
The Immortal Chaos Golden Dragon God

Thet say if you are quiet enough you could hear the lost sound of the dragons. Over 100,000 million years ago dragons disappeared from this world the voices from the gods also disappeared the world has changed with advice technology outstanding and talented people they are thousands of planets that now people can see the world has changed from before yet spirit beast have been suffering because of their unique powers and how humans can use it to become stronger, but the humans did not know they have awaken a ancient sleeping dragon that was known to destory a planet within a second no one could even see its enter body this dragon has been sealed away for over 30.9 billion years it's finally out but it's after revenge toward the humans that has destroyed the dragon clan, spirit beast, and demons. In a small city there lays a young boy who has always followed his older siblings around even on the day of awakening day he was a gentle yet cunning little guy. The world isn't simple but can this little guy truly bring piece to three races demons, spirit beast, and humans? Shen Riku Yuuto dream has always been to become a Heavenly Henjina Spirit Master and fleet commander. For a young master he must rise above his brothers and sisters he must walk through fire, throns, and blood. Shen Riku Yuuto might have a trashy spirit root but what he makes of it it's up to him. Attending the number one academy in the world Celestial Edrea Academy, makinh friends, finding allys, creating enemies taking revenge on those who harm his family what Shen Riku Yuuto doesn't known is within his body there lays a Immortal Chaos Golden Dragon God Body, a real dragon that is sealed away can Shen Riku Yuuto rise above Heaven and Earth can shake the enter Heavenly Edogend Continent?

Gloria_Drinka_1851 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 7 {Blacksmith Genius}

Ming Ray was still confused but he set all the matters to the side and he cleared his throat and grinned happily.

"Show me," Ming Ray said in a cold manner.

"Okay," Shen Riku Yuuto said as he grabbed the hammers he took a deep breath. This time he was recovering his strength when he raised his hammer and hit the silver platform. Ming Ray touched the corner of his lip as he watched Shen Riku Yuuto he noticed how Shen Riku Yuuto was gradually getting stronger, and stronger and then there was that golden red color in his eyes that appeared for a moment. Shen Riku Yuuto was getting dizzy. He stepped backwards so he couldn't give up no matter what. His movements became faster, and faster from before. Ming Ray found himself smiling in his heart. He found a blacksmith genius. He would hit himself if he just threw this genius away. The Shen Family seems to have a crazy genius in their family but this boy is different from them. He doesn't rely on his family but always wants to help.

"Stop," Ming Ray said. He courted Shen Riku Yuuto whose eyes were droopy.

"Son," Yang Mu Lili shouted as she walked inside and noticed her son was sleeping. Ming Ray couldn't stand up because Shen Riku Yuuto was laying his head on Ming Ray's thigh. Yang Mu Lili took a photo and she will hang it up.

"Yang, your son well you guys raised him well, all your kids are talented and genius but I believe this one will be the most special one you have had he will change your family name. But also help you guys take but that was taken away from you."

Yang Mu Lili picked up her son and carried him on her back.

"In my honest I really don't want to involve him in this mess the other kids beside him and Freya know about us but for him he I won't allow it it's already pulling my other kids and have to fight in meaning clan fights or kingdom fights but I hope my son find that drives him much more than anything I just want peace and quiet with my lovely husband and kids. That's all if any danger fall upon my kids I will protect each and everyone of them."

"You're a kind mother."

"I try to be."

"He can come here three hours a day. I will teach him. Here is the lotion you will need to rub on his arms so it can recover."

Yang Mu Lili started to bruise her son's arms and found herself clenching her teeth.

"Mmm okay."

On the way home Shen Riku Yuuto opened his eyes and stared at the sunset.


"Oh boy you are awake, how do you feel?"

"Mom, I am really, really, really hungry."

"Oh so you are so hungry, little rice bucket."

"Humph, I am mommy's favorite rice bucket!"

"Oh yes you are my sweet baby boy alright we are home oh look it's Freya."

Freya was outside holding a basket of pastries. In the past month Freya has been learning how to cook, fight, and also cast magic spells. Freya learning abilities are Shockley fast her love for ancient magic and rune spells has been her main focus plus with learning how to cook so her mother doesn't have to do it alone.

Shen Riku Yuuto saw Freya and rushed into her as he gave her a huge hug and kissed her on the cheek so excited and proud of himself.

"Mom, am I Master Ray disciple now?"


"Brother, here are pastries I made for you to eat."

Shen Riku Yuuto sat on the swing with Freya and both enjoyed the pastries together. He talked to her about how it was super hard but he never gave up because he thought about the aftermath.

"Cherry Blossom that's your nickname hehe what do you think?"

"Heheh I like it brother."

"Of course this handsome brother of yours is a true genius."

Both smiled at each other and held each other hand.

When they walked inside it was time for dinner. Because Shen Riku Yuuto arms were hurting he couldn't eat.

"Brother what's wrong?"

"I am unable to eat."

"Oh I will feed you then!" Freya said.

"Thanks Cherry Blossom!"

Freya nodded her head.

Shen Yuan Lu came home and his wife pulled him outside the backyard and kicked him hard.

"Our son has bruises all over his arms I don't want him to go to the blacksmith shop anymore!" Yang Mu Lili shouted.

"Honey you and I both know the world is a cruel place they will be people who try to hold him back but as long as he has something to fall back on I don't want this for him our other kids their lives are easy and they have masters who choose them but our son has to work for everything life isn't fair do you think I want to watch him in pain I don't but being a blacksmith isn't a bad job actually it's a great job high rank blacksmith are wanted all over the continent. He will have the same status as a tale Celestial Jewel Master. I believe our son can do it but we need to be supportive," Shen Yuan Lu said.

"Sigh we have everything but why does it feel like we are lacking in many things."

"Wife, I have married you for one hundred years and I still love you."

"Yeah, it took us so long to have kids."


Both walked inside and saw Freya shoving food none stop in Shen Riku Yuuto mouth as the other chanted.

Eat eat eat eat eat eat eat.

"Come man eat more!" Shen Xiso shouted.

Shen Rosemary took a video and ate her food as well. Shen Lulu grabbed her brother's face and took silly photos of both of them together. The person who was calm was Shen Hina Shen Aiken who was living tomorrow to go back to school.

Logan jumped up and waved his sword as he walked around the table.

"I will fight you idiot Xiso!"

"What did you say!" Shen Xiso shouted and jumped on the table as food was sent flying. Both Shen Yuan Lu and Yang Mu Lili sighed wondered why did they have so many kids what where they thinking?

"ENOUGH!" A voice shouted from the front door way it was Auntie Shelly Yang Mu Lili half sister.

"Auntie Shelly Uncle Alex!" Everyone shouted. Even Shsn Riku Yuuto jumped up and down. Shelly moved out of everyone way and hugged her favorite nephew.

"I heard you had your awakening don't worry, I am proud of you."

"Cousin!" A young girl shouted and threw her arms around Shen Riku. Yuuto laughed.

"Bro I also awakened my abilities!" A guy shouted at all three kids.

"Oh this Freya, a new family member."

"Hello my name is Li Fiona, my twin brother Li Carson!"

"Nice to meet you."

Li Fiona's eyes widened and touched Freya.

"So beautiful I love you so much, welcome to the family!" Li Fiona shouted and hugged Freya.

"Stop choking her!" Shen Riku Yuuto snapped and grabbed Freya hand.

"Humph let go idiot she is a girl needs to hangout with a girl come on Freya let's play together."

"Fiona Freya is mine I was going to play with her."

"You have her every day!"

Li Fiona then took Freya away.

"Your sister."

"Haha you won't see it coming we are so amazing."

"Shut let's go play the newest video game."

"Boy get your ass down here you are grounded!" Shelly shouted.

"Man what did you do this time!?" Shen Riku Yuuto whined.

"What do you mean what I did to that crazy woman—"


"Ow mom that hurts."

"You want your ass whipped go play outside."

"But mom why can't I just play this once!"

"Oh I am a blacksmith now."

"How about it Carson why not he like your cousin who is working hard."

"I will take my ass outside thank you every much," Li Carson said and pulled Shen Riku Yuuto away.