

The sun had long settled and the large hall was built purposely for holding banquets and other important military rallies were fully lit. There were decorations everywhere and soldiers could be seen on patrol to ensure nothing towards happened during this honorarium.

The aroma of delicious food and the melody of beautiful music could be heard in the background. The pavement that leads to the hall and the surrounding gardens were also fully decorated and tables were set for the participant of the Black Dragon Tournament to come together to celebrate and get to know each other.

The atmosphere was lively and paintings of Dragons and Phoenixes adorned every available pillar and tree trunk surrounding this magnificent hall. There were long rows of tables and chairs arranged everywhere to accommodate the ten thousand participants and their elders.

On the day there was the host seat; a magnificent throne was set in the middle surrounded by other seats set aside for high-ranking officials and dignitaries. Meanwhile, the throne in the Middle is for the Emperor or any representative he might for chosen for himself in case he was to be absent.

The Crowned Prince was the representative of the Emperor in the year's tournament. But he failed to attend the banquet tonight. He had already left the island earlier in the day.

There was a rule that the host seat must be occupied or else a banquet must not be held. Yet the Crowned Prince had left, and the organizers were in a conundrum as to what they can do. Without the banquet being held the tournament is not over.

The participant had begun to arrive at the banquet and quietly the garden and hall began to fill up with participants from all countries. They were chatting and getting to know each other. They were also forging relationships.

Not long after the banquet started the dignitaries began to show up. All the Sect elders came including the Heavens Sword mysterious elder. As he entered every one had to stand and now to show their respect to him.

Not only is he a late peak Sword Sovereign, but he was also the oldest person with the highest status among all those present. He was dressed in a simple white elders robe of his Sect and tired his long white hair with a simple hair.

A few moments later Fairy Mai as the rest of the world knew her also came with her niece Mai Lin Lin in tow. They both looked so stunningly beautiful that the whole auditorium was momentarily stunned.

They both dressed in light blue gowns with white undergarments that ascentuated their milky white skin and further gave them an out-of-the-world beautiful appearance. They were like immortal an painting.

There were a lot of other beautiful maidens but these two just stood out far above the crowd.

After they entered other elders and the head of Academies and other influential figures begin to arrive at the banquet. It was a real eye-opener for the young ones to see and meet the people behind the great names they have been hearing of in the empire.

There were the big names from the last Black Dragon tournament also present at the event. Being participants in times past they are obliged to come and relieve old memories and to meet the participants from the current generation.

This makes the celebration very lively as not less than fifteen thousand people were present at the banquet tonight. Despite the large numbers, there were enough food, drink and entertainment for all participants to enjoy.

The host seat remained empty and therefore proceedings could not formally begin. This left the supervising elders in charge of organizing in an awkward position. They could not start the banquet if the host who happens to be the Emperor, a member of the Royal family or an appointed official of the emperor sat in the host's sit.

The intelligence gathered by the elders indicated that the Crown Prince had already left with his entourage. This left only one choice for them to use the fourth Prince as a replacement. This is also not a bad idea as he happens to be the Xantian King and champion of the tournament.

So as he came in they let him sit on the seat and the celebration formally started. There were a few addresses from the elders encouraging the young ones to forge ahead and not let their defeat in the tournament weigh them down.

He congratulated the Winner and all those in the top one hundred positions and told them to work hard in their chosen sects and also remember that they are the future pillars and defenders of the Black Dragon Empire.

He advised them to be loyal to the Emperor and the empire as a whole. He also congratulated the winner of the tournament and presented the rewards for winning the tournament to him.


l will see you in the Heavens Sword Sect a year from now. Remember to keep working hard. With that, he left the banquet and the atmosphere became less suffocating. As the elders left one after the other the celebration got livelier and livelier.

The elegant ladies dancing at appointed locations to the wonderful music and the food and drunk made for an eventful evening. After done hours the supervising elders also began to leave. It was now left with the young ones.

There were toast after toast of toast until some people passed out from the powerful alcohol. Those in the top ten were the object of the numerous toast. Every one want to befriend them.

It can't help to make some powerful friends since one might not know when you might need them. With this mentality the elders had urged their juniors to form many alliance that they could for their future prospects.

In the same spirit Mai Lin Lin went to find the Fourth Prince who was sitting in the hist chair and offered him a partial ring. She bowed again and left swiftly with a bashful appearance.

This caused the heart of many young men to clench ad they stared at the fourth Prince with utmost jealousy. Were he not a very strong person and also the fourth Prince some of them would have attacked him already.

Some even we're willing to off3nd the emperor to fight the injustice they believed to have suffered. How can a girl of their age mate ignore them only to act all bashful towards a guy of barely fourteen years old.

Their ego had suffered a huge blow, yes the young man in question is the strongest among them. And he does deserve to be here. But this did nothing to help their jealousy go down. Just as they are about to attack..

Someone reminded them that Mai Lin zlin would go to the White Lotus sect and they are not allowed to marry or have any relations with a man. Only then did they calmed down and try to quench the unquenchable flames of jealousy that burned in their heights.

Alas, there was nothing they could do but watch the snow maided who would not even as much as look in their direction approach the fourth Prince with a gift and a bashful appearance.

After the banquet ended in the early hours of the flowing day the rest of the people still on the island began to go home. By evening if the same day the once lively and bursting island became deserted once more and one could only find the large arena, the huge banquet hall and the thousands of lodgings and court yards that are now empty.

The island now devoid of any human or human activity now looked like an eery ghost town. The breeze blowing through the empty spaces and rooms made howling sounds adding to the spookiness of the island.

Until military examinations or another Black Dragon tournament, this place would remain a ghost town and no one would be live there are millions of people here just a few hours ago.

The Black Dragon Tournament had ended officially and the long journey home had began dome would take months to reach their destinations. The tournament might be over but it is what people would be talking about for the next few years to come.

And the name of the outstanding geniuses would be past around taverns, restaurants, bath houses, brothels and homes. Further creating the tantalising tales of the the heroes that were born this past month.

Kashsenams thought

It's been a bit if an overly busy week. So please forgive me for the eventless banquet. I had more plan but too fatigued to .

Please keep voting and the comments and light stones are important.

I love you all.