
The First DemiGod

Koa Alvin is a bastard son from the city of Axefall. He was treated very poorly. He wanted to become stronger in a world where the strong thrive. Koa was sent in to his first battle where he died. He met someone allowing him to return but more than what he once was. Follow Koa as he becomes something else within the world of Desolaverunt. This is the Discord sever that I will be using: https://discord.gg/UBwXv3K7Mf Send a message at me if you see a mistake that you think will needed to be fixed. This is my first book so I don't mind criticism but make it where it will allow me to learn from my mistakes. By no means am I a amazing book writer that makes no mistakes, English is my first language and I still suck at it. Each chapter will consist of a thousand words so, don't imagine long chapters. This will allow me to post at least once a week. The post day will be Sunday morning. If more people want chapters I will try to post more on Wednesdays of the week but it will depend on you guys.

Koakiki_2000 · แฟนตาซี
33 Chs

Chapter 28

Using Blood Siphon Koa began to collect a massive amount of Blood essence and help partially heal part of his wounds. Koa looked down at his body to notice his clothes were tattered and covered in blood. Just as Koa was about to think what happened the memories of what he had done had poured into his mind.

"Ahhh." Koa let out a muffled scream as these memoires flowed in.

The pain was excruciating as it felt like someone was slowly inserting a new foraged glowing blade into his mind. Only after the very last of his memories was given did the pain subside.

"Huff. Huff. Damn it this fucking thing is ruthless. It doesn't even warn me just sends me straight into a frenzy. I need to find a way to alert me when in need to eat at least so I can stop doing this." Koa said as has entire body was covered in sweat.

Only now did Koa turn to look at the notifications.

[Aggressive Digestive System has detected raw meat of the Shade Jackel in system, no toxins detected.]

[New stats have been distributed: Dexterity increased by 7, Intelligence increased by 5]

[New temporary skill has been found: Solid Refraction.]

[Aggressive Digestive system has detected…]

[New stats have been…]

[Aggressive Digestive syst…]

[New stats…]

The same notification kept spamming until a new notification was seen.

[Congratulations! You have found the entrance to No. 0052 Rift. This Rift will only be open at night.]

[To enter Rift No. 0052; Requirements must be met: Constitution – 100; Dexterity – 85; Intelligence – unrequired; Strength – 90. If Requirements are met the Champion of Solus may open the entrance.]

[Specialized title has been detected; Solus's Aspects; Has been confirmed extra information allowed. Recommend for Rift No. 0052: Constitution – 150; Dexterity – 100; Intelligence – 200; Strength – 110.]

'Hmm. One set of information says that I only need to double my stats, but the other I almost need to triple my stats. That's not even including my intelligence stat; why would I need that much intelligence stats. What does my intelligence even do?' Koa said in his head while questioning it.

[Intelligence is no longer beneficial to most creatures in this world other than people who want to learn. This excludes User you have been given to title of a champion. Champions gain to ability of the world from the beginning before intelligence was no longer implemented with magic. In the current state magic is what one is born with.]

"So, it is a useless stat unless I want to be a scholar?" Koa

[Incorrect you can't be scholar. You are a Champion of Solus; through going through challenges, you will become stronger than any other, but it all requires prices to pay.]

"That doesn't explain why I need more intelligence stats than my others?"

[Rift No. 0052 is a mage rift that allows to champion to earn the rights to learn a certain type of ancient magic within the rift. So if your intelligence is lower than the recommended amount your chances of learning the ancient magic will be consider negligible. When you finish a rift, you have exactly four hours to learn or take the item within the rift, before you are forcefully removed. If you don't complete it you will never have a chance to complete it. This is because once to get is beaten it will shut forever.]

"That means it would be a waste of a trip if I go off the basic requirements. Also, does it mean I am only allowed to enter rifts no else?" Koa

[ Correct only a Champion of Solus is allowed to enter Solus's rifts, but there have been other rifts that have been opened by other Gods. Which don't have such requirements you will basically enter at your own risk at those rifts. The other Gods created these to temper future Champions, but you will be considered an anomaly. I would be better to avoid make to much of a difference in the rifts created by the other Gods. Only make normal or below standards in those rifts.]

"What they have their own rifts I never knew that."

[There is a rift in almost every city and sometimes in other areas. Unlike Solus's rifts theirs are unstable and are not able to be removed when finished, which will result in breaches of Rifts. Which causes the city to send forces to defeat the rift a certain number of times or hire adventurers to defeat the rift. Creatures within the rifts drop a crystal, which can be used to strengthen an individual, learn a new skill, or improve a mages magic.]

"So, these rifts allow the city to strength themselves, but why have I never seen this or heard about it?"

[The rifts made by the other Gods opened them 6 months ago.]

"When I was dead? So, they made them after that why?"

No more answers were given. Just a notification where the rift was located say that requirements and recommendations.

"Fuck it. I guess I will pick these fucking flowers and go clean up before heading back to the city." Koa

Koa made it to a small stream that was partially illuminated by the moon. He began to cup water and splash it on himself to wipe off the blood on his body. As he was watching Koa finally came back to his thoughts he had forgotten to check his stats and how much Blood Essence that he had gotten from the Jackels.

[Name: Koa Alvin]

[ Race: Demigod (Humanish)]

[Age: 16 years]

[Title: Blood Prince; Shadow Wolf's Presence]

[Sub-Title: Solus's Aspects]


Life Points: 871 / 1917

Mana Points: 104/104

Stamina: 68/447

Strength: 76 = 61+15(1 point equals 1.2 stamina)

Dexterity: 89 = 54+35 (1 Point equal 4 stamina)

Intelligence: 60 =35+25 (1 Point equals?)

Constitution: 71 = 64 + 7 (1 point equals 27 Life points)

Soul Strength: 45 ]


Lone Swordsman <Passive>


Evolution's Call <Passive>

Shadow Follower

Feral Instincts <Passive> ]

[Unique Skills:

Syphon Blood (Blood Essence Stored: 6500 =1576+4924).]

[Temporary Skills:

Feral Instincts <Passive> {Allotted time 22 days}..

Shadow Soul. {Allotted time 8 days}

Greed, Greed is Good! <Passive> {Allotted time 35 days}

Strong When Weak {Allotted time 23 days}

Together We Strong <Passive> {Allotted time 11 days}

Weak Spear Antics {Allotted time 12 days}

Strange Tastes <Passive> {Allotted time 5 days}

Weak Adaptation <Passive> {Allotted time 6 days}

Solid Refraction {Allotted time 12 Days} ]

[Mutation (Evolution):

Aggressive Digestive System <Permanent effective Passive>]

Thanks for reading.

Koakiki_2000creators' thoughts