
The Elemental Gems

The Fifth Era has been ongoing for many millennia now, and many empires have been stuck in a state of perpetual war since the Third Era. More Elemental Gems and magical abilities are discovered every decade, and yet they are still strictly controlled by the hierarchies established by the kings and emperors. Life as a soldier, however risky, is most peoples best chance at acquiring one of these wondrous gems and the mysterious abilities hidden with. Fighting against the Mana Beasts and violent planar enemies has become the only life billions of humans know, as military schools and academies replace normal ones in an ever increasing demand for manpower. Within this large world, Ojero Guestino is born to a minor nobility. Living within the Kingdom of Riote, he must learn to harness these strange magics to fight the enemies of his king, with only his brother, friends, and fellow students to help him. However, beneath it all, far larger events are at play...

Trim_2cool · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

A Spark Ignites

In the hushed grandeur of the imperial atrium, Tericius Heimar watched as the opulent gold and silver doors of the palace opened of their own accord. The eerie creak of their hinges echoed through the vast space, a stark reminder of the immense wealth and mystery shrouding the Emperor.

As Tericius stepped into the room, a dim light struggled through the dark drapes covering the intricate stained glass windows. The faint illumination revealed the rich tapestry of colors and shapes imprinted on the fabric, a testament to the remarkable craftsmanship now shadowed in darkness.

At the heart of the atrium, a large stone slab, cradled by flickering flames, held a somber scene. A figure lay motionless upon the stone, while another, draped in a black cloak similar to Tericius's own, stood sentinel over it. The hunched shoulders of the standing figure conveyed a burden too heavy for words.

Tericius, feeling the weight of the moment, dropped to his knees, his armor creaking under the strain of years and battles. He waited in silent reverence, the air thick with anticipation.

Finally, breaking the tense silence, a voice, youthful yet tinged with solemnity, commanded, "Rise, General, and come forth."

Heaving himself up, Tericius's movements were labored, a testament to the scars and tolls of military life. His brown hair was untidy, but always kept short, and they highlighted his aging face. His pale skin was pockmarked with scars that told countless stories. Approaching the new Emperor, he kept his gaze respectfully lowered, only daring to look up when he was mere feet away.

"I have been summoned, sire," Tericius's voice, gruff with age, carried an unwavering loyalty.

"Behold, General, and tell me your thoughts," the young Emperor prompted, his voice betraying a struggle to appear more confident than he felt.

Tericius had dreaded this moment, not yet ready to face the harsh truth he knew awaited him. Reluctantly, he lifted his eyes, and the sight that met them brought tears to his battle-hardened visage. Before him lay the Emperor he had sworn to serve unto death, now a still and silent figure in eternal rest.

The late Emperor, clad in regal red and gold, his sword a gleaming contrast on his chest, appeared as a noble warrior in slumber. His features were peaceful, the few strands of white in his brown hair and beard speaking of wisdom and time. Yet, the stillness of his form, the absence of breath, the unseeing gaze - all spoke of a finality that Tericius's heart refused to accept.

But it was the sight of the crown, devoid of its iconic blazing plume, that shattered any lingering hope. The Everlasting Flame, the symbol of an unending reign, had been extinguished.

"I see my Emperor, laid to his final rest," Tericius choked out, his voice heavy with grief.

"Not quite... not quite," the robed figure whispered, almost to himself.

With a sudden, fiery gesture, the young Emperor unleashed a torrent of flames that enveloped the body of his predecessor. Tericius, torn between duty and despair, could only watch as the fire consumed the last earthly remains of his beloved leader.

The Emperor spoke again, his voice gaining strength with each word. "As you well know, General, our Empire has been shaped by the legacy of the Everlasting Flame. It is now time for a new chapter, a new flame to guide us."

The air seemed to crackle with energy as the young Emperor, now Livondius II, drew forth from the fire a gem, pulsating with an inner light. The Eternal Flame Gem, the source of their empire's might, now rested in the hands of a new ruler.

"I am honored to witness this, sire," Tericius said, his voice steadied by the solemnity of the ritual.

Livondius II, his eyes now a fiery blue hue, turned to face his general. His dark black hair seemed to almost dance as an otherworldly aura surrounded him. The youthfulness of his young face seemed even more emboldened, and his soft pale marred with the occasional bruise gave away stories of a noble scions years spent in sword practice. "My father wished to elevate you to his personal guard. I will honor his intention. Stand with me, Tericius, as a protector of this new era."

Falling to his knees, a loud clang echoed around the darkened room. Drawing his own blade and holding it flat before his emperor, he raised it up into the air, reciting the oath he had been taught since his early induction into the ranks of the military.

"I, Tericius Heimar, son of Clavius Heimar, General of the Shield Army, Conqueror of the Tribes of Teran, and Chosen of the Emperor Livondius I, do humbly swear under the watchful eye of Eronis, God of Oaths, that I shall valiantly and dutifully serve and protect my new emperor, Livondius II, from all threats that may hope to assail him. I take this oath in full consciousness of the risk to my own life and those around me, and shall maintain it until the day I die."

As he finished his verse, a great flame burst from his blade, spiraling into the air and washing over the walls. A great sense of power and finality bathed the two men, banishing the dark cloaks they both wore. The drapes covering the craftsmanship of the stained glass were burned to ash, letting a kaleidoscope of colors into the room.

As the flames receded, leaving behind a room bathed in natural light, Tericius felt a renewed sense of purpose. He pledged his loyalty to Livondius II, not just as a soldier to his emperor, but as a believer in the vision of a reborn empire.

Standing once more, the new Honor Guard bowed his head respectfully. "What shall my orders be, my liege?"

Smiling softly, the regal figure began walking past the general and out of the atrium's doors. "The empire of the phoenix has stayed her hand for too long. It is time for us to reassert ourselves."

Chapter two! A look into the new emperor of the Everentile Empire, a man descended from one of the Thirteen! Comment your ideas and suggestions!

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