
Star Wars: Youngling

Star Wars fanfic. A new character is taken in by the Jedi at the age of four. U can support me on Patreon. com/JediCO 20+ chapter ahead.

JediCo · ภาพยนตร์
41 Chs

Lightsaber lessons

U can support me on Pa tre on. com/JediCO

16+ chapter ahead. -------------------------------------------------

After standing for a moment longer, looking at the woman, he simply nodded at her, ending the conversation. Swords? I don't care, they can't get away from me. But they'll take the ball away from me, anyhow. Or they'll give me a clue. In any case, I don't have much time to solve this puzzle myself and rub the nose of this pink-skinned fool. I'll be exposed? I don't care. I'm already in the spotlight. Maybe it would even be a good thing, they would teach me normally, depending on my progress, rather than the group as a whole. Also doubtful, of course, but what if? Heh, what a self-influenced person I am, thinking as if I already felt the energy of the ball. That's it, Lex , work.

For the next hour I ran the Force through the firefly, trying to feel... feel something different from the norm. Quickly, slowly, in small portions, in wide streams. Watched the "fog" weeping out of the balloon, emptying it completely of the Force, filling it again, filling a half-empty balloon, for a quarter.... A whole hour went nowhere. No, there has to be something... You have to think with your head. "I couldn't "at least" feel anything, so I had to feel, just like my tweezer said, feel. But how to feel I don't know what? Like the Force? I've tried, and I can't do shit. Shit. Maybe it's a defective balloon.

I took it in my hands and twisted it back and forth, and almost slammed it on the floor in irritation. I restrained myself, put it down at my feet and froze at the thought that flashed through my mind. Or rather, trying to catch it. There was something... Damn, it's always like this - you can't catch a thought, you're on the edge of consciousness. Let's do it again. I'm holding a ball in my hand. ♪ I'm spinning it around ♪ I want to smash it... No, that's not it. I put it on the ground. Taking my hands off.... Heat. I can feel the heat coming from the balloon and, what's more, see the light it gives off.... What's next? Try to feel the heat through the Force? How? I can't "feel," but for "feel," I now have a starting point. Well, let's give it a try.

And what do you think? It worked. It fucking worked! I almost threw it at a tweezer for joy. Know what we're talking about! The energy itself felt like a glowing balloon about to burst into flames. And, as it seems to me, the Force, because it "felt" with it, did not distinguish between types of energy. Heat, light, electricity-it didn't care.

- That's it, younglings," I heard the woman's voice, "the lesson is over. So turn off your swords and put them on the table. Don't forget your helmets, either. - Shall I or shall I not? Fuck her. - So, youngling, how's it going? - She came up to me.

It's not good to lie, I'm a Jedi, even though I'm a junior, so I put the orb on the table and silently joined my group. The rest of the day passed as usual, except for the free time. I meditated until lights out, noting the energy clots in our room. And yes, I had learned how to "feel" and "feel" at the same time. It was especially easy to do during meditation.

The next lesson with the lightsabers began with a lecture - what combat anticipation is. Simply put, it's the thing that helps you fend off blaster charges. To anticipate where the enemy is going to shoot, and to put a lightsaber under the charge beforehand. If it's anything like what I've been practicing in the gym, I'll master it in no time. That means that in the meantime I can sit with the balloon that hasn't been taken away from me yet. Experiment.

I spent an hour with the firefly. I explored what was revealed to me, you could say. Except it ended up... Broken.

- Master Lairi," I approached the woman. - And I have a broken balloon.

- Yes? - She said skeptically. - Let me see. Hmm. Yes," she grinned. - But don't worry, I'll just run out and get another one.

Heh. She seems to think I did it on purpose. All I did was suck all the energy out of the balloon. It's a funny feeling, by the way. It feels like your hand, or another part of your body, is turning into the neck of a bottle with water in it. No negative, or positive feelings. Just once, and somewhere inside you floats a lump of energy, which you feel as a special kind of Force. Not yours, not neutral, but something in the middle. And, by the way, that Force is gradually dissolving into you, completely becoming "yours.

I took much less time with the next lantern. I'd learned everything there was to know about the other one. Now the only thing to know was how fast I could get the energy out. It turned out to be fast, literally in half a second.

- Hmm. Master Lairi.

- Did you break it again?

- Well, sort of.

- What am I supposed to do with you? All right, take your sword and helmet.

And again. I thought hard, and decided that there was no point in hiding it, because he'd find out anyway, when he took the balloons to be repaired. Yes, and training. I don't know if I can train this absorption ability, and if I can, how, but even if I knew how, where would I get the equipment? Besides, I want to look her in the face when she realizes I've succeeded.

- How about one more balloon?

- What, you don't want to learn anymore?

- Learn what? How to beat back a droid's shots?

- It's strength training, not dexterity.

- Oh, I see," I muttered. - But I'd rather learn to absorb energy.

- What?

- Power. Absorb.

- Energy? - She glanced at the ball she was still holding. - How interesting. So you did it. - Well," she tossed the orb in her hand, "I thought it would take you longer. Well, or you'll give up. Well, you surprise me again, youngling.

- Counted, then. - Somehow I don't like it. The surprise is there, but it's weak.

- Oh, boy. Did you think I was evil enough to give you a task you knew you couldn't do?

- Used, then.

- Just to see what you're really like," she smiled. - You see, all it takes is a little encouragement, and you've found a solution almost at once.

- Anger, irritation, stubbornness, vindictiveness. You said yourself that these feelings lead to the dark side of the Force.

- Not the feelings themselves, Raine, but the inability to control them. Too much immersion in negative emotions. An inability to look at them from the outside. Jedi are not droids, we cannot help feeling emotions, but we are not animals to succumb to them either. Love, hate, joy, fear. Don't try to force them out of you, but overcome them.

Mm-hmm. I don't know what to think, but if I do, I'd rather not say anything. I'd better go swing my sword to cheer myself up.

He gripped the hilt of his training sword and glanced at the Twilight.

- Take the helmet, too," she smiled.

I put the hat on my head and noticed that the droid hovering over it had taken up position a meter away from my head. Another glance at my mentor. No, I know exactly what to do, but what if she wants a safety reading?

- In your hands, youngling, is a training lightsaber, and it is not a replica of a knight's sword, it is what it is. It differs from a regular one only by a special field blocking almost all the dangerous effects of the blade, but that doesn't mean you can poke it where you shouldn't. - Another smile. - That little droid that flies beside you is programmed to release weak charges at you one minute after you turn on your sword and close your eyes with your helmet. If either of these conditions is not met, it stops firing. Your job, as you learned long ago, is to repel the droid's shots. Now," she clapped her hands together, "show me what you're worth. - And the rest of the kids, I remember her going into more detail. At least longer. She trusts me, doesn't she? - Oh, yeah, you have to press this button to activate the blade. Wait! What are you... You'll take your eye out. Hold the handle like this. There, now press it.

Ooh! I once said I wasn't a Star Wars fan, but I liked the universe itself... liked it. But the lightsaber.... That's... is... really cool. Even if it is a training sword. A meter-long blade of steady blue light, emitting a slightly audible hum that increases when you just wave it around. Cool. I have no other words.

I expectedly missed the first shots from the little ball-shaped droid. It is one thing to control my own body in sparring, and quite another to use it to act with something else, such as a sword. Besides, as it turned out, predicting a hand-foot strike in an approximate place, by and large only its direction, is not at all the same thing as a pinpoint laser shot. Or whatever that droid was shooting. Nevertheless, the time left to the end of the lesson was enough for me to learn how to repel these shots with confidence. One thing I had to be careful of was that it was slow firing. The intervals between shots were not so great, but more than enough to get ready for them.

And one more thing. Either the children in the Old Republic were terribly harsh, and even came from North, or Kenobi, training Luke Skywalker, set the force of such a droid at maximum. Or thereabouts. Because I only felt the missed shots. No more than that. Oh, by the way, I'll have to try to absorb them later, now the lesson was coming to an end.

And the time was passing. I had a favorite lesson with the lightsaber for the next month, and then the excitement died down. It was a little bit like that, but every day holding an object in my hands dulled my admiration. Turns it into a routine. But I'll probably never be able to take a lightsaber as easily as a boot.

Here's an interesting fact, too. They started giving us our first swordsmanship lessons in about a month. Apparently, the tutors were waiting for the little ones to play with the new toy. But the lessons themselves didn't stand out in any way - they were all the same Shi-Cho, only with a stick. And frankly, I don't like this Form. It's just... simple, straightforward... I don't know how to say it. At every lesson I had the feeling that I would never get anything done with her. Just because my opponent would know my next move in advance. How anyone can fight with it, I have no idea. Really, it's a base for other Forms, nothing more. And I have to learn Shi-Cho really well, so I can switch to another form as soon as possible.