
The Possibility of a Dungeon Overflow?

After an hour of travel, Mathew and Loren arrived at the foot of Baliu Mountain. Then, Loren sent a message to Sabrina—indicating that they were already at the eastern side of Baliu Mountain and were just waiting for her.

With Sabrina's enhanced vision, because of her transformation form, she was able to find them a few minutes later. She hovered above, circling around the area to check if there were any nearby monsters that might become a threat to them.

Noticing that there were only a few monsters that even Mathew could handle by himself, she started to descend whilst crying, "Kwiiiyaaak!"

It took her a few minutes to descend and land at a safe distance away from Mathew and Loren. Then, she reverted back to her human form—making the ropes lose and eventually separating the basket containing Werewolf Tam from her leg. She stretched her arms and feet before she dragged the basket and went towards Loren and Mathew.