
The Extra Ordinary

Nicholas lived happily with his family until one day he gets a dream of what seemed like a slaughter of humans by monsters. Soon after, he comes to discover his supernatural abilities. As supernatural beings to infiltrate the city, he is tasked with protecting his home and everyone he loves. Little did he know that there was a much bigger burden. Bigger than protecting his home or his country since the day he was born. What is this burden? What is his destiny? Find out in this epic tale of "The Extraordinary".

JubalResh · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Start point ³

A couple of minutes after Chloe left, Nicholas had trouble sleeping. His heart was beating fast and he was sweating profusely, turning from left to right. "What's going on daddy? Are we going to die?", he heard a little girl cry. "Run!! They are coming". " Kill them all!!!". He saw flashes of images of people people fighting, people running and fire burning anything that it touches. It seemed like a war. But it wasn't. It was a massacre. "Please, don't hurt my child", a woman cried as she stretched her hands. A man could be seen holding up a child by the neck. While the woman still pleaded, the man moved his fingers through the child's hair. As soon as his fingers got to her neck, he pierced his teeth into her neck. "Aahhhhhhh!!" Immediately, Nicholas woke up. He looked around his room in search of anyone. " Where's everyone? Mum?! Dad?! Chloe!!". But there was no reply. He held his aching head up with his hands. Unable to move, he lay back on the bed, staring at the ceiling until his eyelids became too heavy for him to keep open.

" This party is taking longer than I expected", Chloe said, holding her head like it was going to fall off. She looked at her wristwatch. " Oh no! Its past eleven", she screamed. "Kate. Wake up. We need to get home now". "Mum, I'll need to go to school tomorrow. Please let me sleep". " I think you've had too much to drink. I'm not your mother and you're not in bed. You're in a party with lots of cute boys and you're sleeping like a baby. Look! You're even drooling". " But mum, I'm done with my assignments". Her efforts to wake Kate were falling to the group. Didn't seem like she would be waking up soon.

She hit the table in frustration. " Wow! He's so handsome". Kate immediately lifted her head from the table and cleaned her mouth. She comed her hair with her hands trying to look more pretty and presentable. " Chloe, where's he?", Kate asked. " Let's go. I'll show you on our way home", Chloe laughed. "Haha. Very funny. But why do we have to go now? The party just...", she paused as she saw the time on her phone and the missed calls from her parents . " Oh my gosh! I'm so dead. My parents are going to be furious. What do I do?", Kate panicked. " You could crash at my place. My parents are away". " Thanks Chloe. You're a life saver. Could I sleep in your brother's room", she asked with her eyes opened wide and a broad smile spreading across her face. " In your dreams", Chloe smiled as they got up to leave.

On the way out, Kate was going to have another drink. " You're too drunk. Let's just go", Chloe protested. But Kate was just too stubborn. Unable to change her mind, Chloe dragged the wine glass with her. After tugging and warring for a while, Chloe let go of the glass and it's contents spilled over the guy that was near Kate. "Oh! I'm so sorry", Kate apologized. "It's alright", he replied. Kate couldn't take her eyes off him. "So tall and handsome and muscular too", she thought. "Call me Michael", he said as he offered his hands to her. " Kate", she replied as she accepted the handshake. Chloe stood, watching them. Trying to understand the chemistry going on between the both of them. After Michael left, Chloe stared at Kate with a mischievous smile on her face. "Looks like you just got yourself a guy. Shabash girl!!". Kate just stood, smiling.

" Chloe, what time is it now?". " Forty eight minutes past twelve", Chloe replied. Kate was worried that Nicholas might have a problem with Chloe's late arrival home. After all, he is her elder brother. "Are you sure Nicholas won't have a problem with you coming home this late?", Kate asked. "It's fine. I'm sure he would understand. Infact, he could still be aslee...". " Why are you just coming home now?", Nicholas asked, stopping her from completing her sentence.

She stared at Nicholas in shock. To her disappointment, he was fully awake. She stared blankly without out uttering a word so Kate spoke on her behalf. "We went to a party and lost track of...". " I wasn't talking to you", Nicholas cut her off. "I was talking to my sister". An embarrassed Kate held her hands together, staring at the floor. Chloe got angry at Nicholas rudeness and talked back at him. "Who do you think you're? You have no right to be rude to my friend. I came home late, so what? Are you going to ground me?", Chloe replied, talking above her voice. "Let's go", Chloe dragged Kate to her room. Nicholas knew he was wrong to be angry at her and she was furious so he didn't bother stopping her or talking back. But honestly, he was only a concerned big brother.

" I'm sorry Kate. I apologize for my brother's behaviour towards you". "You shouldn't be apologizing to me, you should apologize to him. He was only worried about you, you know?", Kate replied. " I wish I had a big brother. Someone to worry about me". " Haha", Chloe laughed. " Pray you brother is not as protective as mine", Chloe replied and they both laughed.

"What could it mean", Nicholas thought. Remembering his dream made his head ache. " Tomorrow is a Saturday. I'll go to Madam Vashmine the dream translator. But for now, I'll need to rest", he thought as he made his way to his room.