
The Extra Ordinary

Nicholas lived happily with his family until one day he gets a dream of what seemed like a slaughter of humans by monsters. Soon after, he comes to discover his supernatural abilities. As supernatural beings to infiltrate the city, he is tasked with protecting his home and everyone he loves. Little did he know that there was a much bigger burden. Bigger than protecting his home or his country since the day he was born. What is this burden? What is his destiny? Find out in this epic tale of "The Extraordinary".

JubalResh · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Encounter ¹

"Love to see you shine in the dark like a diamond you are", Nicholas phone rang. Khalid is Nicholas' favourite singer. He even has a picture of him printed on one of his shirts. "Hey Jason". "What's up my man? You don't know? Alright I'll tell you. Aqua man movie is out! You know what's cooler? I got us movie tickets. The movie starts in an hour. See ya". "Jason!". "Beep", the phone call ended. Nicholas was on his way to Madam Vashmine when Jason called but Jason ended the call before he could explain things. "Tunar cinema is a thirty minutes drive from here. If I spend a few minutes with Madam Vashmine, I could make it to the cinema in time", Nicholas calculated. Although he wanted to see the aqua man man movie, knowing the meaning of his dreams was more important to him.

" Helloooo! Good morninnng! Madam Vashmine! I'm coming in!". Madam Vashmine's place is quite creepy. It's like this haunted houses you see in horror movies. Candles, skulls, feathers, Voodoo dolls, she has it all. " I don't think I should be here. I better get going", Nicholas thought. As soon as he turned around, Madam Vashmine was standing in front of him. "You seek the vision of the invisible eye?". "No! I don't seek the vision of the invisible eye. I seek Madam Vashmine", Nicholas replied with a bit of trembling in his voice. "She's just as scary as her place", he thought.

Madam Vashmine is a tall, elderly, dark skinned woman. Her grey and black hair are in five long braids and each one of them has something that looks like a tooth attached to it. "Her ankles! Her hair reaches her ankles?!". " Hey kid! What's the matter with you? You've never been here before?", Madam Vashmine asked zapping him back into reality. "I'm so sorry ma'am. I h..". "What do you want?", she asked as she bent down to seat on small pillow on the floor with a table in front of her. "Sit", she ordered. Nicholas down on the pillow that was supposed to be a chair. It was quite comfy though. " I had a dream th...", he was about to narrate but she cut him off. "Give my your hands and close your eyes. You don't need to tell me your dreams. I'll see for myself". " Kuva sache more. Te ma kara tu ma. La te nu...", she went in chanting. After a while, all the candles went off but both of their eyes were closed. Then it lit back again. This time, the flames were completely blue. A cool wind circulated the room, blowing from corner to corner. Madam Vashmine chanted more loudly, tightening her grip on Nicholas' hands. A cool wind circulated the room, blowing from corner to corner. Madam Vashmine chanted more loudly, tightening her grip on Nicholas' hands. Three out of the five candles went off and came on again with a green flame. Immediately Madam Vashmine connected with Nicholas, she let go of his hands. " No! No! What ... Who are you?!", she asked with trembling in her voice, shaking from head to toe. Nicholas did not understand what was going on. She was obviously afraid of him. Seeing her so frightened made him feel afraid. " Is something wrong with me?", he thought. " Go away! Go away!!!", she screamed crawling away without turning her back to Nicholas. Nicholas hurriedly left her place in fear of the unexpected. "Never come back!", she yelled after him.

"What the hell was that? I went to Madam Vashmine's place because I was confused but now I'm even more confused. Why was she so terrified of me? Is something wrong with me?". Nicholas had a lot going through his mind. What does his dream mean? Why was he having these dreams and why was Madam Vashmine scared of him? Unable to answer these questions, Nicholas decided to walk a while to clear his head before heading home. It was a lovely saturday. The sun was up in the sky but the weather was cool. People, most people don't go to work on saturdays so they spend their day doing things they find interesting and entertaining. Some adults go to the library and others prefer to spend time with their loved ones. " If dad and mum were around, I wonder where we would all go today", Nicholas thought. " Did you see what Aqua man did with the trident? He was so cool". " Yeah! I told you the movie would be interesting". " What are they talking about?", Nicholas said to himself. "The movie isn't ...Oh no!", he exclaimed after glancing at his watch. "I better call Jason". "Rrring... Hey! This is Jason. Do leave a message", the answering machine replied. He tried a couple of times but couldn't get through to Jason. "He's probably pissed. I'll have to make it up to him", Nicholas thought.

" Please. I don't have any money". "Money? Do I look like a theif to you? Well I am but I'm not gonna steal your money". Someone was definitely in trouble. But he wasn't sure if he should interfere or not. It's not like he's a cop or some kind of hero. He made up his mind to go and not interfere. But after he walked a few steps away, he heard the voices again. He looked around but couldn't find who were talking. There were lot of people in the streets, where were those voices coming from?. Then he dawned on him that his abilities were acting up. " No! No! No! No!!! Not again!", Nicholas panicked. Who could he ask for help? Madam Vashmine didn't want to see him and Jason's number can't be reached. " If you don't want money, then what do you want". "Blood!"

Blood? Really?

A theif that steals blood?


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