
Surviving on the deserted island with my childhood friends

It was a fun school trip we are having but then the cruise ship that we are on suddenly announced a warning, [Warning, the ship is about to sink, please proceed to the evacuation center] We immediately rushed there with my classmate, but then a huge wave crushed the ship, and the next thing I know I am on an Island Souta, the main character, is talented and very experienced in many things in survival Yuki, a Loner who will meet a smart girl, is very lucky for what he will see on the shore Haruki who is the school council president will lead an only girl group that is very talented in their craftmanship and also lucky for having the bamboo forest, Makoto a teacher, will lead his students, he who has the manpower, and every student and teacher follows him Now, who will conquer the island? Who will rule this deserted Island? Can they still be saved or are they stuck there forever?

KLUX · Fantasy
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6 Chs

3 essential of human survival

After finishing their breakfast, Souta told them what's the next thing to do, "We need 3 parts to survive on this island, First water without water we will die in 3 days, Second food lastly shelter we can't just sleep on the shore forever, So this is what I need you 4 to do gather much woods as possible, also look around the shore more we might find something useful there"

Again they all agree, Afi and I go to the forest, "Afi, I'll be in trusting you to find a water source, I will be making some axe to cut some trees to make a shelter got it?" "Umn" and so we part ways, Now you might be thinking how do I make an axe well it's harder than what it actually looks

first, you need a rock, of course, now Hit the source rock with the hammering rock or another rock, Peck the rock with the hammering rock, Form the cutting edge of the axe head, and find a suitable wood for its handle, Split the axe handle where you insert the axe head and lastly tie it with a shoe lace.

"It's hard to make but I don't have any choice I need wood for the shelter" Many hours passed and Afi came back with great news, She found a water source, "After so many hours I only manage to cut one tree huh..." Souta go with Afi and they found a river, Souta look around the nearby area to find a place to stay.

"Heh, looks like luck is on our side this time" They found Two trees that are close to each other, "With the tree that I cut we will place it on top of those two trees, and with some sticks and leaves we can make a spacious shelter for 6 people"

The two trees were 3 meters apart from each other and the tree that Souta cut was 4 meters tall, Afi and Souta came back and told them about the shelter