
Surviving on the deserted island with my childhood friends

It was a fun school trip we are having but then the cruise ship that we are on suddenly announced a warning, [Warning, the ship is about to sink, please proceed to the evacuation center] We immediately rushed there with my classmate, but then a huge wave crushed the ship, and the next thing I know I am on an Island Souta, the main character, is talented and very experienced in many things in survival Yuki, a Loner who will meet a smart girl, is very lucky for what he will see on the shore Haruki who is the school council president will lead an only girl group that is very talented in their craftmanship and also lucky for having the bamboo forest, Makoto a teacher, will lead his students, he who has the manpower, and every student and teacher follows him Now, who will conquer the island? Who will rule this deserted Island? Can they still be saved or are they stuck there forever?

KLUX · Fantasy
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6 Chs


Slowly opens his eyes and stands up, "Where... Am I...?" He looks at his surroundings and he is at the shore, "I see... so the ship sunk, It's lucky for me that I put this life vest on, Now Am I stranded? Whatever as long as I won't see them anymore then..." He shakes his head, He pats his pocket "Lucky... looks like my pocket knife didn't get lost"

I bought this knife on the trip Because it caught my attention but to think that it will be useful for me, I walk around for an hour to the shore and found a bunch of junk, This water bottle and this fish net is the only useful for me.

"Oh my, It's getting late I should collect some brunches to start a fire " After collecting tree brunches I start a fire by using the plastic bottle as a magnifying glass, The sun is just about to set and I got the fire, I should be Okay for the night.

On day 2 on the Island, I again walk and look for any useful resources at the shore and I did find something, another fishing net but this time it comes with a mirror, A small mirror that can go to your pocket probably one of the student belongings.

"The coconut can't fill my thirstiness" Well once I see a coconut along the way I crack it open and store it inside a pastic bottle, Sighing "Hmm...?" He saw someone lying on the ground.

Yuki runs toward it and finds a little girl, that uniform. Is she a high schooler?? what the hell is she doing here? I tried shaking her. "Hey, are you alive?" She opens her eyes and murmurs something, "What? I can't hear you?" "wa...ter" "What???" "I said water dammit!" "Is that so? " "Don't is that so me! do you have water!?"

"Say it clearer, Haha, sorry, but I don't." "Damn, so I just waste my saliva talking to you." "I have some coconut juice thou" "Where!? give me!" "Ok ok, calm down a little." Yuki gave her the plastic bottle full of coconut juice. Woah, she drunk it all

Her stomach makes a hungry sound, "Are you hungry?" She gets embarrassed and nodded "Here, It's some coconut. " It's a plastic container filled with coconut, And she eats it all again Yuki stands up "Then, It's nice seeing you what's your name?" "Haru" "Haru huh... nice meeting you Haru, I'm Yuki then till we meet again" "Huh? Your leaving?" "Yeah?"

"You're gonna leave me here alone?" "Yeah...? What about it?" "huh...? What the hell... What the hell is wrong with you!? You're gonna leave a girl alone here on this unknown island!!??" "Yeah, I don't see any use to you anymore" Haru was speechless, Looking at Yuki's back as he leave her "oh a barrel how nice" Yuki just passed through it

"Wait! I... I can be useful! You can use that barrel to make drinkable water! I will follow whatever you say so... please... please don't leave me" She cried "Sighed... Very well I'll keep you"