
Star Wars: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

When an ordinary dude gets plopped into a different reality, and in Star Wars at that. Everything tends to spiral out of control.

Eletto · ภาพยนตร์
20 Chs

Chapter 4

The afternoon sun streamed through the vast windows of the Jedi Temple, casting long shadows across the polished floors. Kaedan found himself wandering the halls after the midday meal, his mind still reeling from the morning's events. The conversation with Master Yoda had left him feeling both exhilarated and uneasy, the weight of his knowledge pressing down on him like a physical burden.

As he turned a corner, lost in thought, he nearly collided with another young Jedi. Stumbling back, Kaedan looked up and felt his heart skip a beat. The boy before him had sandy blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and a face that, while younger and more innocent than Kaedan had ever seen it, was unmistakable.

Anakin Skywalker.

"Sorry about that," Anakin said, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "I wasn't looking where I was going. Are you okay?"

Kaedan stood frozen for a moment, a thousand thoughts racing through his mind. This was Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One, the future Darth Vader. The boy who would bring balance to the Force, but at a terrible cost. And here he was, just a kid, looking at Kaedan with genuine concern.

"I'm fine," Kaedan managed to say, his voice sounding strange to his own ears. "It was my fault too. I was distracted."

Anakin's smile widened. "I get that. Sometimes there's just so much to think about, isn't there? I'm Anakin, by the way. Anakin Skywalker."

"Kaedan Dorn," he replied, shaking Anakin's offered hand. The simple touch sent a shiver through him. This was real. He was actually talking to Anakin Skywalker.

"You're in the Bear Clan, right?" Anakin asked. "I've seen you in some of the classes. You're the one who asked about the Je'daii in Master Yoda's history lesson."

Kaedan felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment. "Yeah, that was me. I guess I got a little carried away."

Anakin shook his head, his eyes sparkling with interest. "No, it was wizard! I've never heard of the Je'daii before. Where did you learn about them?"

For a moment, Kaedan was tempted to tell Anakin everything. To warn him about Palpatine, about the dark future that awaited him. But he held back, acutely aware of the dangers of meddling with time.

"I just... read a lot," Kaedan said carefully. "There's so much history to learn about."

Anakin nodded enthusiastically. "I know what you mean. Sometimes I feel like I'm so far behind everyone else. I didn't grow up in the Temple like most of you."

The vulnerability in Anakin's voice tugged at Kaedan's heart. This wasn't the arrogant, conflicted Jedi he'd seen in the prequels. This was just a boy, trying to find his place in a world that was still new and overwhelming to him.

"Hey, want to take a walk?" Kaedan found himself asking. "I was just exploring the Temple a bit."

Anakin's face lit up. "Really? That'd be great! There's still so much of this place I haven't seen."

As they set off down the corridor, Kaedan felt a mix of excitement and trepidation. He was walking alongside one of the most important figures in galactic history, knowing the tragic path that lay ahead of him. But maybe, just maybe, this was an opportunity to make a difference.

They wandered through grand halls and quiet meditation gardens, Anakin pointing out interesting architectural features and sharing snippets of Temple gossip. Kaedan found himself relaxing, drawn in by Anakin's infectious enthusiasm and quick wit.

As they paused by a window overlooking the Coruscant skyline, Anakin's expression grew more serious. "Can I ask you something, Kaedan?"

"Sure," Kaedan replied, curious about what was on Anakin's mind.

"Do you ever... miss your family? Your home?"

The question caught Kaedan off guard. He thought of his life on Earth, his family and friends, all of it now seemingly lost to him. But he also understood the deeper meaning behind Anakin's question.

"Sometimes," Kaedan said softly. "It's hard, being away from everything you've known. But the Jedi, they're our family too, in a way."

Anakin nodded, his gaze distant. "I miss my mom. I know I'm not supposed to form attachments, but..."

"It's okay to care about people, Anakin," Kaedan said, choosing his words carefully. "The important thing is not to let those feelings control us or cloud our judgment."

Anakin looked at him, surprise and gratitude in his eyes. "You sound like Obi-Wan. But... nicer about it, I guess."

Kaedan smiled, feeling a connection forming between them. He knew he had to be cautious, that getting too close to Anakin could be dangerous. But he also couldn't help but want to help this boy, to maybe steer him away from the dark path that awaited him.

As they continued their walk, their conversation drifting to lighter topics, Kaedan's mind raced with possibilities. He had a unique opportunity here, a chance to influence the course of galactic history. But with that opportunity came an enormous responsibility.

They eventually found themselves back where they had started, the afternoon light now fading into the warm hues of early evening.

"Thanks for the tour, Kaedan," Anakin said, his earlier melancholy replaced by a genuine smile. "It's nice to have someone to talk to who doesn't treat me like I'm... different."

"Anytime, Anakin," Kaedan replied, meaning it. "We're all just trying to figure this Jedi thing out, right?"

As Anakin headed off to meet with his master, Kaedan leaned against the wall, his mind whirling. He had just spent the afternoon with Anakin Skywalker, the future Darth Vader. He had seen the good in him, the potential for greatness untainted by darkness.

But he had also seen the seeds of conflict, the attachment and emotion that would eventually lead to his fall. Kaedan knew he was walking a dangerous line. Every interaction, every word, could potentially alter the course of history in ways he couldn't predict.

As he made his way back to the youngling dormitories, Kaedan felt the weight of his knowledge more acutely than ever. 

Settling onto his bed, Kaedan closed his eyes, trying to center himself as he'd been taught. As he drifted off to sleep, his mind was filled with images of Anakin – both the bright-eyed boy he'd met today and the dark figure he could become.

But for now, he allowed himself to simply be a youngling, resting after a long and eventful day, the rhythms of the Jedi Temple lulling him into a deep, if not entirely peaceful, sleep.