
The Arrival Of The Reincarnated Hero

The Arrival of a late hero has arrived... He shall wield the once heroic sword once again in his journey to remember what he was before.. Will he rise or will he fall? Will the deep swallow him whole? Or will he prevail and see what this treacherous journey has awaited for him.

TheEtrean · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Chapter 19: Inside.

After getting hit by the purple fog he and falling to the floor. Mizu was suddenly dropped inside a city, the sky was black as there were corals everywhere. The buildings and the surroundings were covered in coral.

He saw Ada and Amarico along with Kate being surrounded by Megalodaunts, about to be eaten

"MIZU HELP US" Kate shouted as she screamed for his help.

He tried to move.

But he was at the same place. He looked downwards as he saw both of his legs chopped off

He tried to reach out for them but he couldnt as both of his arms were chained by an unknown chain.

He tried to shout or scream but his mouth was sealed shut by stitches.

He couldn't do anything but then a light shone infront of him as someone appeared

"Umi Mizu, do not fret... This is an illusion... Simply a mere concept made by your own mind..."

A Goddess appeared infront of him.

"I Navae shall guide you, do not be lost to this illusion... This is merely something that makes you not be able to move... You are beloved by me, my apostle"

His vision suddenly started to be gained back in the real world.