
The Arrival Of The Reincarnated Hero

The Arrival of a late hero has arrived... He shall wield the once heroic sword once again in his journey to remember what he was before.. Will he rise or will he fall? Will the deep swallow him whole? Or will he prevail and see what this treacherous journey has awaited for him.

TheEtrean · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 20: Aftermath

Mizu slowly opened his eyes as the sunrays from the sun setting hits his eyes. He slowly sat up as he looked at the horizon, the sound of the sea was mostly what he can hear but there was conversations too.

Mizu felt someone close to him as he saw Kate napping near him. Mizu smiled, he pats her head. Kate slowly woke up as he looked at him

"AMARICO! ADAAAAA HE'S AWAKE!" Kate immediately went towards the duo as they were talking to what seems to be the guards from Etrea but they had guns instead of Katanas.

Ada and Amarico looked behind them as Ada made the guards carry out the remaining corpse from the camp as she and Amarico along with Kate went towards him as Amarico immediately hit his head and hugged him

"I'M SO GLAD YOU WOKE UP! I WAS WORRIED!" Amarico cried out loud


Ada sat down on the chair as Kate sat on Ada's lap kind of like a child being carried by their mother.

"How are you doing Mizu?" Ada then looked at him, the male smiled

"I'm fine I guess? How's the hostages?"

Ada then looked at the male and female hostages who was looking towards them, they bowed as one of the males went up

"Uhm.. Thank you, Queen and her companions... If it weren't for you guys I don't know what would happen with my friends or anyone here... We're really grateful..." Suddenly all of them stood up straight as they smiled directly at them

"We will protect Erisia from now on! We shall help out the people who will enter this island with care!"

Ada smiled as she sighed

"You should tell that to the Etrean guards first but... Tell them the Queen herself accepted it"

The adventurers were happy as they jumped around with joy.

Ada then looked at Mizu with a smile on her face

"If it weren't for you, they wouldn't be that happy or determined..." Ada then held his hand as she looked directly at his eyes

"Mizu... What did you see when the Mindweaver used their spell on you?"

Mizu then hesitated as he then looked at the three of them

"Well... I... Saw you guys in a bad state... I couldn't help you guys because my legs were chopped off, my hands chained so I couldn't crawl towards you guys and... My lips were shut tightly by stitches..."

Mizu then looked at the hand that Ada was holding

"But... A bright light appeared infront of me... Stating that it was only a mere illusion created by my mind... And I shouldn't worry about it.."

Mizu looked at the sky

"She was like a Goddess... Stating that she was Navae and I was her Apostle..."

"Wait... The Gremor's Goddesss Navae?!" Amarico then pulls away from the hug that she was giving to him, completely in shock

Kate doesn't understand anything but Ada seemed rather concerned.

"Mizu, did she say anything more?" Ada asked, Mizu just shaking his head

"Alright we'll talk about it tomorrow but for now we need to rest... I think the adventurers are gonna cook some pork and roast some beef because the bandits had alot in store in the houses.."

The adventurers were trying to open up a fire, some of them using their attunements but to no avail.

"I'll help them out.." Mizu slowly stood up as he went towards the campfire

"I told you to use your Galeweave more slightly! The fire isn't even starting!" A girl complained to the male who talked earlier.

She was rubbing the stick on the plank they made as it barely charred yet.

"I'm trying okay! It's not like your Galeweave worked as well!" The male complained

"Let me help you guys" Mizu then went towards the campfire as he summoned a small wall of fire to engulf the wood. It started to burn slowly

"Woah!" The girl pulls away her hand as she then started to blow on it, she almost got burnt

"That's so amazing! Thank you Mr. Mizu!" Mizu smiled as he patted the shoulders of the male

"Alright, I'll help you guys cook the meat... Let's eat until we all get knocked unconcious because we ate too much!" Mizu then pumped his fist at the air

"WOHOOOOOOOOO!" The adventurers pumped their fist up as well.

Ada, Kate and Amarico smiled at the sight as they then Sero appear beside them

"Oh, Sero why did you come down?" Ada looked at her friend as the female smiled a little

"I felt Navae's guidance... He's quite a remarkable man isn't he?" Sero then sat beside them

"He told us that Navae told him that he was her Apostle or something, seems like a bogus claim but... He snapped out of the Mindweavers spell almost immediately so I think it isn't some bogus he claimed" Amarico was carrying a crate of meat as she went towards the group.

"I suppose it isn't a bogus claim"