
The Arrival Of The Reincarnated Hero

The Arrival of a late hero has arrived... He shall wield the once heroic sword once again in his journey to remember what he was before.. Will he rise or will he fall? Will the deep swallow him whole? Or will he prevail and see what this treacherous journey has awaited for him.

TheEtrean · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Chapter 24: Faye, Mercenary of The Queen

"So what brings you calling me, Ada?" The woman then drank the bowl of mushroom soup in a matter of seconds

"Like what my shadow wisp has said, I want you to come with us in order to subdue the Duchess" Ada then slowly drank her mushroom soup with a wooden spoon

"Hmm... I suppose you really do need my help..." The woman then grabbed her bag, she then pulled something out of it

"I went in her laboratory and it seems she's planning big... I almost got caught by her as well" She then gave papers to Ada.

"What... What is this, Faye..." Ada looked thoroughly at the papers that she was given.

"I think she's planning on a raid" Faye was then given another bowl by Mizu, she said thank you before continuing to devour it

The papers were filled with blueprints, ways on how to make golems and how to mobilize manifactured celtors.

"I also didn't see any of her assistants, I think that's how she got the manifactured celtors... Tubes were everywhere inside that lab of hers" Faye then places the bowl down, she then looked at Ada

"Whatever it is, it's to concerning to not help you out" Faye then stood up, grabbing her greathammer and looking at the group

"But first I gotta teach this two on how to properly defeat a Golem" Faye pointed her hammer right at them

"Hey wait I'm still trying to recover my left arm here! I just used strong left 2 times in a row!" Amarico then looked at Faye with a pissed off face.

"I can try it out, I might as well try and learn on how to defeat them with only a sword" Mizu then looked at his sword, it was bent already and had scratches.

"Oh please, you aren't gonna do any damage with that broken thing over there, here" Faye then grabbed a spare weapon from her bag, she threw Mizu a crescent shaped sword.

"Due to its crescent shaped nature, it could probably deal more than that straight sword" Faye then pointed at a tree

"Try it out for yourself, it'll be much better than your old sword" Faye went towards it, she then leans on it

"Yeah this one's sturdy as hell, go on give it a try"

Mizu then started walking towards the tree, he then two hands the sword and started to swing right at it.

Pieces came flying everywhere whenever he hits the tree and then with one final swing he made half of it gone.

"Told you, it'll work even better against Golems"