
The Arrival Of The Reincarnated Hero

The Arrival of a late hero has arrived... He shall wield the once heroic sword once again in his journey to remember what he was before.. Will he rise or will he fall? Will the deep swallow him whole? Or will he prevail and see what this treacherous journey has awaited for him.

TheEtrean · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Chapter 21: Going Up

"Seems like were all set... Are you guys good to go?" Amarico was fixing up a bag, looking at the group who was still fixing up their clothes and armor

"Almost... I just need to fix this collar up" Mizu was fixing the collar of his shirt before wearing his armor that was given by him by the blacksmith

"Here let me help you out" Ada went up to Mizu as she slowly fixed it up for him. Her hands were agile and it's as if she had already done this a thousand times already.

"There... That should fix it" Ada then pats any dirt off his shoulders as she grabbed the pauldrons and boots

"Your old pauldrons got into bad shape when we fought with the Sharko in the cave along with the bandits so you might as well use this for now" Mizu then grabbed the new pauldrons and boots from Ada, making him smile

"Thank you for the consideration Ms. Ada" Mizu slowly puts on the pauldrons and boots as Ada walked away from him.

Amarico looked at Ada with some concern

"So... You aren't gonna tell him yet?" Amarico whispered to her, as to not be heard by Mizu.

"He's not ready for it yet... I... His mind won't handle it that well" Ada then looked outside as the morning sun started to rise.

The sun rays started to shine throughout the camp that they slept in before. It had quite alot of barrels around it but some of it is being already cleaned by the adventurers but there was still quite a lot that was still outside of the houses and such.

"Even if he handled the Mindweaver easily... It was because of a Goddess... If she weren't there we could've lost" Ada then held her right arm using her left hand, the uncertain feeling was coursing through her.

"The original him would've defeated that Mindweaver easily but..." Ada then gripped tighter, she was beginning to panic.

Suddenly Amarico hugged her, patting her back to ensure that she didn't have to worry about it for now.

"I'm sure he'll regain his strength once more but for now we, who still know his achievements back then, need to help him to become stronger.." Amarico then pulled away from the hug as she smiled at Ada

"So, don't worry about it!" Amarico puts up a thumbs up as she saw Mizu approaching them

"Ah, Mizu you're done already?" Amarico then went up Mizu, putting her arm around his shoulders and laughing

Ada looked at the sight as she lets go of her arm. The uncertain feeling and panic started to fade, Amarico was right. They just needed to help him. He's like a campfire that almost had it's flame be diminished.

But it slowly started to burn more brighter and started to glow but it wasn't that bright. It's their time to put fuel on it.

"You guys ready to go?" Mizu looked at Amarico, the latter looking at Ada.

Ada smiled as she wore her robe

"Of course, I don't know about you though" Ada then went towards the gate.

Amarico started to follow Ada as she looked at Mizu

"Better say your goodbyes to Kate for now... She's with Sero" Amarico then went to the gate.

Mizu then looked behind him as he saw Kate and Sero, Kate was carrying a bag of sorts.

"I... I heard that you guys are leaving" Kate said in a sad tone as Mizu crouched infront of her and then he started to pat her head

"Yeah... we are... Don't worry we'll come pick you up after this whole fiasco is done okay?" Mizu then puts his pinky finger infront of her as Kate then smiled brightly in which she did the pinky promise

"You promise?"

"Of course I promise!" Mizu smiled, he stood up as Kate gave him the bag

"The bags are filled with medicinal flowers... I hope you can use them!" Mizu smiled.

Kate was then suddenly put behind her by Sero as the woman smiled

"Please save The Duchess... I am still endebted to her" Mizu nodded as he started to walk away

"Good luck Mizu! Good luck Amarico! Good luck too Ms. Ada! Do your best!" Kate shouted as she started to wave her hand to the group.

The group did the same as they soon started to get out of sight.