
The Extra Ordinary

Nicholas lived happily with his family until one day he gets a dream of what seemed like a slaughter of humans by monsters. Soon after, he comes to discover his supernatural abilities. As supernatural beings to infiltrate the city, he is tasked with protecting his home and everyone he loves. Little did he know that there was a much bigger burden. Bigger than protecting his home or his country since the day he was born. What is this burden? What is his destiny? Find out in this epic tale of "The Extraordinary".

JubalResh · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Start point ²

"Nicholas, are you okay?", Jason asked. " Yeah. I...". " What's wrong with him? Maybe he didn't sleep well", Nicholas heard Jason's thought. "I slept well", Nicholas blurted out almost shouting. " I didn't say you didn't", Jason replied, genuinely confused. "Miss Jennifer is so pretty. I love her boobs". " When is this class gonna be over? I'm exhausted". " Mum can't be dead. I miss her so much". He could hear everyone's thought. "Hey! Anyone! Can I get a cup of coffee?", he heard Principal Kalehein say. "But how's that possible? Principal Kalehein office is more than five blocks away. How am I able to hear him?", he thought out loud. Nicholas held his head which was too heavy for his neck to bear. It was like his head was going to explore. "Make it stop. Make it stop", Nicholas shouted. Unable to bear the pain of having people's thoughts and voices in his head, he ran out of the classroom and into the restroom. As soon as he entered the restroom, everything stopped. He didn't hear people's voices or thoughts nor did he see through walls. Feeling relieved, he washed his face by the sink. He heard a cracking sound like something was breaking and wondered what it was. Suddenly, the sink which he leaned on broke into pieces. " What's going on in there?", someone asked from behind the door. "Everything okay". As soon as the opened, Nicholas zoomed out of the restroom at an incredible superhuman speed and stopped at the middle of the school field. "Oh no", he fainted.

* * *

" Baby, are you okay?", a worried mother asked. "Mum, dad, where am I?", Nicholas asked as he tried to seat up on the bed. " You're home son", his father, Ethan replied. "But why am I home? I'm supposed to be in school", he panicked, making his way out of the bed. "You're not feeling well Nicholas. Your Principal said you passed out in the middle of ...", Veronica stopped as Nicholas collapsed on the floor. "Baby! ", she exclaimed as they ran to him.

"I'm glad he's asleep now. His body temperature is normal. I hope he gets well soon", she said amidst sobs. " He will be alright. Our son is strong", Ethan comforted her as he patted her shoulders and glancing at his watch. "What? Are you going somewhere? " "Yeah. Darling, remember the business meeting in Japan that I told you about? We'll, my flight leaves in about twenty minutes. I have to go now", he replied. Grabbing his briefcase, he got up to leave. "But I too have to travel for an interview in Hawaii. This might be my chance of finally becoming a doctor". A clash of plans. They were both confused, not knowing what to do. " What do we do? We can't just leave him here like this.", Veronica asked, hiding her head in her palms". " Who would care for him?". " I'm here". They turne to the door and saw Chloe. " I'll take good care of my elder brother", she smiled.

"... and don't forget to give him his medications when he wakes up". " Yes mummy. I've heard you. Just go already". "And Chloe, feel free to use your credit card at anytime. But not too much, okay?". " Yes dad. You're the best", she replied, beaming with uncontrollable excitement. If there was anything that Chloe loved, it was shopping. It's more like an hobby to her. " Tell my baby that I love him when he wakes up, okay?"" Yes mum. You can go now", she pushed them to the door. "Bye!". "Bye", they replied heading to their various destinations. " I can't believe this is really happening. I'm home alone at last. Oh! Nicholas is still here". She turned around and found him still sleeping.

"Clink", a messaged popped up on her phone. "Hey Chloe, are you still coming?". Her boyfriend, Zack was hosting a party. He's like the coolest and richest kid in Sun Peak. Some think his parents are very wealthy but the truth is, no one has ever seen his parents or any member of his family. Chloe and Zack has been dating for over a month. He has met her parents on several occasions. He had even dined with them but not once has she met his. Each time she talks about meeting his family, he just changes the topic. The last time she tried, it almost broke their relationship. She stopped trying since then. "I'm on my way", she replied the message. After dressing up in short green gown that barely covered her knees, she went to check in Nicholas. " Hey Nick. Are you sleep?", she waved. When she didn't get any reply she continued, " I'll be back in a bit. Please keep sleeping until I return, okay?".

"Chloe! For a minute I thought you weren't coming". "Haha. I wouldn't miss it for the world. It's my boyfriend's party, remember?", Chloe replied. Kate and Chloe are good friends with a mutual love for shopping. They met at 'Pick me', the biggest shopping mall in the whole of Los Angeles. They both cane with their parents to pick me on a sunny Friday afternoon. Kate saw a bag she liked but before she could get to it, Chloe got to it first and picked it. " Hey you! Give me that bag. I saw it first. "But I picked it first", Chloe replied. " If you didn't pick it then out ain't yours . That's why this mall is called , 'Pick me' ". On they went arguing till their arguement turned into a fight. Soon after that day, they found out that their houses were not very far from each other and that they also attended the same high school too. One thing led to the other, they became BFFs.

" Hi babe ", Zack grabbed Chloe's waist from behind and dropped a kiss on her head. "What happened? I thought you were planning on ditching the party". " Of course not. My brother is not feeling well. That's why". "Is he sick?". "Kinda. But he'll be better soon", Chloe replied. The Deejay changed the song to a heavy metal music that made the crowd go wild. " Wanna dance?". "Sure".