The world is truly lonely, especially when you've been forgotten, A man named David is constantly forgotten due to his ability, He lives a life of loneliness until He meets a man in a forest,
Four hours after the sparring session between Rebecca, Sally and I, I could be seen walking down a sidewalk wearing a hoodie. The strings on my hoodie bobbled while I walked with my hands tucked into my pockets.
My body is still sore from that punch from Sally, I just went my separate ways with Rebecca and Sally. They wanted to go clothes shopping but I didn't have any money. So I couldn't tag along.
I keep walking until I hear the sound of fighting and yelling, I watch as a man wearing a ski mask and black clothing runs out of an alleyway holding onto a purse, I watch him run past me breathing heavily,
Two officers holding onto batons wearing a common police uniform, with a knife strapped to their legs. I walk towards the charging officer before I bump my shoulders into them.
" Aye, watch where you're going? "
Screamed out Officer looking at me before looking back forward chasing after the robber. I scoff at him while juggling a knife in my hand. When I bump into the man, I had reached down and yanked the knife out of its sheath.
These police knives are special. They are made of strong pure metal. I had many run-ins with the police as a kid and have seen these knives in action. They can cut through stone like paper.
The knives strapped onto officers' legs show criminals that there the real deal. It's a symbol of pride for the police.
I slip the knife into my hoodie's front pocket, and continue on walking acting like nothing happened. I'm sure the officer is going to realize his knife is gone soon. I heard that these knives are pricey to make.
I need to make a sheath for this blade before it cuts through my hoodie...
An hour later, I'm sitting on my bed with the knife resting on a wooden drawer. The blade was inside a dirty leather sheath stitched together with white string. I made the sheath out of leather I found in a dumpster and the string is some shoelaces.
I'm sitting on my bed tired until I hear my doorbell ring, I look over at the door shaking my head, I don't know why someone is bothering me, I just want to go back to sleep.
I walk over to my door and swing open my door but no one is there, I look around trying to find the person, Its noon so I doubt another assassin has come to kill me, I take a step forward until my leg hits something,
I jerk my head down and see a wooden box. It's a package. I definitely didn't order anything. I don't have the money to but a free package is a free package.
I reach down and grab onto the box, I enter my house kicking the door close with my leg, I walk over to my bed and place the box on it, I rip open the box and see a pile of clothes wrapped in plastic,
I pick up the box and flip it making the clothes fall onto my bed. I throw the box onto the floor behind me and rip open the plastic wrapper grabbing onto a shirt.
It's a grayish black button up shirt with a number four on the shirt. The pants are black and made out of silk. I pick up the pants before noticing a white piece of paper buried under my bed sheets. I pick up the note and it reads:
"Hello David,
This will be the clothing you will wear during the exam. Please do not show up to the exam wearing something else or you'll be disqualified, you are allowed to bring any weapon you want to the exam, the number on the shirt represents what school your from,
If you have any questions, please ask your school's dean. "
That number is going to be a problem. Everyone is going to hunt after school four due to us being the weakest. It doesn't matter if we bring something to cover the number on our shirts because everyone would assume if you're hiding your number. That you are from school four.
I smack my lips. It's like every day leading up to the exam another problem blooms for us. I hold onto my chin thinking...
A few miles away from David's apartment complex inside a house, Rebecca and Sally could be seen sitting at a glass table eating dinner with their parents. They were discussing with their parents their plans for the exam.
" Why haven't I met your other teammate? Is he a good person? "
Said Rebecca and Sally's mom, she has dark hair with blond highlights, She's wearing a long red dress, She clearly worried about the safety of her daughters,
" To be honest with you mom, he's not a good person. He is too skilled at fighting to be one, and his ability will make him a near perfect criminal, but he's the type of person we need for this exam. "
Says Rebecca, Her mother was about to say something until Rebecca's and Sally's father spoke,
" I understand your thought process. but please stop talking to him after the exam. "
Said Rebecca's father,
He's a short bulky man with short hair and a fade on the sides. He's wearing a black and white suit. He's clearly a man who values rules. Rebecca leans back in her chair before she speaks.
" I will, Besides I think he has no intention of remaining with us after the exam, "
Said Rebecca staring at her father until suddenly their doorbell rang catching their attention. They stared at their door, their clothes for the exam had arrived.
Rebecca stood up from the table and started to walk over to the door, walking past a sitting Sally. While she headed towards the door, the mother asked Sally a question.
" Your sister is always so level headed. But what do you think about the boy you're taking the exam with? "
Sally's face morphed as she thought to herself until she finally answered the question.
" He's skilled at close combat. And he's quite intelligent, He's perfect for the exam. But I truly don't think he's a bad person at heart. He seemed soulless when he first looked at me, but recently his eyes have had much more life.
The mother stared at her daughter before she smirked and shook her head. She took a deep breath and spoke.
" Well just be safe while taking the exam, we'll be watching you taking the exam on TV. "
The first phase is going to be broadcast to everyone in the city. David doesn't know this fact and believes that the exam is going to be a hidden test. The tomb will have a series of camera angles that parents can switch through.
But after hearing her mother speak, Sally grinned and stood up from her seat. She had finished eating her food. She pushed the plate towards her mother before she walked out of the kitchen...