
Tensura X Anime

Short and Simple: The octagram are bored as usual from all the peace. Even though it is enjoyable, they miss the thrill of everything. So they decide to travel the multiverse. Even going as far as to travel outside of their multiverse. What kind of trouble will this troublesome group get themselves in? Only time will tell.

Astra178 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2 Chs

We Have Arrived

Rimuru POV:

'Interesting! Very Interesting!' I tried my best to contain my thoughts. We have arrived in a new world for some new excitement. By the way, if you thought I left Tempest and didn't bring anyone along, you would be wrong. If I left them without bringing them I could never leave. So I left a [Parallel Existence] with them. That way, they wont know I ever left.

"What world are we in?" Leon asked.

"I am glad you asked Leon. Ahem! We are in a world full of gods. Gods of which have descended to the land and live in coexistence with their creations." I explained. While I was explaining it seemed like Veldora understood what world we are in.

"Kuhahaha! I see, we are in the world of Danmachi! We will dominate the gods and goddesses!" Veldora boasted. I believe he seemed eager to fight some gods and goddesses. I cant blame him, after all a good fight keeps me entertained as well. But these people are too weak to fight a single one of us.

"I am glad you realized it Veldora. But we wont be slaughtering gods.... Unless there is an absolute reason as to why we should." I said with a devilish smirk.

"So... does this count as a vacation?" Milim asked while jumping all around, excited to explore this new world.

"It does, because we will be going to many worlds from manga!" I shouted in excitement, this caused Veldora, Ramiris and even Milim to get even more excited. Milim got excited due to the fact we will be exploring worlds and... she also reads manga sometimes. If I am honest, about all of them had started to come to me for manga to read after about 400 years since the Tenma War ended.

"Ooh, and what role will we have in this world?" Guy asked curious about our job.

"In this world we shall make our own familia without a god or goddess. Cause as much chaos as they can handle." I said with a smile. As I looked up everyone was just staring at me in disbelief.

"Chaos Creator, truly is a title that suits you." Dagruel said with a blank expression.

"But I am telling the truth. With the power we hold, after demonstrating even a little bit, these familias will be all over us. And our starting town is Orario. Which is a little over in that direction, so lets go." I said pointing the in the direction of town. I decided to teleport us to a pretty obscene area.

It was obscure enough where no one would know where we were. The main thing in the area however was a beaten down house. We cant start our vacation in a dump like this.

"Rimuru, if this world is from a manga, what part of the story are we at?" Guy asked. His question caused everyone to look in my direction.

"Quite simple. We are at the beginning, but not quite at the start. By now the main character 'Bell Cranel' should have leveled up by now. This way, we can cause more chaos and confuse the gods to unbelievable levels." I said slightly excited and with a smile.

"Firstly, we need a base of operations." I said. We need a place worthy of our statuses of demon lords, dragons and the sole hero. We will not be making it by hand, but I will simply create a new home.

'Ciel, if you would please.' I asked my trusty partner.

{Fufu, that is a simple task master.} Ciel said with what I assume to be a smug attitude.

A glow enveloped the entire area in a bluish light. Similar to when I used that newly developed transport magic.

From that blue light a massive magic circle appeared. The ground began to shake under this magic circle. Ever so slowly, something had began to rise from the light. The size of it was huge, it took up nearly the entire area.

Rising from that light was a building. No. I am pretty sure that was an understatement due to its size. What truly rose from it was a mansion. A humongous one at that, but I guess that is what a mansion should be.

As much as I love the place given to us by Ciel, it would draw too many eyes. But it is already here, so might as well stick with it.

"Hahaha! Rimuru has given us a fantastic home." Guy said as he grabbed me by my shoulders and pulled me closer to him.

"There better be a bath in there." Luminous said. I mean she liked the Tempest baths so much, she probably can't live without it anymore.

"There should be, I can't live with this hot breathed lizard." Velzard said as she looked in the direction of Velgrynd.

"You can't be referring to me. With you cooped up in your room all day, you smell like the waste from a brothel." Velgrynd shot back. Next thing they were both in eachothers faces, getting angrier at the other. Their auras began to leak. The ground was beginning to shake violently.

'Uh-oh! That is really bad!' I thought to myself panicked. I got in-between them and pushed them away from each-other.

"Please stop that. We don't want the gods to know of us yet." I said to them.

"It might be too late for that. The earth already felt their power." Ramiris told me.

"So then, lets leave the area for now. We have other stuff to do first. Everyone can choose their rooms after." I said before teleporting us away to obscure ally close to the guild.

Rimuru POV end:

Denatus meeting 3rd person POV:

The meeting of Denatus is a meeting of all of the gods that exist in this world.

During this meeting many topics are discussed, similarly to the meeting of demon lords called Walpurgis. The only similarly truly being, acting like a child. But even then, the demon lords act more appropriate.

The meeting was now in session. The main topic the gods truly cared about here was a mortal. By the name of Bell Cranel.

This child has recently ranked up, faster than that of the "Sword Princess" Ais Wallenstein. The gods were in disbelief of this, however they took interest in this boy.

"We shall move onto the next topic of this Denatus. And that will be the title of adventurer Bell Cranel." One of the deities said. Specifically, it was the goddess Freya.

Unlike the others who have just gained an interest in Bell, Freya has been interested in this boy for quite some time. Even as going so far as to cause some havoc for his to fix. So to say she was excited about this topic was an understatement.

But there was one goddess who did not care for this all that much. That would be Goddess Hestia. She is the goddess who the individual in question in with. She promised him that she would fight for a good title for him. But she was currently annoyed by everyone like usual.

Just as the first suggestion for his name was about to be thrown out. Everyone felt something violent.

The very tower they were in began to shake violently. The meeting venue was receiving some damage as well as knocking over some of the gods and goddesses. Pinning some to the ground, unable to move.

"What the hell is going on?!" One of gods shouted in confusion as he struggled to stand up. But soon after... all the shaking had stopped.

The gods realized this and regained their footing and composure.

"What the hell happened?!" Another god that has not regained his composure said.

"It must have been an earthquake. That is only reasonable." Another unnamed god spoke up. However a few of the other gods came to a different conclusion.

'That was too unnatural to be an earthquake.' Goddess Freya thought. She then broke out into a devious smile, knowing that something or rather someone interesting has shown themselves. Although not physically.

'I have to hurry back! What if my precious Bell was caught in something?!' Goddess Hestia thought panicked. She was worried about Bell due to him being the first member of her Familia. She was highly protective of him.

"We can discuss this matter later, for now let us please get back to the meeting." A god by the name of Miach suggested. He simply wished to check up on his familia after such an event occurred.

The other divine beings agreed with his suggestion. And like so the meetings halt had come to an end as it resumed once more. In the end, the human named Bell received the title of "Little Rookie". Hestia was somewhat glad of this title, due to what had been thrown out as suggestions.

Meeting POV End:

Rimuru POV:

We are currently outside the guild building, about to enter it when I heard something from Ciel.


'Yes? Is anything needed?' I asked.

{Due to the aura released by both Velzard and Velgrynd, the world has felt the aura, but do not know where it originated. But the gods will have a guess as to where soon enough. Should I get rid of it?} She suggested. While it would be wise to go that route, we are here to cause chaos, so... Let them locate us.

'No. Let them find us. It should prove to be entertaining.'

{Understood.} Ciel said before she didn't pry any further. Plus I did not need to hear the fact the world felt the aura. Over the years everyone has gotten stronger not by over like 10x but from what Ciel says they have gotten about 4x to 5x stronger. So their auras increased as well. It caused nothing but cracks in the guild building but it was alot of cracks. I am surprised that it is still standing.

But nevermind the damage we already caused, time to register with the guild.

As we entered, I noticed something.

There were some unconscious people. Everywhere. Some were just waking up, while most stayed unconscious. I am just glad they are not dead.... Yet.

I turned back to look at Velzard and she diverted her gaze. The same occurred when I looked towards Velgrynd.

I approached the counter as everyone else took a seat somewhere. I rang a bell a few times waiting for someone to come to my call.

But to my surprise, the woman who answers this part was unconscious. Well... she was unconscious, because I saw her jump up. I probably woke her up, due to my constant ringing.

"Hello! H-How may I-I help you?" She popped up and asked me.

"Yes, me and my friends decided we want to sign up to be adventures." I said nonchalantly. However she just looked at me with a surprised expression.

"Sir.... Miss?" She asked with a tilted head.


"Okay, Sir did you not feel that pressure earlier?" She asked me. But I simply decided to feign ignorance and say.

"What pressure?" Her expression was priceless. I could barely stop myself from laughing. She looked just like Milim when I first encountered her. But nonetheless she regained her composure and began to look for something under her.

"Here are the forms. Please fill these out and return them to me once completed." She said.

"Thank you, miss?" I asked confused as I have not even learned her name yet.


"Thank you Eina-san." I said as I grabbed the forms and handed them out to my friends. It was supposed to be a long process but we finished them in no time at all.

Going further, we simply handed them in and was on our way home.

But as we were going home, all of us felt some presences inside our home.

"Great. We might have to kill some people for trespassing." Guy said with a sadistic smirk.

"I call first dibs!" Milim shouted.

'Hah…. This is gonna prove damn well annoying.'