
The Immortal Chaos Golden Dragon God

Thet say if you are quiet enough you could hear the lost sound of the dragons. Over 100,000 million years ago dragons disappeared from this world the voices from the gods also disappeared the world has changed with advice technology outstanding and talented people they are thousands of planets that now people can see the world has changed from before yet spirit beast have been suffering because of their unique powers and how humans can use it to become stronger, but the humans did not know they have awaken a ancient sleeping dragon that was known to destory a planet within a second no one could even see its enter body this dragon has been sealed away for over 30.9 billion years it's finally out but it's after revenge toward the humans that has destroyed the dragon clan, spirit beast, and demons. In a small city there lays a young boy who has always followed his older siblings around even on the day of awakening day he was a gentle yet cunning little guy. The world isn't simple but can this little guy truly bring piece to three races demons, spirit beast, and humans? Shen Riku Yuuto dream has always been to become a Heavenly Henjina Spirit Master and fleet commander. For a young master he must rise above his brothers and sisters he must walk through fire, throns, and blood. Shen Riku Yuuto might have a trashy spirit root but what he makes of it it's up to him. Attending the number one academy in the world Celestial Edrea Academy, makinh friends, finding allys, creating enemies taking revenge on those who harm his family what Shen Riku Yuuto doesn't known is within his body there lays a Immortal Chaos Golden Dragon God Body, a real dragon that is sealed away can Shen Riku Yuuto rise above Heaven and Earth can shake the enter Heavenly Edogend Continent?

Gloria_Drinka_1851 · แฟนตาซี
34 Chs

Chapter 8 {Destroyed Greenhouse}

Li Carson and Shen Riku Yuuto are best friends as they walked inside the greenhouse Lu Carson sat down and he crossed his arms and leaned back and flipped his card in the air.

"Brother, let's have a match between you and me and see who is the best."

"Oh alright we won't tell each other what we have let's do it!"

Li Carson nodded his head he stood right back up and he released his spirit root demon bear claw which comes from his father side. The moment he waved his hand in the air a gash of wind blasted forward shooting Shen Riku Yuuto backwards. He landed on the ground and he looked up he waved his hand to side as he stood up and his Layui Si Grass appeared it covered the ground as it wrapped around Li Carson he used his lightning which is element of magic and burned the Layui Si Grass. Shen Riku Yuuto did not give in he put his hands together his Layui Si Grass and his flames are shot out his flames were light blue as it shot straight forward Li Carson felt like this was dangerous so he summoned his weapon which was a shield the flames and did not touch him but he felt the frightening heat that came out it. Li Carson waved his shield in the air and threw it forward Shen Riku Yuuto summoned his wrapped up spear that was in gray bandages wrap. Both stared at each other before they rushed forward. Li Carson summoned his familiar was was the Wind Lightning Eagle it shot powerful energy out and Shen Riku Yuuto waved his Layui Si Grass around he also used his flames to help him block the hits this time his fire was normal color orange. He clenched his hands together and punched Li Carson who was sent flying.

The two boys didn't notice they destroyed the enter greenhouse. Both mothers were honestly shocked.

"Shen Riku Yuuto get over here!"

"Mom!" Shan Riku Yuuto and Li Carson shouted in unison.

"Boy this was your idea how dare you destroy a beautiful green house with rare herbs!" Shelly shouted and grabbed her son ear.

"Shen Riku Yuuto we have arena, you like fighting I understand that but these herbs I been growing for over one hundred years now what shall I do with you?"

"Sorry mom I..I…"

"Silly boy how did it feel?"


"Fighting Li Carson how did it feel?"

"Well his super strong and his really knows how to use his abilities."

"Oh good arena now!" Yang Mu Lili snapped.

"Wait mom please I beg of you! I am sorry for the arena! Dad save me!"

"Oh son, we will have a funeral for you."

"Husband joined our son as well!" Yang Mu Lili hissed out.

"Brat, look what you did to bring me into your mess."

"Aren't you supposed to be the father!"

Yang Mu Lili was holding a wooden sword. Shen Riku Yuuto grabbed a wooden spear, and Shen Yuan Lu grabbed a wooden sword.

"Alright I will fight both of you until I am happy," Yang Mu Lili said.

"Mom, what's your martial art level?"

"Martial art level 98."

"Wow, so powerful in combat alone!?"


"I will fight you son in martial art level one."


"Same with me honey."

"Dear husband we will fight on the same level."

Yang Mu Lili moved toward her son and started attacking him she did not dear hurt her son but started showing him moves that he can take in she swished her weapon into a spear in the middle of the battle. An hour of punishment training Shen Riku Yuuto walked out of the arena. He took a nice shower and laid in bed.


"Oh Cherry see this?" Shen Riku Yuuto asked and pointed at his Layui Si Grass.

"This is a spirit root, this fire is element of magic, see the green egg over there it's my familiar, and I have a weapon as well when you have your awakening you will have these as well in school we all of these Senia when someone asked you about your Senia that's what they mean, I am so tired my hands so badly as well," Shen Riku Yuuto mattered and he fall his head first on Freya lap she slowly stared at him and she hesitated on touching his head but touched his he's at the end and her sweet smile appeared.

"Sleep well big brother," Freya's voice was full of gentleness. She herself didn't notice the golden silver feather that dropped on the ground. She put Shen Riku Yuuto on the bed and she laid down next to him and fell asleep in his arms.