

The crowning of the Xantian King was supposed to be accompanied by gunfire, pomp and pageantry, but it didn't go that way. It was a bit dry and the people were not happy about it. But there was nothing they could do. The fourth Prince was still the Xantian King.

A portion of the spectators was non the less elated anyway as they had won huge amounts of money betting on the fourth Prince being the ultimate Champion of the tournament. They had struck it rich this time around.

It was time for the sect to select their disciples from the participants. The elders representing their various sects would send out their invitations edict to the participant they want to select for their various Sects.

The Heavens Sword Holy Land being the hegemony would have to select first. The qualified participant is selected based not only on their performance but also on the potential and hidden talent they possess for future growth.

The edict is gun qi powered and would fly to the participant it was sent to. The participant word catches it and touches it with a drop of their blood to accept it. It then turns into a token that the accepted disciple can take along to enrol in the Sect that had chosen them.

The Mysterious elder sent out a golden-coloured edict that flew into the fourth Prince's side and he caught it. He bowed towards the elder's pavilion and touched it with his blood thereby showing that he had accepted.

The edict turned into a golden token with the Heaven's Sword Holy Land insignia on it. He placed it into his partial ring and bowed again towards the elder, he then walked off the stage towards the host pavilion to join his academy and the people from the Royal city.

Mai Lin Lin also received an invitation edict from the White Lotus sect, as she finished accepting the edict that had turned into the White Lotus Sect token. She ran off the stage and went towards the Royal City's pavilion in search of the Fourth Prince.

Before she got there a world-toppling beauty floated down and stood in front of her. This of course was Elder Mai of the White Lotus Sect, Mai Lon Lin's paternal aunt. She looked at the young lady in front of her with a smile.

She then took her hand and steered her towards the White Lotus County's pavilion to avoid misunderstanding as the maidens of the White Lotus Sect do not mix with men. Accepting to join her sect meant Mai Lin Lin has to forgo animal attachment to a man.

After all her family is one of the founding members of the White Lotus Sect. And every outstanding female is always nurtured by the family to represent it at the Sect. From her infancy, she had been thought the top techniques of the family to qualify her for enrollment at the Sect.

Since childhood she does not mingle with males from outside her family, this is to prevent her from developing an emotional attachment to any male. So it frightened her aunt Elder Mai to see her go towards the Royal city pavilion after the fight earlier.

Their fight earlier had indeed left a great impact on her. The gentlemanly manners of the young Prince had also touched her heart. So she went to seek him out and be friends with him.

Her aunt realised this and quickly moved in to stop her from developing and friendship with the opposite sex. Doing so would create a shadow in her sword and bring problems to her advancement in the future. It was best to stop her now before the unthinkable happens.

The two beautiful women; one young and the other older stunned the whole arena. They stood looking at each other for a few moments. Mai Lin Lin was reluctant and wanted to meet the fourth to express her gratitude for expelling his sword intent when she was drained of energy and couldn't do it herself.

But her aunt was preventing her from doing so right now. She felt indignant, it was not like she had fallen for him or anything. Why is her aunt acting so overly protectively? But her aunt who was more experienced knew she had to prevent such a contact or else a disaster would fall on the Mai family.

They have to produce a successor to fill the place of the older generation in the White Lotus Sect as part of the three founding families. The stronger the expert they produced the more power they wield. So Mai Lin Lin was the most decent seed they have cultivated in the last fifty years.

There are other seeds but only ladies are accepted into the White Lotus Sect. Finally, She firmly grasped Mai Lin Lin's hand and led her towards the White Lotus country's pavilion. All the people there knelt before Elder Mai and Mai Lin Lin.

They belonged to the royal family of the White Lotus Country. Her status as an Elder of the White Lotus Sect and a sister to the Current King of the Kingdom. Both beauties were princesses of their Kingdom, so they had to kneel in respect.

Whilst elder Mai was trying to avert what she thought would be disastrous to her family's standing in the Sect. On the various Kingdoms' pavilion, invitational edicts were being sent to the various geniuses in the top one hundred.

The Sects do not recruit outside the top hundred participants during the black dragon tournament. This is more so for the Heavens Sword Holy Land, they do not recruit outside the top ten positions.

Right after the Black Dragon Tournament, all the sects would open their gates to recruit disciples through a very stringent and tough examination process that only a few people could pass. They accept disciples mainly from students from the various academies and talented disciples of the great clans.

But only the very best are recruited into the sects making them very powerful and a pillar of their empires. Everyone strives to enter a Sect after the academies to further their cultivation and become great figures in future. Those who can not make it into a Sect can either join the military or stay on in their various academies as deacons.

They can also join trade organizations or work for the major clans. Whatever their choice they would have an avenue to be useful to themselves and their loved ones. It is the same throughout the Divine Continent.

The Fourth Prince's companions and elders were happy when he returned victorious. They were finally able to jubilate as the oppressive atmosphere had lightened up due to the absence of the Crowned Prince and his entourage. The elders and students of the Royal Academy we're able to openly express their joy without the fear of death.

The Black Dragon Tournament is finally over and they had ended up being the top academy after two decades of vacating the post. They can return to the Royal City without shame. This time around His Imperial Majesty would be very happy and reward them as he had in the past when they take the first position.

His son was the one that brought this victory and pride to their academy. The mockery and shame from the last two decades have finally been washed away by the victory this time. Their mouths were watering when they imagined the rewards that the Emperor would bestow on them.

By now the arena was becoming empty as the people began to leave in groups and by themselves. The tournament was finally over and it was time to go home to their lives.

Every country and academy that participated in the tournament left to prepare for the official closing ceremony where a banquet is held in honour of the participants and for them to get to know each other.

There was joy and celebration all around as the final preparation to leave the Dragon Island was underway. New friends were sharing last meals and bet winners were crowded outside the various gambling establishments to take their winnings.

In all, it was a very eventful month and there was no dull moment through it all. Had they not come they would have regretted it. The wondrous events and legendary performances would be discussed for the next five years to come.

The names of the heroes would resound across the empire and their every movement would be published by the trade houses so that the world can keep track of them. Only people with some status are invited to the banquet to be held later that night.

For the commoners, it was time to head home. Those who would walk, those who would fly on their treasures swords and those who would board the flying boats outside the island all prepared to leave.

The Black Dragon tournament is over and the Fourth Prince Is the Xantian King of this generation. A historical event, a fourteen years old Xantian king.


Hence forth all countries shall be turned to Kingdoms.

I wonder how come I have thought of that the first sixteen chapters.

Kash Senams thoughts

Hi family thank you all for heeding my call to;


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A give stars.

Please I also need your comments. I want to know what an doing wrong, right or any improvements that I must make.

Waiting to hear from you. You.