
The Arrival Of The Reincarnated Hero

The Arrival of a late hero has arrived... He shall wield the once heroic sword once again in his journey to remember what he was before.. Will he rise or will he fall? Will the deep swallow him whole? Or will he prevail and see what this treacherous journey has awaited for him.

TheEtrean · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 18: Mindweaver

There were almost done however there was still a bunch of bandits protecting the hooded figure as they made a circle around them

The Mindweaver started to chant as Amarico immediately started to rush toward them

"You shouldn't cast even if you're surrounded idiot!"

"AMARICO WAIT!" A huge wave of purple gas engulfed all the bandits and Amarico but it didn't reach Ada or Mizu.

The ones who were affected by it started to have a red aura gather around them as if their being controlled.

"Shit, Mizu! Regroup!" After Ada's mouth said the last word she immediately got punched on the gut from Amarico, knocking her back to a wall as Ada coughed blood

"That hurts... Mizu! Handle the bandits and the Mindweaver! I'll handle Ada!" Ada immediately blocked another punch from Amarico as a loud clang was heard.

Mizu gripped his sword with two of his hands as he looked at the bandits and mindweaver

"So you like targetting weak minded people huh.." Mizu gritted his teeth, slowly breathing, calming himself down. He looked at them as he grinned

"Alright then let's see what you got!" Mizu immediately rushed towards the group as a battleaxe bandit blocked his path

"Fire Blade!" Mizu immediately set the bandit ablaze into flames that had an azure color.

The rest of the bandits immediately rushed him as Mizu's arm summoned azure flames as he immediately set a fire wall circling around them

"Fire Wall!" Mizu then started to rush towards the Mindweaver as he started to prepare a strike at the Mindweaver.

"YOU'RE MINE!" The Mindweaver immediately puts out their hands as the same purple gas appeared out of nowhere as it struck Mizu.

He fell to the ground as Ada saw it, Mizu fell in battle.

"Mizu!" Ada immediately got punched by Amarico

The Mindweaver started to laugh maniacally


Ada started to cough even more blood as Amarico started to slowly approach her

"Shit... MIZU!" Ada shouted as there was no response..

Instead, she saw an action. Mizu stood his ground as he then striked the Mindweaver's neck.

"HOW?!" The Mindweaver tried to grab the blade even though it'll make his hand bleed.

"GRAH! DIE YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Mizu kept pushing it through his neck as he suddenly sliced his neck clean.

The red aura of the ones affected disappeared as Amarico stopped her fist as she looked at Ada

"Queen..? QUEEN WHAT HAPPENED?!" Amarico aided Ada as she helped her stand up, putting her hand over her as she looked at Mizu

"Wait... Mizu... Did he..." Amarico looked at Mizu, the fire wall dissapating as the bandits inside the ring of fire fell to the floor.

Mizu looked at the sliced head of the Mindweaver, their forehead had a symbol of it but he doesn't care about that. All he wants was to close his eyes and sleep.

Mizu fell to the ground as Ada and Amarico started to rush towards him.