
Surviving on the deserted island with my childhood friends

It was a fun school trip we are having but then the cruise ship that we are on suddenly announced a warning, [Warning, the ship is about to sink, please proceed to the evacuation center] We immediately rushed there with my classmate, but then a huge wave crushed the ship, and the next thing I know I am on an Island Souta, the main character, is talented and very experienced in many things in survival Yuki, a Loner who will meet a smart girl, is very lucky for what he will see on the shore Haruki who is the school council president will lead an only girl group that is very talented in their craftmanship and also lucky for having the bamboo forest, Makoto a teacher, will lead his students, he who has the manpower, and every student and teacher follows him Now, who will conquer the island? Who will rule this deserted Island? Can they still be saved or are they stuck there forever?

KLUX · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs


They gathered their resources and put it all in the location where the shelter will be built, Hannah: "Hey Souta, why did we have to take the dried coconut?" "Oh? that's for making ropes" Ashley: "Ropes?" "Go to Sophie, Afi and her should be doing it by now, I'll also help after arranging this stick to its position"

So what's the shelter look like is it like a pyramid or triangle, with the tree that I cut earlier that have been placed on the two trees that are next to each other and just placing the other stick to the tree that I cut blah blah blah don't know the details

on the other hand, Sophie teaches Hannah and Ashley how to make a rope, Sophie: "This is called coconut fiber rope, by using the coconut fiber and twisting it together you can make a rope" Hannah: "Ashley sensei I don't understand!"

Afi: "Pinch the ply with the index finger and thumb of both hands with 2-3 inches between your pinch points. Begin to twist the ply away from your body with your right hand in a clockwise rotation and your left hand counterclockwise. This will cause the ply to twist until it naturally bends into a kink/loop Blah Blah Blah" Hannah: "Woah, I have never seen Afi talk this much" Ashley giggled "She's just excited"

After many hours it's already getting late, Hannah: "It's done! Finally! Man, I'm tired!" Souta: "Well everyone was doing their best, after all, you all can rest now" Hannah: "Yey!" Jenny: "Now now, calm down a bit Hannah everyone is tired" Hannah: "But still we couldn't be sleeping under a roof without Souta" Ashley: "Yeah, He and Afi Adventured around the world after all"

They got into the Shelter talking about how grateful they are that Souta is with them, Sophie look outside and saw Souta and Afi talking. "Oh? Afi what are you doing here? the shelter should be wide enough to fit four-person" Afi hold his hands while looking at him, Souta smiled "Don't worry, I'll be fine it will be rude if I slept together with a female right?"

"But... we always sleep together don't we?" He panicked "A-Ah that's I mean we always slept together when were little right? and besides it's you who always comes to my bed at night right? and and" The others get out to the shelter Hannah: "Hey Souta! What are you two still doing there?" Jenny: "It's cold at night you should also get here" "Eh? but that's-" Ashley: "I-it's fine w-when it's you and besides you were the one who build this without you we might be at the shore right now"

Sophie: "Souta... P...please Stay" Afi holds his hand tight "Afi... Fine, I'll sleep with you guy's for now..."