .

At night in the Galley-La headquarters, Iceburg calls Paulie into his room to tell him something, and afterwards Paulie leaves his guard post to go into another room, opening a hidden safe in which lay the blueprints to Pluton but is found by two members of Cp9. The four remaining Straw Hats gather outside of headquarters hiding in a tree, observing the building for any events out of the ordinary when there is a huge explosion. At that point, several masked men in costumes (including Robin) rush into the building, who the workers assume are Straw Hat pirates.

While the female assassin distracts the guard, showing incredible speed and the ability to jump while airborne, the man with Robin, wearing a bear mask, manages to enter Iceburg's room from the side using his Doa Doa no Mi. He shoots Iceburg to weaken him, stating that they cannot kill him until they get the signal, and leaves him to Robin while he handles the guards, The bear masked man easily takes care of the foreman Tilestone,Rosé teleports behind Iceberg , seeing him Robin surprised falls backwards,Rosé then heals Iceberg and sits besides him while smoking a cigarette.

Robin was trembling seeing Rosé sitting infront of her ,Iceberg continues to talk to her ,and tells her that he has the blueprint to pluton a battle ship ,and tells them that they are the ones who got fooled as the blueprint were fake .

Using Den Den Mushis, the other CP9 agents are alerted to gather in Iceburg's room, when they arrive they spot Rosé sitting on the bed with Robin on the ground ,Rosé increases the gravity on all of them making them kneel on the floor, he then pulls of thier Mask revealing their identities the foremen Lucci and Kaku, the secretary Kalifa, and the bar owner Blueno.

Rosé then bends down and looks at them , he looks at Iceberg and says "these are you're loyal subordinates !",he bends down infront of Lucci and grabs him by the head and uses [Mind control] and does the same for the rest ,after that he walks towards blueno , he grabs him by the hair tears his head off his body and throws it in front of Lucci , they were all trembling looking at him , he then sets the body ablaze turning them into Roses,He then tells them to carry on what they were doing .

He then tells them to leave , He then uses [Mind control ][seal ] on iceberg and disappears, as Cp9 was about to leave , Luffy and the others barge into the room ,Kaku and kalifa leave while Lucci transforms with his Devil Fruit power, the Neko Neko no Mi, Model: Leopard, and uses using "Rokushiki" to knock out Paulie who attacks him .

The Straw Hats try to talk to Robin, but she leaves stating that there's a wish she cannot accomplish when with them, Lucci who is transformed gose on to block luffy who was trying to stop Robin and tells them about "Rokushiki", the six martial art techniques ,Luffy and Zoro attack him,only to be thrown across the island, the building is engulfed in flames because of the firebomb that cp9 had planted.

Rosé was watching all this from the ship while working on his blades ,Franky had taken ussop to his hideout,As Franky and Usopp are restrained by CP9, Franky is told that their commander would like to talk with him. As it turns out, the leader of CP9 is Spandam, who now has to wear a leather mask to cover his wounds which he got because of Franky, and he states that he will make Franky pay for what he did to him before,CP9 decide to arrest Usopp too, as even though he left the crew he still claims to be a pirate.

Meanwhile, at the Galley-La Headquarters, Iceburg (who was saved by Chopper at the last minute inside the Galley La Headquarters) and Nami manage to regain consciousness and Iceburg requests to the other carpenters that they speak alone,Iceburg then reveals that Robin told him that CP9 could call for an island-destroying fleet of battleships known as the Buster Call, thanks to permission from Aokiji, and that they would use it on the Straw Hat Pirates if Robin did not help assassinate Iceburg and come with them to be executed at Enies Lobby, Robin was able to escape for the past 20 years because she didn't have anything to protect and could betray people and use them as shields but she couldn't do it this time because she didn't want anything happening to him and the others, she had a deep trauma regarding the Buster Call,when she was a kid , the island she used to live on was completely destroyed by them and she was the only survivor .

Rosé hearing this thinks " so that's the reason ",and continues working on his blades ,it has been 10 hours since he started working on them and were only completed by 10%

,Rosé had deployed a A Barrier around the ship to avoid the storm and continued watching while working.

At the Blue Station, the three CP9 agents, along with Corgi and their prisoners, board the Sea Train as Sanji observes the situation. Due to the severe weather conditions, the Sea Train is forced to depart from the station early.As the train starts to leave, Sanji sneaks on board, but Nami and the others get there just in time to see it leave. Thankfully, the carpenters find a note from Sanji that states that he's on the train along with a Baby Den Den Mushi so they can contact each other once he finds a Den Den Mushi on the train, Nami gose on to look for Luffy and Zoro,Luffy was stuck in a gap between two buildings while Zoro was stuck in a chimney after saving them from the Aqua Laguna,Zoro then asks Nami where Rosé , Nami says " I have no idea but I think he already on his way to Enies Lobby", Luffy says "I'm sure that's what happened , we need to hurry after them ".

Rosé had told Black Diamond to make its way towards Enies lobby and wait for further instructions,Rosé brings scar along with him and teleport onto the train sitting atop of it enjoying the storm in his protective barrier that he created.

Kokoro takes Nami ,Luffy ,Chopper and Zoro to an old cellar where the prototype Sea Train, Rocketman, was kept, and they find Iceburg finishing up on maintenance. He had the same idea as Kokoro and came to the warehouse earlier to get it ready, and the train is ready for departure,Luffy and Zoro manage to fully recover by eating a bunch of meat and sake brought by Nami and a pair of conductors .

Rosé was watching Sanji fight his way through the train and reach to where they were holding Franky and Ussop,Franky family was following Luffy and the others to Save Franky ,RocketMan was unbelievably fast,Franky ,Sanji and ussop then climbs on top of the train and finds Rosé there , they comes and sits down next to him, Rosé offers Sanji a cigarette, Sanji contacts Nami ,He tell her about what happened and that Rosé is with them , Nami shares information about Robin and their current situation,Luffy and Zoro join the conversation, Rosé says " Luffy if you take so much time I'm gonna Hog all the fun ",Luffy was then crying saying that's not fair and how Lucci is his target , Rosé laughs and says "Okay okay ",Zoro told Sanji to wait till they catch up before making a move ,Sanji tells him that after hearing at what Robin did for us there is no way I'm gonna stop even if it's the captain's orders and break the Transponder,Rosé hits him on the head and say " Idiot, why did you break the Transponder ",Sanji looks at his hand and says " Sorry I got carried away ".

Ussop tells them that he won't be coming along and walks away, he comes back wearing a mask and proclaims him self to be Sogeking ,They had a meeting discussing how to go about things ,Sanji after asking Rosé to let them deal with it heads inside with the other to deal with thing .

Ussop gets into the bogie Robin was held ,and tells hear about how Luffy is bringing a big crew to rescue her , Ussop also tells her that the vice captain of the crew is sitting on top of them , Robin surprised uses her ability to check , Rosé sees her Handa and smiles , Robin had tears welling up in her eyes but controlled them .

Zoro was battling T bone who's was running on the tracks trying to catch up to the puffing tom as he got separated when Sanji had tricked them and released the Bogies they were in ,Zoro had dealt with him with ease.

Sanji and Franky had reached the Bogie where the Cp9 was situated after beating all the Marines ,Sanji and ussop were knocked out and left in Bogie which was separated from the engine,while Franky and Robin are kept in the Main Bogie where cp9 were situated.

Franky and Robin were sitting together,Talking to Robin, Franky learns that Iceburg is still alive and then informs her that no matter what anyone says, simply being alive is not a sin.

Puffing Tom then arrives at the no-night government island of Enies Lobby,When Cp9 walks in there is a big commotion as only three members had returned ,Sanji and Sogeking meet up with luffy and the others ,Rosé teleports to the top of the Tower of law where a huge world government flag was, Rosé observed and found roughly fifteen thousand men, a mix of those from both the World Government and the Marines , The island also had a courthouse,after checking out everything he lay there and smoked a cigarette while waiting for the others to arrive.

Rosé then watched Luffy rush inside alone by jumping over the Gate beating any Marine that tried to stop him , Rosé seeing this said "so he didn't even try to follow the plan they made ,"Rosé laughed looking at everyone's reaction to this .

The Franky Family and Galley-La,began an all-out assault on the government island of Enies Lobby against thousands of Marine soldiers and the Cipher Pol agents,Luffy was toying with the soldiers and they jumped across the main gate entering the main island,while the others had made their way through the first gate and went towards the main gate, where they met two giants Oimo and Kashii,The group had managed to take down one of them,Luffy had taken down Four hundred of Marine soldiers while running around the town looking for Robin.

Cp9 , Franky and Robin had reached the

Tower of Law, when they arrived the mood was a dull as they had lost one of their members ,Spandam provides his subordinates with devil fruits for their hard work ,Robin and Franky were taken in to meet Spandam, RocketMan had jumped over the main gate with the help of zoro and iron railings , they crashed into Oimo knocking him out and granting RocketMan a smooth landing, The straw hats had now joined the fight .

Rosé had told Scar to go ahead and go wild , Scar gave him a lick and then transformed , he then went to kill any Marine soldier or Agent he came across ,Spandam was beating Franky up while bragging about his plan , He then gose on to punch Robin and gose on to disgrace her and then tells her that they were going to kill the straw hats he then goes on to kick her and stamp on her .

Scar who was given the go ahead had gone on to kill any soldier or agent he came across in the most brutal way painting the streets with blood , he had also killed Baskerville who was guarding the courthouse ,Luffy had arrived at the rooftop of the courthouse,

Franky used his Coup de Boo to free himself from his chains and takes Robin with him,ussop had convinced the giants to betray the world government as the government had lied to them about everything,The straw hats had arrived at the court house on sodom the king bull after crossing streets filled with bodies ,after dealing with nine thousand or so soldiers , scar came back next to Rosé covered in blood,Spandam received a call reporting the casualties of Eleven thousand soldiers who were killed by a white monster and the others were destroyed by Luffy and the group, the soldier also reported about the pirates who had arrived at the courthouse , when he heard this his knees gave out ,he was shivering and kept shouting "what did you say ?", but there was no reply,The straw hats had all gathered at the roof of the courthouse and had called out to Robin,Rosé got up and looked down from the roof with scar who was covered in blood standing besides him , Franky who broke his chains brought Robin out so she could speak to the straw hats ,She replied that she didn't want to be saved and that she just wanted to die, Cp9 and Spandam then came out , Rosé then looks down at them and shout "Is that really what you want Robin ",everyone's head turned up seeing Rosé along with scar, Lucci and the others how saw the comrade get ripped apart by Rosé's hads were shivering with fear ,Spandam was shouting "who the hell are you?" .

Robin tells them that she is terrified that one day the Straw Hats will see her as a burden, and also betray her. She screams that she would prefer death to that. The other Straw Hats quietly acknowledged the reason Robin had, then Spandam burst out laughing, saying she's absolutely accurate, and nobody would be stupid enough to think she wasn't a burden after traveling with her. Spandam pointed at the flag on top of the Tower of Justice and told Luffy that the organization after Robin is over 170 affiliated nations.

Rosé grabs the flag and rips it off the rooftop , he the sets it ablaze with his flames and throws it towards Spandam , the flag flys towards him at sonic speed going through his left shoulder,his left arm falls to the ground while Flames burnt them and turned them into roses that scattered ,the flames had invaded inside of his body and would stay there causing unbelievable pain for as long as he lives , Spandam was screaming desperately crying for help and for the pain to stop ,Lucci , Kaku and Khalifa didn't move out of fear while the other two helped him while one of them jumped up to attack Rosé , he was sent flying back down crashing into the floor by Scar who left out a deafening Roar ,Chopper then translated it"How dare you filthy creature try and touch my Master " Rosé parted his head ,everyone who saw the Flag burning was speechless,zoro says "Nice Throw ",Luffy shouts "Bring it on world government!!",Rosé then say "Robin you haven't replied yet ",Robin then shouts while crying "I want to live!", The straw hats had declared war on the world government.

Franky, impressed by the nerve of the Straw Hats, and knowing he has misjudged Robin, revealed the blueprints that the government had been after. He explained that the architect who wrote the blueprints of Pluton thought there should not exist a weapon like this without having a weapon against it in the case of it falling into the hands of someone like Spandam. Because he figured this was the only way to satisfy the wish of the architect, Franky then burned the blueprints right in front of CP9, telling them that he is betting on the Straw Hats' victory.

The straw hats then invaded the Tower of law ,Spandam then shouts at Lucci and tells him to take Robin and him to Gates of Justice ,he then called Funkfreed, who turned into a sword and ran ,when they entered they are called by Fukurou, who was in a corner of the room. He tells them that Robin is being taken to the Gates of Justice by Lucci and Spandam, and that CP9 has been given orders to eliminate them. He then showed them a key, which he explained is a key to Robin's Seastone handcuffs,he tells them that each member of cp9 had one , After a bit of conversation amidst the Straw Hats about this, Fukurou explained that Seastone is as hard as diamond, and the handcuffs could never be removed without the key.

Franky ran through the tower, looking for the kitchen to refill his cola supply. He finally finds it, but Fukurou blocked his way. Nami encountered Kumadori in a dungeon, Sogeking tried a number of doors before coming across a garden where Jabra is sleeping with the key lying on the ground in front of him,Sanji runs Kalifa,She effortlessly seduced Sanji into drinking tea with her. Zoro confronts Kaku in his study.

Luffy reached the bottom of the Judicial Tower, where he can see the Gates of Justice in front of him. The only problem is that between him and the Gates is a giant whirlpool,Rosé watched Nami as she nearly got killed, Rosé appeares infront of Kumadori and lands kick to his face sending him flying through the walls ,Rosé went ahead to get the key but was stopped by Nami ,she had already stolen Kumadori's key,Rosé pats her and says "what a naughty girl",Nami was blushing . Sanji suddenly fell from an upper story, his body terribly wounded and deformed by some unknown power into a doll-like figure,He explained his plight to Nami, who gently chastised him for his foolishness before advancing to face Kalifa herself, Rosé sits next to Sanji and takes out a smoke,he then taunts Sanji saying "so sad you can't even smoke in your ugly doll form ", and laughs , Sanji was yelling at him , chopper joins them and he fights against kumadori who came back with a deformed face and was bleeding.

Gonbe and Chimney, led him to a secret passage that they saw Spandam had used earlier,It led to the lower areas of the tower, and eventually to an immovable steel door, Luffy broke through it ,Lucci informed his commander that they are being followed, Spandam ordered him to wait behind to hold off any pursuit while he takes Robin to the Gates of Justice.

Meanwhile, Franky and Fukurou's battle continued into the kitchen, each one trying to punch harder than the other. As the two swapped blows and taunts,punched Fukurou out of the building, their fight continued outside, taking them down into the ocean and then high above the Tower,where Franky ended the fight with his Coup de Vent cannon. Franky then grabs the Number 4 key off of Fukurou's coat pocket.

Zoro and Usopp are handcuffed together and running from Kaku and Jabra as best they can,Chopper in desperation took a third Rumble Ball , and grew into a gigantic, terrifying monster that dwarfs Kumadori.He crushed the CP9 agent and threw him from the Tower of Justice to the main island,Chopper went on a rampage ,Rosé proceeded to knock and used [No Longer human] to cancel out his ability turning him back to normal.

Luffy finally caught up to Lucci,who held him at bay while Spandam escaped towards the Gates of Justice with Robin. When Robin tried to escape, Spandam attempted to summon CP9 with his ordinary Den Den Mushi but used the Golden Den Den Mushi by mistake, which summons the Buster Call, a powerful Marine fleet with orders to destroy the entire island,Noting the target to be Enies Lobby, they Marines decide to launch the fleet straight from headquarters so as to reach there within 30 minutes

Nami was getting beat by Kalifa and was transformed into a doll just like Sanji ,she realised The water from the bath washed away Kalifa's bubbles, A splash on Nami's leg let her realize how to restore herself using Rain Tempo,She then used Mirage Tempo to confuse Kalifa before eventually defeating her with a Thunder Lance Tempo and taking her key,Nami rushes towards Zoro and Sogeking after her fight so that she can unlock their handcuffs , zoro and sogeking then had a proper fight against Jabra and Kaku .

Rosé and Franky then made thier way towards Gates of Justice to try Fukurou and Kumadori's keys on Robin's handcuffs, Chimney and Gonbe showed them the way.

Zoro began to once again battle Kaku. Kaku revealed more impressive abilities through the use of his Devil Fruit, using his nose as a larger version of Shigan; the deflected blow easily cut into a boulder nearby.

Usopp tried frantically to defend himself against Jabra, but even his new Kabuto is no match for the CP9 agent's speed. Jabra caught Usopp off guard by offering him the key without a fight, but attacked Usopp at the last moment, knocking him down. With his opponent helpless, Jabra began to gloat at Usopp's weakness, but is cut short by the sudden arrival of Sanji, returned to his normal self when Nami threw water on him before heading out .

Rosé watched the few thousand Marines that weee left escaping with the sea train , The Franky family and the others who were left alone tried to look for an alternative way to escape the island ,Fighting Sanji on the tower's high landing, Jabra revealed his Tekkai Kenpo - a fighting style which allows him to move and fight while using Tekkai, making him all but immune to Sanji's kicks,To combat Jabra's impenetrable Tekkai, Sanji creates a new technique, Diable Jambe, where he heats up one foot with friction, resulting in powerful kicks that burn through his enemy's defense. He kicked Jabra all the way down to the ground floor, defeating him.

Rosé and Franky come across Luffy and Lucci fighting , Rosé shouts "Luffy I'm going ahead don't you dare lose ",They arrive at the bridge of hesitation and See the Giant gate is already opened completely and the water fall that was surrounding Enies Lobby was filling up,Rosé rushes ahead and slams Spandam into the ground and began punching him while scar had pinned his sword down , Rosé kept punching him smashing him into the ground and making sure he didn't die, he healed him and then continued punching him , Rosé continued this process till he lost his will to live, After about 15 minutes of this Rosé used [Mind control ] and left him he then killed hundreds of Marines that were approaching from the other side of the giant gate and destroyed the bridge of hesitation , he went towards Robin and hugged her, he then checked on the bruises on her body ,she was crying , Rosé comforted her and kissed her on the head and said "your free now !", Ussop then fires all the keys towards him and he uses them and frees Robin from her shackles.

Meanwhile , Luffy is unable to hurt Lucci, who hit him with a rapid-fire Shigan, Rosé takes the keys from Franky and tells him to assist Luffy, Franky comes to Luffy's aid and try's to hit Lucci with the same move he used against Fukurou, Franky's move is unsuccessful against Lucci's much-stronger Tekkai, and Lucci prepared to strike Franky, Luffy used his brand new Gear 2 ability and knocked Lucci away,with this Luffy manages to keep the now transformed Lucci at bay.

The celebration is cut short when the Buster Call arrived, and the top of the Judicial Tower is blown up,The defensive fence surrounding Enies Lobby is also destroyed, Rosé gathered everyone towards him , He sends a command to Black diamond who was submerged under water to come above the water ,Rosé tells Leon and Fang to be prepared to catch the people he will throw ,Rosé uses [Omni -Manipulation]to create clouds that would act as a shield and cushion he then wraps it around them,he was gathering air in his palm so he could launch them flying towards the ship that was at distance avoiding the Marines , while he launched Nami into the air, everyone was watching him with their eyes popping out , The were surprised at his strength and worried about what would happen to them , Rosé then launched Zoro, Sanji , Sogeking Kokoro, Chimney, Robin ,Chopper,Franky and Gonbe,after flying at unimaginable speed for a few minutes they spot Black Diamond,They were caught by Leon who used Aerokinesis to stop them and helped them land safely on the ship ,Once they landed they all looked towards the direction they came form worried,Franky was checking out the ship and was talking about all kinds of modifications and weapons he could add on to such a beautiful ship..,After Rosé went on to watch Luffy who was still fighting.

The Buster Call was upon Enies Lobby and was destroying everything, The fleet appears along with the five Vice Admirals,Rosé and scar protected the building by slicing any cannon ball that was heading toward him ,Having exhausted himself, Luffy is attacked fiercely by Lucci, who taunted that he thought Luffy was stronger. So Luffy unleashes Gear 3,His arm then swelled to massive proportions, and he attacked Lucci with a Gomu Gomu no Gigant Pistol, sending him flying through the wall and toward the sea,the knocked out Lucci lands on a battle ship , Rosé throws a bag full of food towards Luffy and say "Captain I'm going to hold them off , If you don't hurry I'll hog all of them for myself "while giving a sly smile ,Luffy while stuffing himself said something but Rosé walked away ,Luffy kept grumbling.

Rosé prepared huge [Black Recivers ]that he shrunk to the size of spears with[sukunahikona] and coated them with [Rosy Flames of carnage] Rose then lifted the blindfold of his left eye and launched them towards the Four of the humongous ships that were as tall as Tower of Justice Rose had sent Ten receivers each, when the Marine saw the tiny pink spears heading towards them they laughed , as they neared the ship Rosé restored them back to their usual size , the now huge receivers Pierced the battle ship from every angle setting them ablaze and pulling them to the bottom of the ocean creating four holes , The water in the hole were continually being evaporated , The ship was pinned to the floor and four thousand Marines were burnt alive ,among them where 200 elite captains and commanders , all that remained were Roses and the Black recivers that were submerged by the ocean, The Marines soliders where shivering in fear and questioning what those black rods were , The vice admiral were using binoculars and watching Rosé and scar standing on top of the Tower of justice while smoking a cigarette,The vice admiral's ordered them to fire cannons towards him , He had sliced all the cannon balls coming towards him into small pieces.

Both of them had recovered , Lucci returns to human form and takes off his shirt, showing scars on his back similar to the World Government's symbol,while Luffy inhaled deeply and then attacked the ship he landed on,The Marines fired at him, but Luffy was unaffected,Luffy resumed his fight with Lucci, attacking with a Gomu Gomu no Gigant Axe, but Lucci managed to dodge it. He turned into his complete animal form and bit Luffy. Luffy escaped by expanding his body, while Lucci returned to his human form. Luffy tried to hit Lucci with a Gomu Gomu no Gigant Whip, but Lucci dodged it as the attack destroyed the mast of the ship,Lucci fired a Tobu Shigan Bachi and hit Luffy.

Vice Admiral Onigumo noted Lucci and Luffy fighting and ordered the fleet to target the ship they are on. He explained that if it's Lucci, then he will survive. A Marine objected to the idea, saying that 1,000 Marines are aboard the ship. The Vice Admiral killed the Marine on the spot, asking if he can protect the future from a criminal with his weakness. The ships begin firing, and the ship that Luffy and Lucci are on is hit,Luffy escaped the bombardment, returning to the tower. However, when he lands, he is shrunk from the side effects of Gear 3. He then hid from Lucci until he could return to normal size.

Rosé seeing the side effects of Luffy's gear 3 he lets out a loud laugh , Luffy who was hiding looks at him and puts a finger on his lips telling Rosé to keep quite ,Lucci found Luffy and began to attack him, right before Lucci could strike the finishing blow, the damage from the Gear 3 attacks starts to hurt As he struggled with the pain, Luffy returnes to normal,he used Gear 2 once more to even the odds,Rosé tired of dealing with the cannon balls decided to sink all the ships, he then sent multiple Black recivers towards the Battle ship , he resorted them to their normal size , they pierced the all the Battle ships slowly sinking them .

Meanwhile,Lucci hits Luffy with the most powerful Rokushiki technique he knows, damaging Luffy heavily,However, it only leaves Luffy more determined than ever to defeat Lucci,Luffy began to struggle as the effects of his Gear 2 begin to show. Lucci taunts him that no matter how hard Luffy struggles, Luffy attacked, but Lucci dodged his attack and landed another devastating Rokuougan,Luffy fell to the ground and attempting briefly to stand before collapsing in a pool of his own blood,Rosé looking at Luffy shouted "Is this your limit Luffy? ",Luffy got up again to fight and shouts "No ,I'm going to knock him out ",Despite being attacked again and again by Lucci, Luffy still fought back, Lucci hit Luffy with another Rokuougan, but this time, Luffy does not fall,Using everything he has left, Luffy bombards Lucci with an all-out Gomu Gomu no Jet Gatling, crushing him through the tower wall and finally defeating him,Luffy then Raises his hand and says "I told you Rosé, I will win ", and then faints , Rosé then dose the same he did with the others and launches Luffy towards Black diamond.

Rosé then goes on to create a giant Rose with [Rosy Flames of carnage], the Rose is so big that it covers the whole of Enies lobby ,He then Flys up into the air with scar and watches his flames erasing Enies lobby from the world leaving only the people alive ,After Rosé stopped the flames all that remained were Roses that floated in the sea dyeing it pink , Rosé seeing this smile with satisfaction and leaves .

After Rosé leaves,Aokiji arrives on the scene and declared that with complete destruction of Enies lobby ,this is a "complete defeat" for the World Government and orders the backup Marine ship that arrived to begin the rescue operation.

once Rosé arrived at the ship he is hugged by Robin who was worried ,Rose walks inside with Robin and heads towards the medical room where Chopper was treating everyone's wounds , when they see Rosé enter the all jump up with happiness only to be scolded by chopper , Rosé looks at them and says " we managed to complete defeat the government and save Robin , after everyone has rested let's celebrate ",The crew rejoiced,Rosé commands Black Diamond to set sail towards water 7 .

It had been two days since they rescued Robin,they were docked on water 7 and everyone was recovering from their injuries,Rosé was sleeping in Robin's lap while she played with his hair while Nami sat next to Robin playing with scar, Luffy was still unconscious,Zoro was looking for a sword as Yubashiri got destroyed when he was sparing with Rose and using his new Nine Sword Style,Chopper was tending to Luffy and Sanji was preparing food .

While Rosé was resting on Robin's lap , Franky had barged into the house , Franky then ask Nami to let him modify the ship , Nami then told him "If you want it modify the ship you will have to ask Rosé as he treats her as a gem and dose not allow anyone to touch her ", Franky had turned and then got on to his knees requested Rosé to let him modify Black Diamond with the Adam wood he brought from thier money , Rosé had given him permission then.

Rosé was laying on Robin's lap while she massaged his head ,Rosé had received news about the Navy approaching the island,he had checked and it was a Vice admiral wearing a dog mask,Rosé was excited and waited for them to reach the house they were recuperating at,the vice admiral then gose on to smash through the wall,Rosé rushed at him in a flash and had pointed his sword on his throat before the dust settled,He then says "If you move your head will roll ",Garp thinks "so he is the Pink haired demon Rosé,what a dangerous young man he is "he then speaks after a minute of silence "I am here to meet a man named Monkey.D.Luffy",Rosé says "Who are you?",Garp then spotting luffy speeds by him heading towards Luffy,Rosé who was faster stands before him again with his sword touching his throat ,Luffy who had woken up looking at Garp says "G…G…..Grandpa",Rosé then looks back and at the man who was wearing a dog mask , Rosé then puts his blade away and gose back and lays on Robins lap snuggling,Garp had then beat luffy up and went on to have a conversation in which Garp revealed Luffy's fathers name "Monkey.D.Dragon ", and after remembering he wasn't supposed to reveal it asks them to forget about it ,Rosé had also met coby who was training under Garp ,They had left afte a few hours , they then went to the pool side where Rosé had created humongous speakers and was playing music for the party while Robin feed him food that Sanji prepared for him , the whole town had joined in and they celebrated the entire night.

The next day Rosé and the crew had made the front page in the newspaper , His photo was stuck on the very front page of the newspaper , it stated "The pink hair demon Rosé along with the Straw hat crew invaded Enid's Lobby,Rosé has massacred Thirteen Thousand Marine soldiers ,200 elite commanders and is responsible for destruction 9 Battle ships and the entire Enies Lobby ",below him was the Pictures of the entire crew and their achievement, they were now all wanted criminals who had waged war against The world government.

The straw hats had spent a few day in water 7 while Franky was completing the modifications for Black Diamond,Rosé had spent most his time with Nami and Robin ,they had gone shopping ,they ate meals at all kinds restaurants and had roamed around the town ,they enjoyed their stay in the town to the fullest .

Franky was showing Rosé the new features he had added, a Soldier Dock System a special system built within the ship and represented externally by two giant numbered plates, one on either side of the ship. It is a turntable comprised of six compartments that each contains a special device or vehicle for the Straw Hats' can use,Chicken Voyagea maneuver the Sunny can perform in order to quickly escape attacks, By activating a contraption found at the helm,The Gaon Cannon is a powerful cannon hidden within the Dragon's mouth in the prow of the ship; the cannon itself fires a blast of air that resembles an energy beam,Rosé had with the help of [All fiction ] had made it a part of the ship and included the auto regeneration ability to it , he had also changed the material of all the new contraptions to an alloy made of Adamantium and Dargonite which he brought from his shop,The ship had turned bigger with the addition of new contraptions and Rooms such as

Library for Robin,workshop for Franky ,Engineering room and the aquarium.

Rosé had also convinced Franky to join them on thier journey ,he was hesitant at first but after spending time with him and Black Diamond he came around and had accepted,the next day while they were heading towards the dock the Franky family had brought them their new wanted posters ,Rosé's bounty had reached 900 million Berries,Luffy's bounty was at 400 million,Zoro was at 200 million,Nami was at 16 million,Robin was at 100 million,Sanji was at 77 million,Franky was at 44 million,chopper was at 50 Berries bringing their total bounty to "1.7 billion berries ",shaking the whole world down to its core,The Franky family had come to ask them to take Franky with them, Rosé stopped them and said "Franky already accepted my proposal of joining ",Everyone was looking at him in shock ,Luffy was looked at Rosé and said "That's Rosé for you he is so cool", and everyone nodded their head in agreement.

They had packed all thier stuff and were heading towards the dock , Rosé was carrying Robin on his back , when Luffy saw the modification he was so excited to check them out that he rushed ahead all alone,but it was cut short as the Navy fleet head by Garp was looking for them and would be there soon,they were waiting for ussop to see if he wants to come back ,they were then attacked by Garp's Ship Rosé Told Nami to pull the anchor and set sail , He told Zoro to help help him deal with the cannons while , Luffy reasoned with Garp, He told them that thier bounty's were to high for him to ignore them now ,Garp was thrown cannon balls at them with his hands , Rosé counters them with Black recivers while the ones he misses were dealt with by Luffy,Frank and Zoro ,Rosé had enough and sent multiple Recivers and had restored them piercing the ship and stopping thier advance and continued deal with the cannonballs,ussop had reached the shore and was spouting nonsense instead of an apology so he was ignored,They had reached quite a distance away from the shore when he finally apologised,Luffy then pulled him on deck while crying,Rosé looked at Garps ship that was sinking and shouted "Sorry old man ",Franky then used coup de burst and launches the ship flying , after they escaped they had a celebration for the joining of a new member Franky .

I got goosebumps watching them part with Merry

Rosee_Iammcreators' thoughts