
The Assassin With Creed

This is a multiverse Fan Fiction with the MC being an Assassin of Assassin's Creed with some powers. There will only be one love interest in each universe, he won't be able to bring them along with him.

BokutoKotaroAce · อื่นๆ
9 Chs

4 | The Stark Siblings

Rickard Stark then looked at his nephew and asked "I believe that your name is Edward?"

"Yes, My Lord." He replied.

"You will call me uncle when we're with the family. Only on official occasions do you need to call me Lord." He said that while looking at Edward.

And Edward nodded in understanding, so Rickard continued "Good, from now on you're Edward Stark. As you should have been from birth instead of Snow. Now go with Brandon, my first born, your cousin to meet the rest of my children."

Edward nodded at him and said "Thank you uncle."

As Brandon and Edward went out of the Solar, Rickard asked Jeor "How did you find him?"

"He was drowning near the shores of Bear Island, Maege saved him and her daughter nursed him until he woke up. From what he said, the IronBorn raided the village he was residing in and he was taken away on their ship with them. For what purpose, we don't know." Jeor said.

Sighing, Rickard asked Jeor "Do you believe that it's the IronBorn?"

"I have half a mind to believe so, but I strongly believe that it's the slavers from Essos who decided to use the IronBorn as cover." Jeor said.

"That's what I believe too, because Brandon just gave me a report saying that a wrecked ship was found near the shores of House Dustin territory. There were kids in there with some adults, and most of them died in that ship, only a few kids survived. And searching through the ship, they found evidence that indicated that it was slavers from Essos."

"I believe it will be good to inform all the Lord's in the North my Lord." Jeor said.

Rickard just nodded at that as what he said was true, they need to warn all the Lord's in the North.


After getting out of the solar with Brandon, I asked him "So..... you're Brandon Stark? The Wild Wolf."

Hearing that he nodded at first and hearing his alias he had a wolfish grin as he said "Aye, I'm the Wild Wolf. Ned is the Silent Wolf, Lya is the She-Wolf and Ben is the Young Pup."

"Are they your siblings?" I asked him even though I knew it.

"Aye, I'm the eldest, Ned is the second one, Lya the third and Ben is the youngest. But now he will have someone to be bossed around." The last part was said while he eyed me.

"I'm not sure about that." I told him, as I won't be bossed around by a twelve year old.

"That's the spirit!" Brandon said that with a smile.

Couple of minutes of walking and talking we reached the training ground of the Stark family, and a girl who is almost five years older than me was standing there with a bow and arrow. She hadn't noticed us yet, as she was still shooting away all the arrow's in her hand.

As I saw her firing away arrow's, I analysed her form. And from it, I could perceive that she has a good form, but it could become perfect if some adjustments are made, so I scrunch my face unknowingly.

Suddenly, Brandon asked me "You don't like women being warriors?"

I looked at him and asked "When did you come to that conclusion?"

"Right now, while seeing Lya with bows and arrows you scrunched up your face." Brandon said.

"Yeah, I want to know too." Another voice asked, and it was none other than the one who had been using the bow.

So I looked at her too, then looked at Brandon and I saw some resemblance so I asked Brandon "Is she your sister?"

"Yes. I'm his sister, now answer the damn question!" Lyanna said, almost screaming.

So I looked at her and said to her face "No wonder they call you a She-Wolf, you have some bad temper."

Hearing that, someone laughed out loud and Lyanna looked like she was about to pounce on me to beat me up, but that turned towards the one who was laughing and they started to have a brawl. And boy was that an eye opener? Within seconds, Lyanna was standing in front of him and the guy who laughed was on the floor. As they were looking at each other, one with a smug look and the other with a sour look, someone tapped me on the shoulder. Turning around I saw Brandon looking at me and said "That's the youngest, Benjen."

I nodded at him, and before I could speak again, Lyanna turned towards me and said "Now answer the damn question. Do you have a problem with me wielding a bow?"

I raised an eyebrow as the question slightly changed, but I didn't mind it as I said "I don't have any problem with that at all. Your posture is good, but it could be better that's all."

At that she visibly lost her anger and looked genuinely happy for what I said, then pulling me towards the centre she said "Then show me the better posture."

I looked at Brandon, and he nodded at me to play along with her so I did as she asked. Taking the bow from her and I showed her how it is supposed to look like. And fired the arrow, which striked right on the centre. Taking another arrow I knocked it on the bow again and fired it too. This one bisected the first arrow into two and struck the centre again.

Seeing that, Brandon, Lyanna and Benjen had a look of astonishment on their faces and Lyanna stood there and asked me "Who are you?" Then looking at Brandon she asked "Who is he?"

Coming out of his stupor due to Lyanna asking him the question he said "He's our cousin, son of aunt Sansa, Edward Stark."




⛔⛔⛔⛔Chapter 4 End⛔⛔⛔⛔