

In the Imperial City, The Black Dragon Imperial palace; a large number of soldiers could be seen on the move towards the palace of the second emperor's consort Empress; The Blue Flame Express. Her palace was located in a prime location just a few li away from the Main imperial palace.

As the imperial Dragons Corps, the very soldiers that attend to the emperor matched in a uniformly but hurried squadron towards the Second Palace as it is called. They try as much as possible not to make much noise.

The Imperial Dragon Corps are made of the finest of the finest soldiers the Black Dragon Empire could produce. They are the only army regiments located in the inner Royal city. Only captains in the Spirit Martial Realm practitioners and above.

They were golden cloaks embroider with a dragon head and had golden feathers in their helmets. This is an insignia of the dragon head that dignifies that a soldier is part of the Emperor's guards. All other military continents must give them some face and give way if they are passing through.

They are highly respected everywhere they go, as they do not move without the Emperor's explicit orders. The only way to summon this army into action is by presenting the emperor's military seal. Hence any mobilization is considered as the Emperor being present himself.

As they much this night, they had a solemn expressions on their faces. They seldomly move within the Golden City itself. They are mostly sent out to other Empires to carry out the Emperor's orders or to quench rebellions from the Kingdoms under the Black Dragon Empire's domain and rule. Of the Emperor.

They were confused when they received the order for the whole continent to match the Blue flame palace, the second Consorts quarters. As they moved on the long march towards the Blue flame palace, they couldn't help but shudder at the implication behind their match this late at night.

The soldiers under the Blue flame Palace rule are equally as qualified as they are. They even have some peak-level spirit realm experts in their ranks. This peak Spirit Realm soldiers came with the Consort as part of her bridal party.

Eighty per cent of the soldiers belonging to the Blue flame Palace belonged to the Consorts personally and do not have much respect for the Emperor who had destroyed their empire and taken the Consort as his wife under coercion and they are ready to die for their Empress.

Over the years they had avoided any confrontation with this Blue flame army as they are called after their Blue Flame Empire; which was destroyed by the Black Dragon Empire and was annexed to the Black Dragon Empire.

They have always been hostile towards the Imperial Dragon corps as they were the final straw that broke the Blue Flame Empire back. After a long stalem3nt in the battle between the two Empires back then.

The Imperial Dragon Corps we're sent forth unto the battlefield. There was a fierce battle that lasted for three days and three nights. Both sides lost a lot of men. Until the young Empress ordered a truce and submitted to the Black Dragon Emperor.

The scar of that battle twenty years ago was still fresh in the heart of this Imperial Dragon Corps and the shadow of the vicious selflessness of the Blue Flame army during their siege left a deep impression on them.

As they approached the Blue Flame palace news had already reached the Blue Flame palace and thousands of soldiers had already assembled outside the palace walls and we were already in battle formation. The Empress called the Fourth General called Gu Lan also known as the Death Wind General to her chambers.

"Gu Li, responds to her Imperial Majesty" he rushed in and knelt on the ground before his empress. He stretched out his two arms and clasped his fists together ready to receive his order.

A beautiful woman with a tall figure, elegant stature and pale white skin. Her eyes were bright with dark pupils that threatened to suck the soul of anyone that looks into them. Her twin peaks were still firm and perky as an innocent maiden.

She was dressed in a white imperial gown embroidered with an image of a blue Phoenix covered in Blue Flames. A white veil covered her face as if to prevent her beauty from causing devastating disasters for anyone that beheld her.

Her dainty fair hands held an edict towards this general. She walked down the dais and stood right in front of him. She looked down at him and smiled at him. And gently stroked his smooth chin. She traced her hand along his masculine jawline. They were childhood sweethearts.

He was her betrothed, a hero among men and the youngest general under her father Emperor Blue Flame back then. They were set to get married after she had been crowned the heiress to the throne. Unfortunately, the Blue Flame Emperor had suffered a backlash as he was trying to break through from Low-Level Sword Emperor Realm in the Mid-Level realm and died suddenly.

Immediately after that, she was forced to ascend the throne to prevent the vultures within the then Blue Flame empire from usurping the imperial throne. Her ascension was successful.

When the funeral and morning rites to send the former emperor home was underway and the whole Blue Flame Empire we're in mourning. The Black Dragon Empire who had become the strongest cultivator at the mid-low level Sword Emperor realm brought over his army to conquer the Blue Flame empire.

The war lasted a few months, thereby preventing the wedding from taking place. From then on they surrendered and the Black Dragon Emperor took her forcefully to be his bride.

Despite all this, their love never wavered and he stayed by her side to comfort her and be a support to her in whichever way he could. He is also her most trusted confidant.

She knelt in front of him as he took the edict from her. She gently pit her rosy lips on his and gave him a passionate kiss. After a long while they separated from each other and embrace.

He stood up and walked to a corner picked up a jewelled box and walked out without hesitating. He understood what he must do. As he reached the doorway he turned back to look at her a final time.

" Mu HuangLin, in my next life I would stand by you and sacrifice my life for yours. In the next life I would still be yours even though I couldn't be in this life." with that he turned and left.

There were two tear drops on the Empress's face. She quickly wiped it away and walked towards the main hall where her generals were waiting for her orders. She sat down and addressed them.

" I am very glad to have you all by my side till this moment. Thank you for your support and loyalty throughout this year. We all know this day would surely come and we had made peace all this while with it."

" We shall fight and avenge all our fallen brethren and our families that they had brutally massacred even when we surrendered back then. Today there would be retribution and the enemy would suffer it."

" Tonight the Blue Flame shall burn once more and the Blue Phoenix shall rise and fly across the sky once more. We don't have families they can threaten us with any more"

"Today the Imperial Dragon core shall seize to exist in this world. We would die, but not without the enemies accompanying us. I had hoped for more time so I can ascend the mid-level Sword emperor realm but, this is also good. "

" Mount your position and let the blue flame burn". She commanded as her maids helped her to wear her battle armour. They all moved out of the inner place towards the walls. Prepared to die for their country.

Tonight they are not just the palace guards of the Blue Flame palace but, there were once more the guardians of the Blue Flame Empire. The Spirit flame was dropped in the large cauldron as a blue hue covered the sky a few million li with the Blue Flame palace as the epicentre.

The Generals commanding the squadrons shivered upon noticing the blue his in the darkened midnight sky. How could they not know what it meant? That was the spirit of the fallen Blue Flame Empire.

This flame had burnt in the old empire to assure its a citizen that the empire stands strong. It is a flame that ignited the will of the Blue Flame army and feels them with vigour.

It symbolizes the unity of purpose, the will to their for one's empire. This battle is not going to be easy.

Kashsenam's Thoughts

Hi family, so sorry for the long absence. Things have just been crazy here.

Anyways thanks for the support and the votes.

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More motivation. Thanks.

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