
The First DemiGod

Koa Alvin is a bastard son from the city of Axefall. He was treated very poorly. He wanted to become stronger in a world where the strong thrive. Koa was sent in to his first battle where he died. He met someone allowing him to return but more than what he once was. Follow Koa as he becomes something else within the world of Desolaverunt. This is the Discord sever that I will be using: https://discord.gg/UBwXv3K7Mf Send a message at me if you see a mistake that you think will needed to be fixed. This is my first book so I don't mind criticism but make it where it will allow me to learn from my mistakes. By no means am I a amazing book writer that makes no mistakes, English is my first language and I still suck at it. Each chapter will consist of a thousand words so, don't imagine long chapters. This will allow me to post at least once a week. The post day will be Sunday morning. If more people want chapters I will try to post more on Wednesdays of the week but it will depend on you guys.

Koakiki_2000 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Chapter 27

[You have entered a state of Carnal Hunger. You now have double strength stats, but half dexterity and intelligence.]

Koa was no longer just watching as the Shade Jackels; a long string of drool came from his mouth. In his eyes the Jackels that were running around looked like the most delicious things that he has every seen. This is the same situation that happened with the goblins and Kobolds except that he could have prevented it. Instead of acting like a wild animal, Koa moved closer by did not just run and attack the Jackels. He waited at the edge of the clearing waiting for them to come closer so he can bring them into the forest and eat them instead of alerting the other Jackels.

Koa had become the only creature that had its eye on hunting and consuming the Jackels. Being in the state of Carnal Hunger cause Koa to be more patient when hunting them because he had become slower and had lower stamina.

After waiting for a few minutes one of the Jackel was finally within reach for Koa. The Jackel that was looking towards Koa turned around abruptly, because of the sounds that the other Jackels were making letting the pack know that there was an intruder. With its back turned Koa saw his chance he slowly crept his hand closer to the hind leg of the Jackel. In a swift movement Koa dragged the Jackel into the forest edge and without waiting for any retaliation Koa twisted its lower and upper jaw in different directions. This resulted in breaking the neck of the Jackel without moving any yelps or alerting noises only the sound of cracking was heard.

Koa began to consume the Jackel as its pack was busy with dealing with the other intruder. When there was nothing left that could be consumed a notification was represented.

[Shade Jackel has been consumed stats and skills will be accumulated after the affects of Carnal Hunger is sedated.]

[Carnal Hunger- amount of food that has been consumed 9%; 91% is needed to remove the Carnal Hunger and the negative effect of neglection of eating pattern.]

Blood was dripping from Koa's mouth and the lower half of his face was also covered in blood. The smell of blood was very potent where he was as a result it attracted the attention of the Jackel's. The Jackel that were on the outskirts; became alerted by the smell but didn't run straight towards it. They slowly moved as if they were waiting for them to reveal themselves. Noticing that they have noticed him, Koa's Hungered state of mind, had decided it was time to reveal himself in order to kill and consume more of them.

When Koa stood up and revealed himself; the slightly passive and indecisive Jackels had become more arrogant. After they saw that the enemy was just a weak human that they had kill many of them before. They began to make a kackling noise that allowed their pack to know that an intruder had come. Even though they had killed multiple humans they were smart enough to know that without a group their strength was weak compared to other beasts. The part of the pack that just finished killing and were consuming their prey heard the noise and immediately headed towards the kackling noises direction. In minutes Koa had been surrounded by the Jackels neither party made to first move they were merely watching each other see how the other responded to the situation.

Koa breath was seen in the moonlight as he was seeing the Jackels. After they watched each other of a few minutes Koa had a sadistic smile that was revealed on his face. He had the this fucked up smile on his face because his thoughts on the matter put him on the high ground compared to the shade Jackels.

His thoughts: 'Since they haven't attacked yet that means they are cautious on me. Being cautious against someone that your kind has killed many of means that you are weaker than me. That being the case I will take advantage of this and use some skills.'

With that much of a thought Koa unleashed the skill 'Shadow Follower'. As he unleashed it a large figure that had yellow eyes had appeared behind the Jackels that were still staring at him. The Shadow Follower used its pitch-black claws and mouth to kill four of the Jackels as they were distracted. Alerted by the second creature attacking they were torn between fighting Koa and the black creature.

"Hahaha. I knew you are weak you can't even resist my shadow follower. Yet your arrogance moments ago was so high." Koa's voice was slightly distorted by the Carnal Hunger.

Koa took out his dagger and began to cleave the beasts left and right; rarely was he met with resistance. He did accumulate a few injuries because their teamwork was high. So when was killing one of them they would take that chance to bite him or use their claws to cut him.

After fifteen minutes or so, Koa was surrounded by a mountain of corpses. The Shadow Follower was dragging the corpses and body parts into a large pile for Koa. Since Koa was still under the effect of Carnal Hunger he paid no heed to his wounds and just began to consume the bodies of the Jackels. Leaving nothing behind even the cores of the beasts; the percentage began to increase.

[Carnal Hunger- amount of food that has been consumed 27%]

[Carnal Hunger- amount of food that has been consumed 54%]

[Carnal Hunger- amount of food that has been consumed 99%]

[Carnal Hunger – amount of food that has been consumed has reached 100%. Normal state of mind has been restored and Negative effects of neglected eating schedule has been removed.]

As the notifications began they kept pouring in as they were letting Koa know the increase in stats and skills. Koa was oblivious to all of this as he looked the bodies that were piled high and the wounds all over his body.

Thanks for Reading!

Koakiki_2000creators' thoughts