
Sussy Baka in MHA

Dying and then meeting a giant God in the image of an Impostor from Among us in the afterlife was certainly something I didn't expect would happen. Getting reincarnated by it, was something I expected even less. And awakening in a world where heroes and villains run rampant, was certainly the cherry on top on this whole matter. But well, nothing I can do about it. ° (A/N: Check my patreon for extra chapters: patreon.com/TheSynonym)

The_Synonym · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
43 Chs

Strongest Under The School's Ceiling

(A/N: If you want to read 12 chapters in advance and while at it help me get by the month, then check my Patreon: patreon.com/TheSynonym

We are already entering UA over there if you want to maybe check it out. 

You know you want -Wink, wink-.


Well, whatever. Enjoy)


|A day later...|



Scratching my chin with a bored expression plastered all over my face as I yawned, I watched as my teacher continued explaining math problems to the class while doing his best so that everyone could understand.

"... And, in this part, children, you first count this number and then add this one to the..."

However, most of the boys in the class seemed to be having the same expression as me right now, and none of them were paying attention to his words anymore. Probably feeling bored from doing math all morning.

Math was a tortuous class, after all.

However, I couldn't sympathize with them. Children should pay attention when the teacher puts so much effort into teaching them properly.

'Cheeky brats. You should pay attention...'

Looking at them with disappointment in my eyes, soon, I shook my head as I leaned backward in my chair.

'... -Sigh...- But well, what can one expect from children? They can be disrespectful to adults sometimes... Our teacher must feel very sad seeing that all the boys in the class aren't paying attention to him... -Sigh...- What has become of our youth?'

Looking at our teacher with pity, I sighed.

'Truly pitiful... Well, I'm taking a nap'

With that idea in mind, I darkened the color of my glasses so that my eyes wouldn't be visible, and closed my eyes so that I could begin hibernating until the end of class.

-Ding, dong-

However, before I had the chance, the school bell suddenly marked the end of the class and made me snap my eyes open immediately.


Understanding that this torture of a class was finally ending, I began to stand up.

However, my teacher's voice stopped me before I even could separate myself from my desk.

"...Alright children. That's all for today's class. However, I want all of you to resolve the ten exercises that are on pages 101 and 102 for tomorrow, alright?"


"... Consider it homework!"

Hearing his words, I felt my mind boiling in anger.

'... Homework again...?! Homework this, homework that, can't they just leave us one day without homework? Stupid Japan and its annoying educational system... Just wait until I join the hero course, there I won't have to do homework anymore!'




While I was grumbling inside my mind as I stood up from my seat to go and eat something, suddenly I felt someone tap my shoulder and turned around only to see Arata looking at me while holding his Quirktendo Switch.

"Hey Suzaku, wanna play some Jumping Heroes Kart 8?"

Hearing him say that as he flashed his eyebrows at me, I sweatdropped a bit as a deadpan formed on my face.

"Shouldn't we go and eat first...? It's lunchtime—"

"Oh, come on. Eating is for weaklings! So, what do you say? Hmm??? Don't you want to play with me again? Or are you scared that this time you won't be so lucky?!"


As he said that while grabbing my collar, I couldn't help but let out a sigh with a resigned expression.

"-Sigh...- Quite the stubborn guy you are, huh?"

"Shut up! Come on, I want a rematch! Last time you were just lucky!"

Seeing him like that, I couldn't help but shake my head with a disappointed expression.

According to what he told me, his parents gave him that Quirktendo Switch (Yes, it is what you think it is) during Christmas because his grades were very good, just like I was given a Quirkstation 8 because of my grades as well.

And because of that, one day this guy decided to bring it to school to play with me some half-assed copycat version of Mario Ka—

"So?! Are you playing or not?!"

"Wait a moment, I'm still not done thinking"



As I was saying, this guy one day brought his console to play "Jumping Heroes Kart 8", probably thinking that he would be like some kind of master that would teach me how to play the game.

However, unlike what he expected, as soon as we started the game, I utterly destroyed his ass.

Why? Because I do not hold back when it comes to games.

After all, like a very wise and great guy once said: "Video games are serious business, and deserve to be treated with respect"

I wonder what became of that guy.

But well, leaving that aside, I had also played my fair share of Mario Ka—Ahem, of a similar game back then in my past life. 

Because of that, I was already experienced in the type of game that "Jumping Heroes Kart 8" was, and as such, I had enough mastery over it so that a newbie such as Arata would not be able to defeat me.

However, unlike what I had expected, he was quite a stubborn guy. And since that day, he kept asking me for a rematch every lunch break. Thinking that eventually, he would win.


I guess you already know… He didn't.

And neither would he today.

"... Alright, I'm done thinking"

Nodding my head as I finished collecting my thoughts, I turned to look at him and raised an eyebrow as he bounced enthusiastically with his Quirktendo switch in his hands.

"I don't understand what you mean by that, but sure. So? Are you up for a rematch?!"

I snorted.

"Bring it on" I said while I swept my hair epically as a disdainful smirk rose on my face while glancing at him.





|A few minutes later...|


"Good thing my mother made some lunch for me today... I would be hungry otherwise"


"Hoho, look at that! There's even meat in here! It seems like today's my lucky day!"


"Come on, are you still angry at how I left you in 13th place while I took 1st?"

"You have played before, haven't you?! You damn... cheater!"

"Now, now… That's something that only no-skill players say... Are you a no-skill, Arata?"


"Come on, stop being a crybaby, and give me some of your lunch. You promised to give me some if I won, right?"

"-Sigh...- Where did the bro I admired so much go to...?"

"Stop complaining"

As Arata handed me some of his lunch with a sulking face, I smirked slightly before I began gulping down everything I had brought as lunch today.

For some reason, in this life, I was able to enjoy food much more than in my previous one.

Whether it was because I had different taste buds, or because my strong body required more nutrition than my old body, I didn't know, and honestly, I didn't care.

I was gonna be a rich hero anyway. So me having to eat a lot was surely not going to be a problem. If anything, it was gonna be a blessing for the future me, who was going to enjoy all types of delicacies with his fortune.

However, to achieve that, I still had a long way ahead... And one of the obstacles that currently blocked my way was my training.

A day had passed since old man Tatsuo had told me to train by myself. And honestly, since then, I've been completely lost on how to progress.

What did he mean by saying "Adapt your strong body to your own fighting style"? 

I mean, isn't it already adapted since I, like, practiced it with my strength and all?

And, if I went with the other option, how do I even adapt something like my quirk to the fighting style?

Should I use the fact that my glasses can reflect light to blind my enemies?

For that, I can just use a lantern!

Godamnit old man, I only know how to follow instructions... most of the time.

You can't just leave me on my own!

I'm no martial arts genius!



Could it be...?

Maybe I am, and the old man just made me train alone so that I could discover this amazing talent of mine?!

Suzaku Suzuki, A martial arts talent in one trillion.

That sounds good. 

I should check it later, just in case...

"Huh...?! So this is the little brat that is so famous these days?"

Suddenly, as I was still lost in my fantasies, a sharp and irritatingly high voice reached my ears and made me turn my head to look at a nearby group of people approaching.

There, three teenagers with funny-looking hairstyles, similar to how Johnny Bravo combed his hair, were walking towards our table with not-so-friendly expressions on their faces.

Two of them had a normal appearance, aside from their ridiculous hairstyle that is. However, the third one, who was the one of the voice from earlier, had the head of a bull, with horns and everything, and had an unbelievably big body that could compete with that of a bodybuilder.

If not for the uniform that he was wearing, I would have doubted he was even a student. However, when living in a society full of weirdly-looking people, you tend to be more understanding of such cases.

'Who are these weirdos?'

Raising an eyebrow in confusion, I watched as the three approached us.

"Yeah, that's him. The one with red hair!"

"Tsk, he doesn't look that strong to me... I bet you guys are just too weak, and that's why he beat you!"

"N-no, it's him that it's too strong, Aniki! He seems to have some kind of strengthening Quirk!"

"Hmph, we will see about that"

As the bull-headed guy arrived in front of us after saying that, he crossed both of his arms and looked down on both Arata and me. All while huffing a large chunk of air from his nostrils.

"I heard you are the King of this school, is that right?"


Hearing him, I turned around and saw that, besides Arata, who was for some reason nodding his head with a proud expression on his face as he looked at me, there was no one else near us to whom he would be talking to.

Thus, not understanding what the hell this kid was talking about, I raised an eyebrow and brought a piece of meat to my mouth as I replied to him.

"Are you talking about -Munch, munch-... me?"

"Yes, you"

"-Munch, munch-... I don't think so?"

As I was frowning while tilting my head in a weirded-out manner, suddenly one of the kids that were beside the bull-headed guy raised his voice as he pointed at me with a trembling finger. Making me squint my eyes slightly as I glanced at him, trying to remember his face.

"Liar! you managed to beat us, the Twin Fist Brothers Duo when we challenged you! That day, you won the title of the strongest in this school... Don't tell me you don't remember it?!"

"Twig First Brothers Dual? What's that...? Oh..."

Then, it came back to me.

'Ah, that happened, didn't it? These guys came looking for trouble one day when I was just minding my business. Saying things like that they had heard that I was some kind of boss from my class or something, and asked me for a challenge... I didn't really understand what they were on about, but since I am such a mature person, I disciplined them with the fist of love and then went back home...'

The kid on the left side of the Bull guy had a Quirk that allowed him to harden his knuckles to the point that they became as hard as iron, while the other kid on the right side of the Bull guy had a Quirk that made him able to produce some kind of energy from his fists that repelled anyone he hit.

Both of them started a fight with me one day without any reason and used their Quirks against me without even asking me my opinion about fighting with them.

Though, that didn't stop me from beating them up.

Despite them being already in their teens and even having fairly powerful Quirks, it wasn't a hard task to deal with them with the fighting style that I've been learning through these two years with old man Tatsuo. I beat them up fairly easily after a minute or so of struggle.

Luckily, no teacher discovered it was me who beat them up at that time. So I was not called to detention later that day.

But, it still surprised me how brazen and violent the teenagers in this superhero society were. Why the hell were they challenging an eight-year-old kid like me to a fight?

Maybe it was simply a secondary effect of young kids getting human-killing superpowers at such a young age.

However, seeing at that time that thinking about it was probably not going to answer my question, I just decided to ignore it and went back to my normal life.

'What do these guys want now? And what do they mean by the strongest guy in school? I'm a pacifist!'

Frowning at their behavior, I asked them with an annoyed tone of voice.

"I don't think I'm catching up with this conversation... But I remember you guys... So? What do you want?"

Scratching my cheek with a confused expression, I glanced at them and raised an eyebrow as suddenly they started to frown while becoming red like a tomato because of anger.

"We are here to challenge you to a battle in exchange for the title of the strongest of this school!"

Hearing that, I couldn't help but fall silent for a second.

However, I recovered fairly quickly from the daze and immediately denied their claims.

"Me? Strongest in this school? What in the world are you guys even talking about...? Aren't you a little old to be playing fighting games and putting nicknames on an eight-year-old? Go and study or something"


As I looked at them with a pitiful gaze in my eyes while bringing some meat to my mouth, I began eating calmly the rest of my lunch as they started fuming in anger at my comment.


However, before I was able to finish, suddenly something hit heavily the table which had my lunch on and sent it flying into the air. Making me panic for a moment as I had still not finished it.


And, as if wanting to ruin my day, soon my food fell down the table and splattered all over the floor, making my eyes lifeless as I watched a perfectly full box of delicious lunch get wasted like that.

As my soul left my body while watching such a terrible scene, a voice called me out and made me turn around to see the perpetrator of such a horrific act.

Behind me, with his fist tightened to the point that veins were bulging on his arm, the Bull guy was breathing on my neck with eyes full of anger.

"Listen here, pipsqueak, my name is Datte Kenta. I'm the most notorious delinquent in this city because of my great thirst for battle... I have been expelled from 10 schools already, since in all of them I beat up the guy with the strongest Quirk there to the point where they bled and cried for mercy, all for the sake of being at the top of the hierarchy... And now that I have arrived at this school, it's your turn to hand me over your throne... Will you fight me like a man, or will you hide like a coward?"

"... Heh"

Hearing him say that, I couldn't help but scoff a little. Especially knowing that the enormous guy in front of me was a teenager.

It seemed that he had some anger management issues.

And considering that I was an adult, I knew that I had to act maturely in this situation and act as a guide for this poor lamb that had lost its way.

Because I'm a very mature guy!





|A few minutes later...|


"That's it, Suzaku, hit him with the chair!!"

-Clang, clang, clang!!-

"-Moo!!!- Get off meee!!"

-Clang, clang, clang!!-


-Clang, clang, clang, clang, clang!!-



I'm not hitting him violently with a chair if that's what you are wondering.

I'm rehabilitating him through physical therapy. Otherwise, he might become a bad guy later on.

I'm just doing my job as a responsible citizen of this beautiful country. 

Hurray Japan! Hurray!

-Clang, clang, clang, clang, clang!!-



-To be continued...-

(A/N: It is time)
