
The Immortal Chaos Golden Dragon God

Thet say if you are quiet enough you could hear the lost sound of the dragons. Over 100,000 million years ago dragons disappeared from this world the voices from the gods also disappeared the world has changed with advice technology outstanding and talented people they are thousands of planets that now people can see the world has changed from before yet spirit beast have been suffering because of their unique powers and how humans can use it to become stronger, but the humans did not know they have awaken a ancient sleeping dragon that was known to destory a planet within a second no one could even see its enter body this dragon has been sealed away for over 30.9 billion years it's finally out but it's after revenge toward the humans that has destroyed the dragon clan, spirit beast, and demons. In a small city there lays a young boy who has always followed his older siblings around even on the day of awakening day he was a gentle yet cunning little guy. The world isn't simple but can this little guy truly bring piece to three races demons, spirit beast, and humans? Shen Riku Yuuto dream has always been to become a Heavenly Henjina Spirit Master and fleet commander. For a young master he must rise above his brothers and sisters he must walk through fire, throns, and blood. Shen Riku Yuuto might have a trashy spirit root but what he makes of it it's up to him. Attending the number one academy in the world Celestial Edrea Academy, makinh friends, finding allys, creating enemies taking revenge on those who harm his family what Shen Riku Yuuto doesn't known is within his body there lays a Immortal Chaos Golden Dragon God Body, a real dragon that is sealed away can Shen Riku Yuuto rise above Heaven and Earth can shake the enter Heavenly Edogend Continent?

Gloria_Drinka_1851 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 9 {Time Flies By}

Three years later

"Hey Riku, you understand if you don't make a breakthrough to the eleventh rank of your Jewel Soul Power you won't be able to get a recommendation letter," a guy said. This fat guy was a person who tried to bully Shen Riku Yuuto many times but ended up always beaten up. Because Shen Riku Yuuto is raised by a general father, and a mother who dotes on him he doesn't like to fight or get into trouble but his actions make him look like a bad boy. Yo Jackson grinned happily he always thinks he is able to beat Shen Riku Yuuto but in truth he follows him like a lost puppy when someone bullies him he runs to Shen Riku Yuuto threatens them. After all he knows how to threaten someone like how his mother threatens him with beating. Shen Riku Yuuto has grown up handsomely for a nine year old. He was slightly taller than his classmates, his grayish bluish eyes were clear, and his hair was much more black than before. Shen Riku Yuuto shows off this kind of aura of a person of maturity but also has this look that crosses the line and lets see what will happen.

"Riku!" A girl shouted at him. His calm face changed when he stared at Gu Kiomi. Yes in the past three years he has fought with Gu Kiomi and she has always lost to him to the point she always wants to defeat him what is that girl want this time.

"What is it?"

"I heard you haven't reached level eleven Jewel Soul Power, you are so lame," Gu Kiomi.

Shen Riku Yuuto yawned and he grabbed his backpack. It's actually true that he feels like he's about to make a breakthrough to the eleventh rank.

But both Gu Kiomi and Shen Riku Yuuto have become somewhat good friends. Yes they fight a lot but they also respect each other. If someone asks them if they are best friends they would say no but if they asked them if they are school friends they would say they wouldn't hang out together outside school.

"Anyway school almost over I am a genius yet I always losing to you I will see what is so great at the end of year battle."

"Yes let's see what will come of it, Yo Jackson let's go."

"Phew now aren't you scared of her she is known to be the most beautiful girl in Greenville Academy!"

"Yeah but my little sister is goddess of Beaty if she is beautiful my sister is a goddess," Shen Riku Yuuto bragged and waved bye toward Yo Jackson who did the same. Shen Riku Yuuto walked toward Lnd Academy.

Five minutes later students rushed out of the school. If kids don't want to become Heavenly Spirit Master they can go to a normal school. For Freya it's a special case she has been unable to awaken her Senia for the past two years their parents tried everything but it was if Freya's body did not have a single drop of magic within her so she had to go to a normal school. But was also shocking as her martial art combat was extremely powerful by the time she was seven years old her martial art rank was at fifteen she is a true genius when it comes to any weapon. Her ancient rune spells are also outstanding. No one knows how she is able to understand so many languages, the thing about Freya is she never has to chant her spells. It happens which makes her a high level spellcaster if she had a Senia people would do everything to train her.

Shen Riku Yuuto shook his head. He did not care whether Freya was talented, useless or even magicless; he would always protect her and shield her from any danger.

"BROTHER!" A sweet gentle shouted as a beautiful white silver hair girl ran straight into Shen Riku Yuuto and wrapped her legs around his torso. Shen Riku Yuuto laughed as he held her closer and put her on his back as he carried her backpack.

"How school?"

"We are going on a trip which is happening a month I don't want to go because that's when you will be fighting that Gu girl I wanna support you."

"Don't be silly hello Mr. Luke," Shen Riku Yuuto said.

A middle age guy who has owned this dinner which is called Mr. Luke's Diner for the past one hundred thirty years old. Almost all the adults are over hundred years but lived in a peaceful life.

"Oh it's gluttony one and gluttony two go away."

"So grumpy did my auntie Kate break up with you?" Shen Riku Yuuto asked.

"What's up with that?"

"How am I supposed to know what you did to make her break up with you?" Freya asked and walked behind the counter.

"Hand me those pastries!" Shen Riku Yuuto shouted which Freya threw toward Shen Riku Yuuto who court it and stared the delicious pastries.

"Freya get out of the counter."

"Then can you make me coffee?"


"Ugh are single people this upsetting."

"Luke I want my normal," a old woman said and sat down.

"Grandma Olivia."

"Hiss I hate small children go away it was time for you to live that bitch my granddaughter is about your age Luke why not date her."

"My aunt isn't a bitch."

"Oh please Riku Riku your family is a fucking chaos do you know your eldest brother took a mission ended up destroying a whole enter forest!"

"That's my twin brother so normal I am shocked they didn't destroy the enter mountains left it there."

"What kind of family is the Shen sometimes I wonder if they are the rulers of this Dirora Empire."

"How about you get a husband?" Freya said.

"Freya, you are so beautiful dear, let me warn you this all means that this brother of yours will end up with many wives."

"No thanks, I am planning to marry the woman of my dreams."

"Humph that's what my ex husband said and look where it landed him sixteen feet under."

"Here, have a good afternoon."

"Luke!" Shen Rosemary shouted and she sat down.

"The usual or it's you two don't go home mom is being a big bitch she found she is pregnant by dad again this makes it her thirteenth child."

"You know how mom and dad do it."

"Brother I can tell you where babies come from you see—"

"Here is your usual anyway, didn't you get signed by an agent?"

"Oh boy you can't believe it. I will be interviewing a famous Heavenly Spirit Master not just that I get paid handsomely and I get my own penthouse flying car and aircraft. I am eighteen years old. I hate hurting people. I am glad my path is falling through."

"Mr. Luke hide me!" Xiso shouted and jumped over the counter and fall on the ground.

"COME BACK HERE ASSHOLE!" Shen Logan shouted as he waved his sword around.

"Logan sword down Xiso get up why are you Shen siblings coming to my shop?"

"Pop shop closed down after that fire."

"Damn it I am so tired," a guy said he was tall and had light blonde hair and green eyes. This was Li Carson. His sister Li Fiona rushed toward her best friend, which was Freya.

"Alright you guys go up the stairs you are taking up too much space."

"Freya guess what girl I have an idea? Did you listen to this new song from our favorite singer?"

"Yes I did," Freya said in a gentle manner.

Upstairs became so loud the guys where playing a race car as they shouted. Shen Riku Yuuto was a competitive person he stood up on the time and he shouted.

"HELL YEAH HAND ME FIVE HUNDRED KRUGERS!" Shen Riku Yuuto shouted as he took the money and moved backwards and looked at Freya who laughed she took his hand and she sat down as she started playing she narrowed her eyes as she moved forward she won without a problem they also paid her she handed the money toward Shen Riku Yuuto.

"Are you sure you don't want to marry me I am handsome and I am also powerful!" Li Carson said and took Freya hand. But she pulled away and giggled.

"But Carson can you defeat me?"


"Really do you want to go right now?"

"Why do I feel let's do it!"

Everyone rushed out of Mr. Luke's Diner and went home. Inside the arena both Li Carson and Freya stared at each other.

"Alright Loser don't lose to my sister!" Shen Xiso shouted.

"Come beat him up!"

Before Li Carson moved Freya threw a punch forward Li Carson was pushed backwards and he let out a cough. Her strength is unbelievably strong and she has No Senia powers backing her up! Li Carson jumped in the air but Freya also jumped in the air as she pointed her spear down and held out her other hand a fan appeared.

"Is that magic weapon she made a fan magic weapon?"

"So you made a magic weapon but it must be weak, humph you lose!"

Freya waved her fan in the air as daggers flew around like lotus flowers and she bent down as she flipped backwards and shot all the daggers forward the steps Li Carson made were fast. She shot an arrow in the sky and she moved forward and kept him in place.

"Demon Bear body!"



"Cherry!" Shen Riku Yuuto shouted.

"Brother Riku, I am fine," she muttered.

"It should be coming now."

"Huh what."

An arrow shot down Li Carson out of the arena. Everyone stared at Freya. This girl is only seven years old and was able to trap someone like that. She is truly frightening.

"You cheated."

"She did not cheat!" Li Fiona snapped at her brother and checked on Freya.

"Sister Fiona I am fine really."

"Sister Freya you are so awesome I want to be like you."

"Hehe Brother Riku are you going to Master Ray shop?"

"Yeah Fiona you got this, take care of her."

"She isn't a baby. I swear Brother Riku is so overprotective over you, Freya."

"I don't mind, I like when my brother is like this."

"Odd ducks, let's go shopping!"

"Man time flies by."

"Wait! I have a good idea! Let's dig a hole under this tree and put three things that are important to us ten years later we will gather around and see what people put down."

"I like it, Carson , something good came out of your mouth besides making mom angry."

"Alright I will go first," Shen Riku Yuuto said.

"Okay go ahead this is a magic sealing box no one will be able to open it until ten years later."

"Alright first this is the bracelet that Freya made for me for my birthday, my second thing is these pair of hammers first one I ever used and also pasted Master Ray test, and my last thing is this photo of Freya wearing a Christmas elf costume and took a picture with a real elf and asked if Santa was real. We said no but she said then her elf fake we laughed she was funny! Here she is crying when she found Santa wasn't real."

"Shut!" Freya whined as she covered her face embarrassed.

"I go!" Freya said.

"This is the first bracelet Brother Riku made me when he came a blacksmith, this is my favorite hoodie that Brother Riku gave me, and this my family painting of everyone," Freya said.

"My turn!" Li Carson said.

"This is ticket that I saw Hundred Phoenix Liam, this is signature on this sweatshirt, and then this is my first heart break from Freya don't worry Freya I will wait for you."

"Yeah wait until I kill you," Shen Riku Yuuto hissed out.

"Alright shut up my turn, as I am awesome Rosemary, this is my first soul camera that my little Brother Riku bought me, second this a photo of my boyfriend and I before we broke up a year ago, and this is a friendship bracelet."

Li Fiona stepped forward.

"Alright it's my turn—"

"Wait, I want to go! This is my master gift to me a dagger. Second, I have always loved to watch my father control the military, so when he gave me his jacket this was his, and then my last thing is my favorite shoes."

"Xiso can't you just wait!" Li Fiona whined.

"Okay my turn!" Shen Logan said.

"I love this sword daddy is saying good bye boo I can't do this here my second most important thing me whaaaa bye Titi! My other is nooo childhood oh wait this isn't important but my brother gave it to me and it's my good luck charm so I am putting it in here."

"It's my turn now! Damn it alright you see this shirt it has a photo of me and Freya the first she join the Shen family I remember she was shy and did not talk much and stuck around Shen Riku Yuuto she had grown so much, the second is from Freya actually she made me friendship bracelet that I love I will put in here and this is a drawing my idiot painted thinking he will be a Genesis Rune Master but in his dream."

"I also want to put something down," Shen Lulu said as she put down three things and she stood up.

"The candle from my master, this is from my first concert, and the last thing from my first crush who is now my boyfriend."

"Lucky bitch," Shen Rosemary muttered.

"Alright ten years from now on April 15 we will meet here in ten years," Li Fiona said.

"Ten years I wonder what we will be doing we all be adults or just hit our adulthood."

"Brother we will be together right?"

"Yes Cherry no matter what I will always be here for you."

"I hope you know they will be dead when you have to hand her over to a man both you and your father who love Freya so much and your mother as well."

"She won't marry, she will be with me."

"No one wants to stay with their brothers forever she will fall in love with a guy or a woman and you will hand her over!"

"Humph I won't do it."

"Hehe Sister Fiona stop it."

"Sure I will stop but watch, she will stop depending on you."

"Fiona, are you angry your crush told you know we are nine years old, we have hundreds of years before we can give our hearts away."

"Die for me."

"Moah love you too cousin."

"Disgusting your brother is so disgusting! Blah," Li Fiona and made a fake throwing noises.