
The Arrival Of The Reincarnated Hero

The Arrival of a late hero has arrived... He shall wield the once heroic sword once again in his journey to remember what he was before.. Will he rise or will he fall? Will the deep swallow him whole? Or will he prevail and see what this treacherous journey has awaited for him.

TheEtrean · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 23: Golem

"This guy is tougher than a wall made of bricks!" Amarico started to punch it's arms as she failed on destroying it's head with on strike

"Tell me about it more then!" Mizu tried to slice it's legs with his sword but it merely made a clang instead of a woosh.

"Back up back up!" Ada shouted as the Golem was about to throw a punch towards them.

They dodged it in a nick of time as Amarico then started to pull back her left arm, it slowly glowed white.

"Step aside!" Amarico immediately rushed towards the Golem as she then threw a strong punch towards the Golem, knocking it back making it hit a tree as well.

"I think I can do that trick a few more times, it looks like it's working well rather than me punching it normally" Amarico then spinned her arm, that probably moved a joint but who knows.

"Does it even have a weakness?" Mizu looked at his sword. It was almost bent and it had alot of scratches on it

"It's weakness is basically weak towards any blunt weaponry... Like Amarico's Strong Left or her fist... A greathammer would've finished the job easier but we don't have someone with that specialty"

Ada then switched to another dagger, she threw the one that was already blunt and worn out away.

"Is it weak to any spells?" Mizu then looked at his hand, it slowly started to make flames appear on it

"If your flames are strong enough it could but Frostweavers easily defeat it as well.." Ada then started to cast a shadow wisp

"What are you doing now?" Amarico looked at Ada, the latter finishing her cast

"I'm trying to call out someone, she still lives here in the upper parts... More like a mercenary that if you find will help you out" Ada then made the shadow wisp roam around in such dazzling speeds and immediately dissapearing from their sight

"For now, we need to hold out for as long as we can... i doubt your strong left did damage to it, look" Ada pointed at the core, it glowed as it slowly healed the cracks of the damages that Amarico did to it.

"Dang, it already healed..." Amarico prepared her stance as she then immediately charged towards it

"Mizu, try and use your Fire Blade on it's arm! It might heal its cracks but can it regenarate its arm!" Amarico immediately charged her left arm. It started to glow once more.

Mizu then started to rush towards the Golem, his sword started to burst into flames

"Fire Blade!!" Mizu then immediately sliced on the Golem's arms. There was an opening so he used that instead and hits it.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Mizu shouted as he tried to slice through it's arm

"STRONG LEFT!" Amarico immediately hit the golem, making it go back once more.

The arm of the golem fell to the ground. The two looked at the Golem.

It healed it's cracks but not it's arm

"It worked!" Amarico stretched her left arm, it would break if she did it 2 more times but she might as well take the risk

"Alright let's finish him off!" Amarico had a large grin but deep inside she was experiencing pain more than before.

Suddenly a figure landed beside Amarico with a loud boom

"Step aside you two.... Let a professional handle this" The dust cloud that was made by the figure's entry slowly started to dissapate.

They had feminine features. They had short hair and silver hair with a hint grey on the tips of it. She was wearing chainmail armor with some straps on it and she was holding a big hammer that even Amarico can't even lift.

"Alright, let's see what the queen was facing a problem with that she of all people had to call me" The figure pointed her greathammer right at the Golem, she stared right at it with her blue eyes reflecting and with her cheshire grin.

She immediately rushed towards the Golem and smashed it's leg in one strike, making it go down.

"One!" She then immediately went towards the other leg as she striked it with such accuracy that it crumbled into pieces instead.

"Two!" She threw her greathammer towards its arms as she immediately rushed back to the Golem, she grabbed her greathammer and immediately went to the air

"Three!" She then dove straight towards the core of the golem, which was at the chest, crumble to dust.

"And that, is how you defeat those bad boys"