
The Arrival Of The Reincarnated Hero

The Arrival of a late hero has arrived... He shall wield the once heroic sword once again in his journey to remember what he was before.. Will he rise or will he fall? Will the deep swallow him whole? Or will he prevail and see what this treacherous journey has awaited for him.

TheEtrean · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 22: Trouble

The trio are climbing up through erisia, facing some scenery that could be even called worthy of a memory but they cant enjoy the scenery for now, as they still have to get to the manor but they soon faced a problem

"Why is it doing here?!" Amarico whispered loudly as they were behind a Sharko.

It seems like it wandered too far away from Vipers Jaw and it arrived here at Upper erisia.

"Well We need to defeat it then... They can stay in the same place for hours before moving to another spot" Ada then grabs her dagger as she then slowly creeped up behind it.

"Remember the same thing we did on one of them back then? We'll do it again" Amarico told Mizu as she slowly creeped up to it aswell

Mizu slowly went to it's front to attract it's attention, but then when he was getting closer he saw something else...

"Hey... Ada... What's that thing..." Mizu pointed in front of him. There stood a huge beast that was made up of rocks with eyes that was glowing white along with its chest there seems to be the same glowing light on it.

"Is... Is that a fucking Golem?" Amarico was surprised as well. She didn't know that the Golem would start to wonder around Upper Erisia...

"Did the Duchess mobilize every golem to protect the manor..?" Ada immediately summoned a shadow wisp as it then slowly floated above, Ada saw it.

"Oh my god..."

"What is it Ada?" Mizu went back behind the Sharko as to not alert it by accident

"Every Golem that was in the Manor's reserve is outside... protecting the gates to the manor and further from it..."

Amarico and Mizu were shockd by the news as they looked at the Golem infront of them

"You think we can handle them?" Amarico looked at her cestus, it looks like it can handle a few more fights.

"I suppose we can but you're the best bet we have... Me and Mizu's sharp weapons wont deal anything to it but your cestus will probably do the trick"

"We first gotta deal with this Sharko over here before we deal with the Golem" Mizu nodded as he went up to the Sharko to gather its attention

"Hey fuck face over here!" Mizu shouted at it as then the beast looked at Mizu and it roared.

It went for a kick but Mizu immediately dodged it. Mizu started to slice it's legs with his sword.

The beast roared as Ada and Amarico started to deal damage to it aswell. Mizu then saw another kick coming which he dodged even quicker than this time.

When the Sharko fell to the ground Mizu immediately striked its head with one more fatal blow as he then immediately did it a couple more times. The beast roared one more time as it then finally died.

But... Another trouble was yet to come

"Hey guys! ITS MOVING! THE GOLEM IS MOVING!" Amarico shouted, she pointed at the Golem that was going towards them.

With each stomp of it's feet the ground shook. The trio prepared their fighting stance

"Okay what's the plan Ada?" Amarico was infront of the group, she prepare her fist

"Like I said earlier, we'll take the hits and then you'll try to take it down, sounds good right?" Ada then immediately went infront with Mizu following suit.