
The Arrival Of The Reincarnated Hero

The Arrival of a late hero has arrived... He shall wield the once heroic sword once again in his journey to remember what he was before.. Will he rise or will he fall? Will the deep swallow him whole? Or will he prevail and see what this treacherous journey has awaited for him.

TheEtrean · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 25: Onwards

"Now that you got the hang of it, why not test it on the real deal itself" Faye then pointed at another Golem, it was turned around so it wouldn't see the group.

"How did that thing get here almost immediately!?" Amarico was already terrified. Her arm hasn't healed yet.

"Ah quit whining already, let me and this guy over here take care of it" Faye started walking towards it

"Let's go!" Faye immediately equipped her greathammer, with Mizu equipping his new sword that Faye gave him.

"Alright then!" Faye and Mizu immediately went in front of it.

Faye then started to distract it, only playing defensively while Mizu immediately went to it's arms, slicing through it

"Woah!" Mizu immediately backed off, the Golem stumbling backwards as it just recieved a fatal damage.

"Nice job! Now let this Mercenary finish it off, alright?" Faye immediately threw her weapon in front of the Golem, she then boosts herself towards it.

She pulls her left arm behind her, grinning.

"STRONG LEFT!" Faye then lands the punch on it's face, making it stumble back just like what Amarico did a while ago.

"Amarico, Ada! Finish it off!" Amarico then immediately punched the Golem, making it face towards her and Ada

"Eyes!" Amarico then punched it's legs, it immediately fell to it's knees

Ada then grabbed 2 of her daggers, in a blink of an eye she was in front of the Golem's face. She then stabbed both of it's eyes as it screamed loudly. The glowing white orb that was in it's chest started to dim slowly. After that, it slowly crumbled into pieces.

"And that's how you defeat a Golem" Faye then grabbed her greathammer, she looked at the three as she still had the big grin on her face.

"Onwards, right?" Faye then started to lead the group towards a cave.

The group slowly walked towards the entrance, only being silent making the atmosphere a bit awkward for each member of the group. Suddenly, Amarico spoke.

"So uhh, Faye was it? How did you use Strong Left without hurting your arms?"

The group went inside the cave as Faye slowly started to think

"Well, I suppose it's with how you ball up your fist and how much you pull it behind you? I saw my dad using it and I've started to adapt to it"

Faye then showed her hand, she slowly curled up the fingers to close it and then made her thumb go in front of all the fingers.

"And then for pulling it to charge it... Sure pulling it really hard and really back makes it stronger but as you already experienced, it hurts right?"

Faye then pulled back her arm behind her but the elbow only reached to half of her body

"With this, you can still make an enemy stumble back quite a bit! It takes time to practice considering most people want to make it strong, but in your case you should take it quite easy"

Amarico nodded as she mimicked what she did, she felt much better than pulling it really back behind her body

"Wow, that... Actually feels WAY better" Amarico then smiled, she then looked at Faye that was grinning as well

"Thanks for the tip, Faye!"

Faye waved her hands to make her stop

"No no, it should be me thanking you! I never thought a day would come where I have to give someone a tip you know?"

Faye then saw a stone bridge leading towards an entrance

"Seems like we're getting closer to the Manor" Faye slowly walked towards it but then she realized something


Faye slowly touched the bridge with her hands, she made it glide across it. She gritted her teeth, looking at the 3 of them

"Seems like she knew we were coming... This bridge would break if we all go together" Faye then slowly started walking on the bridge

"One at a time, except Ada of course... She knows how to use Shadow Travel"

Ada started to chant, it was incomprehensible for Amarico and Mizu but she was actually saying words.

"Alright you should go after, Mizu" Amarico looked behind them

"There seems to be no trouble lying behind us so"

"No you should go first Amarico, you have an injured arm so just go after Faye" Mizu looked at Amarico with worry

Amarico sighed, she pats his head as she smiled at him

"Alright alright, fine I'll go after but be sure you start walking towards us after I get to the other side alright?"

Just then Faye arrived at the entrance

"Who's next! Come on we don't have all day!" Faye waved her hand at the two, Amarico started to slowly walk on the bridge, taking it quite slow as she didn't want it to break.

While Mizu waited, he saw something rise from the ground

"Wait... Is that..." Ada immediately saw what was rising from the ground

"MUDSKIPPERS!" Faye shouted.