
The Canon Chronicles VII: Roland's Revenge

I don't own Star Wars, and it's been slightly altered but serious spoilers for the Season 2 finale of Star Wars Rebels.

Roland groaned in his bed on The Rattletrap, he had long returned to the rebel base after a lucrative arrangement with Jabba the Hutt. Of course, things had been relatively quiet since then… he sat up, Bariss Offee naked and curled up in her 'bed' beside his, little more than a padded blanket. He sat on the edge of his bed and Naked, he stared down at her patiently before reaching down and grabbing a fistful of hair.

"Ah-AHHH!!" she gasped, dragged to her knees and forced to face his morning wood, "NNngh…" she whimpered, gazing up at him obediently as he stared at her silently. She opened her mouth and went to her morning task. "Mmmn! MMmn!! MMmm…" she whimpered, sucking loudly and firmly around his length as he held her head in his hands, guiding her roughly up and down his cock as he used her mouth. If she was lucky, she only had to blow him this morning…

"Use your tongue more." He ordered flatly as she obeyed, her tongue slathering his cock as she went as deep as she could go. "…Mmn…" he moaned as she went to the hilt of his length.

"Mmn! Uck! MMMngh!! CUK!! GLURP!! SLURP!!" Drool and saliva dribbled from her lips as she slobbered on his cock, dripping down her naked body, her hands resting on his knees. He pulled her head down firmly on his cock as she spluttered. "MMnhgplbll!!" she struggled, pawing and slapping his knees as he stared ahead, his cock pulsating in her mouth as cum burst from her nose, "MMmpgh!!" she shuddered, desperately gulping what she could so she didn't drown in his morning load. His scent engulfed her nostrils as his seed leaked down her lips.

"MMmmn…" he sighed, his cock twitching in her throat as she took a breath. Gripped her head firmly… he then railed away at her face

"MMmngh-mmrgh!urck!guck!ack!! UGH!! ULCK!!! UCLLLLK!!!" it was a relentless uncaring skull fucking, Roland stared down at her rapid-firing face as he moved her for his pleasure, almost a blur, her eyes whirling wildly in her skull… it was only inevitable that her dizziness and abuse would end badly.

"BLUGH!!!" she vomited.

"Ugh." He grunted dismissively as her sick oozed around his cock, mostly it was cum and mucus. He fed her real food twice a day and her stomach was mostly empty. "Fuck." He grunted dismissively, standing up as she whimpered, pleadingly pushing on his thighs as he continued to skull fuck her, "Ugh… ugh… come on… come! On! NNGH!" he groaned, forcing her balls deep again and filling her throat… it easily slid down into her stomach as she went limp, shuddering pitifully as he sighed… she spluttered as he pulled out… and coughed as he yanked her head back to gaze up at him. He examined her, covered in disgust and fluid… then grinned.

"…I think you're finally my bitch Bariss…" he declared cruelly as she trembled, then fell forward, retching as she vomited his cum again. he sighed, "Alright… another round then.

"N-no…" she pleaded as he walked behind her, grabbing her hips, and hair, yanking her head back as he pierced into her body. "UGhh!! NNGh!! Ahh!! Ahh!!!" he pumped into her from behind, ignoring her protest long before they stopped. Her beautiful green body, regardless of her current state, writhed erotically as he pounded into her from behind. "AH. Ah. Ah…" her eyes rolled as her mouth hung open, drooling mucus and gunk as she rocked back and forth, "MMmgh!! BLUGh!!" she vomited again as Roland grunted, and pushed into her.

"What the HELL is wrong with you today?" he said dismissively as he emptied his load into her body. "Usually I have to get rougher before you start heaving everywhere…"

"Ha… haa…" she panted, shivering as he pulled out of her… she fell into her sick, trembling as her pussy oozed his load.

"Collect yourself…" he declared, leaving her as he went to clean himself off. "We'll do it again in a moment."

She groaned but clutched to her stomach as he washed off her sick. He was in and out in moments and quickly returned, "Alright then… let's get back to it." he replied as she moaned… however just as he reached down to grab her, the ship wobbled… someone was coming on board. Perhaps Ashoka asking for a 'favor?'

…He was disappointed.

Kanan Stormed onto the ship quickly followed by Ashoka, "Where is my pada-Ugh!" he turned away from Roland and Bariss, both obviously still naked and Bariss lying in a puddle of unrecognized fluids. Judging from the collective smell, it wasn't healthy.

"Were you saying something?" Roland asked, completely unperturbed as Ashoka retched.

"Will you just… throw a towel on or something!" Kanan stomped out, unable to deal with the depravity.

"YOU talk to him." He snarled. Roland got up, walked to his private bathroom, returned with a towel, and tossed it onto Bariss… covering some shame but certainly not his.

"What's up the Jedi's butt? Is his twi'lek 'experimenting' with him in bed?... If she sticks anything up there I win the betting pool."

"We… what?" she glared at him, he shrugged his miss-matched shoulders. "I don't know… OR care!" she added quickly as he smiled, "WHERE is Ezra?! What did you say to him?"

Roland's eyes narrowed at that. "…The runty padawan? Nothing. He asked me about holocrons a while back, but I didn't tell him anything."

"HE asked YOU?" Kanan asked from somewhere outside his room as Bariss churned on the floor beneath the towel.

"Apparently he didn't want to tell his 'master' he was messing with sith knowledge… some Padawan. I'd watch out for him he'll get you all killed with that curiosity."

Kanan charged in, Lightsaber in hand but Roland was just as quick, his lightsaber shot into his real hand and he held it out. Both of them didn't activate it, glaring into each other's eyes as Ashoka's hands rested on her own, glaring at him warningly. Roland caught her eye, the tension could've been cut with a vibroblade. "…Malachor…" Roland said finally, standing up and lowering his saber.

"What?" Ashoka gasped, recognizing the ruined planet.

"…When you asked me to talk to Jabba, I traded him a favor or two for some information myself." Roland replied, retrieving his pants, and a robe from a wall drawer. "…To help me find someone I want to kill… it's my understanding that they were sniffing around Malachor for sith artifacts. Your padawan." Roland noted to a furious-faced Kanan, "Mentioned Malachor during his incessant chattering. He's smarter than he seems but lacks common sense… most of you Jedi do."

"Malachor is dangerous and seething with the Darkside." Ashoka said glancing nervously at Kanan. "…Ezra is in danger."

"Obviously." Roland said, binding his black robe. "Let's go."

"I'm not going ANYWHERE with you." Kanan sneered. Roland however, glared at him.

"I'm going anyway… I only offer this free service. ONCE." Roland said firmly. "You can bum a ride on my ship. Or you can go yourself…"

Ashoka rested a hand on Kanan's arm. He pulled back tensely. "…Why?"

Roland took a deep breath. "…I can feel her there." He said cryptically, "…It's stronger than ever. He glanced at Kanan, "Your Padawan is in serious danger, you're going to need more lightsabers." He said confidently.

"…You follow MY lead when it comes to Ezra." Kanan said firmly, jabbing a finger against Roland's chest.

"And when we meet up with 'Mother Malisis' and her inquisitors…" Roland said softly as Bariss shivered on the floor. "She's MINE." He said.

Malachor… was a tomb. A world of death; destroyed and corrupted by a long-ago war that few care to remember. Or acknowledge… the only thing on Malachor was ruins… SITH ruins.

The Rattletrap landed near the Phantom. The Ghost's auxiliary ship. Roland led the way down the ramp, the submissive Bariss Offee kneeling like an animal, as she was utterly ignored by Roland and Kanan, but for completely different reasons.

Kanan couldn't look at her, Roland didn't care. Only Ashoka glanced at her in pity but moved on as the ship sealed shut. "EZRA!!" Kanan shouted as his voice echoed into the dark ruination of Malachor. Roland sighed through his nose but remained silent.

"Should we split up?" Ashoka asked, the looming pillars above them curving over them like gnarled fingers.

"No." Roland said firmly, walking ahead. Like you said, this place is SEETHING with the darkside… one wrong turn and more than your body will wander…" Roland glanced around, feeling out with the force for a moment and frowning. "That's…" he looked confused for a moment. "…That feels wrong." He noted. Shaking his head, as if trying to shake off fog.

"What?" Kanan asked, but soon he too seem uncomfortable. "…Ugh…" he cringed like there was a bad taste in his mouth.

"There are a LOT of powerful force users for a dead planet." Roland scowled. "…This way. Keep behind me."

They journeyed in silence through the ruins, the decrypted and destroyed Roland would continue to look around, turning through, hesitating, and turning again… over and over.

"Do you know where you're going?!" Kanan shouted after what seemed like hours.

"Not exactly… no." Roland noted as Kanan's saber came out. "I'm following the path." Roland said calmly despite the sudden blue glow gesturing to the disturbed footprints in the ash and soot. Kanan glanced down as well, looking clearly irritated.

"AHHH!!!" came an echo through the empty world.

"Ezra!" Kanan and Ashoka recognized the shriek immediately, charging past Roland.

"WAIT!!" he shouted. Charging after them…

It happened so quickly… It took Ashoka and Kanan a moment to realize what had happened. A flashing red lightsaber fell from the sky with a whirling, deadly hum. Kanan had a moment to look up before the force pushed him aside. Roland stood in his spot, his arm raised as the inquisitor slammed his saber onto it. "UGH!!" Roland hurled the ambusher away with the force as two more appeared,

"Inquisitors!" Kanan and Ashoka shouted as a familiar Mirialan woman strutted into view with her big brother.

"Looks like the gang is all here…" she purred as the lightsabers rang out. And everyone stared each other down.

"Roland." Purred a seductive town as a blue twi'lek glided into view, wearing a form-fitting black uniform, part robe, part vestment. "How far you've fallen…" Mother Malisis purred. Roland eyes went red, "Come now… we can talk-"

Kanan had never seen someone flung so far with the force. She was sent almost COMICALLY screaming off into the ruins as Roland hurled her with the force, his teeth gnashed together as he stomped after her. The scrawnier male inquisitor tried to stop him but he was sent hurtling into the wall as Ashoka and Kanan were cut off from him by the other two.

Malisis landed deftly onto a platform in the center of a vast void, a dark pit below her sinking into the depths of Malachor as she scowled. "Such impudence." She declared firmly as Roland leap onto the platform, sword in hand. "Honestly Roland you've never seen the BIG picture."

Roland glared at her… silently. "Do you know what is HERE!? Roland…" she said, "Power. More power than Sidious imagined! Think about what we could do with that?!"

"I don't care." Roland said finally.

"Oh? And you're just going to let that mad dog Maul turn it on and kill us then?" Malisis asked curiously as Roland frowned.

"…Maul? Didn't he die?"

"Didn't you die?" Malisis asked, as Roland scowled again.

"…I don't care." he said finally after a moment. As Malisis sighed reluctantly.

"SO selfish…" she rolled her eyes lazily, then attacked.

The lightsabers flashed and echoed as he fought his grandmother. Clashing quickly as they danced around the platform, she switched lightsaber forms over and over, almost in mad combination as Roland struggled to get a grip on her blade with his hand. Because they both knew if he managed that, the fight was over. The platform creaked and groaned beneath them, unused to the sudden movements of its occupants after millennia of stillness.

Malisis had had enough… and she made her move. A terrible pain shot through Roland's leg as she sent a powerful, focused force push into his shin. "AAGH!!" he fell to his knee, holding up his saber just in time as Malisis brought hers down in an overhead slash, force his metal arm back to steady himself as he held up his sabers to one-handed as she pushed. "NNnngh…" Roland snarled straining to hold his grandmother back as his hand planted firmly on the platform.

"Thing about it Roland… Sidious and Vader. You and ME… think about what we could DO together… just like old times! They'll abandon you Roland, they'll use you. They don't trust you! Nobody trusts you!" the words echoed in his head, she was a deceptive charismatic shrew but her words still had power. "Just come back to ME… together we'll take the Empire…" honeyed, and sweet. Like all lies…

Roland glared at her throw sparking sabers. "Rattletrap trusted me." He said firmly, a look of confusion crossed Malisis' face. Total incomprehension crossed her face… and that moment of confusion opened up his moment.

The blow came quick and brutal. His metal arm shot up and forward into a crippling gut punch. "Ugh-blaah!!" spittle shot from her mouth as she stumbled back for breath, but that moment was all Roland needed.

"AAHHHG!!" he was on her pinning her saber down with his knee, tackling her to the floor as he forced pushed himself off the ground.

Her screams were quick… but so was the sudden silence. But the pounding wet crack and smack of her bones as his metal hand slammed again and again into what used to be her skull soon echoed off into Malachor as he was punching the platform… an imprint of his fist in her pulped blood.

Mother Malisis was no more…

He stood up… and stared off into the ruination of the dead planet… the stones… the statues… somewhere he could hear the echoes of clashing sabers… and the hum of a tie fighter… he stared at the towering pyramid… as if seeing it for the first time… then limped towards it until he deadened the pain. And forced himself on…

After what seemed like ages as he climbed the temple…He passed a dead mirialan woman… the inquisitor… then the… fifth brother? He didn't remember… but they were brutally killed and that wasn't the work of Jedi… normally. He imagined if Malisis was telling the truth. Then Darth Maul was on the planet…

…Of course. That was until he found Kanan… his eyes… were severely damaged. He held up his saber, sensing Roland's presence. "…Sith?" he said, coolly.

"…Yes." Roland replied, calmer than normal… but Perhaps being confused would be better. Kanan calmed himself but kept his saber at the ready.

"…Ashoka and Ezra went ahead." He said, "And I defeated Maul but… where are you going?" Kanan asked sensing him as Roland kept walking.

"Stay there and don't die." He replied as a brilliant light shimmered from the top of the temple. Whatever this temple was for… it had been activated. Roland didn't know… or care. He just kept walking.

"Ashoka let's go!" Ezra shouted as he reached the top, the beautiful Togruta standing firm with her lightsabers drawn approaching…

"…FUCK." Roland mumbled as he recognized the man in black. Darth Vader himself. The top of the temple ominously closed, separating Ashoka from Ezra… and incidentally Vader from Ezra He moved towards them, his leg burning and drawing his saber. Ezra turned at the noise, as did Ashoka, her eyes widening in surprise.

"What are you doing?" they said together as he kept walking. Standing beside Ashoka as the top of the temple began to close around them.

"…What are you doing?" he asked placidly, looking at Ashoka as she stared back at him.

"I'll buy you guys time… take Ezra and Kanan and leave." Roland nodded. Then glancing at the sith lord, his red lightsaber held at the ready, he turned back to Ashoka.

"…You've already used up your freebie." He said as Ashoka sneered at him, their moment quickly closing like the walls around them as Vader approached.

"For FORCE sake! I'm not going to abandon him again! So will you please!-" her eyes widened as he grabbed the back of her shirt with his metal arm, turning her towards the quickly closing walls around them. "-Wait!" She said, realizing what was happening as he pressed a hidden button on his metal shoulder. The arm of Roland Firemane shot from his shoulder like a rocket, carrying Ashoka through the closing walls as he gave her one last smile. Seconds before it shut…

His leg hurt, his chest hurt, his body hurt… and he drew his saber, facing the Sith Lord.

"You are a fool." Vader said, in his dark… menacing tone.

Roland sighed softly. "…I'm just tired." He replied reluctantly.

"I will take great pleasure... *Kaaah PUUUR* in destroying you…" Vader said, holding his saber at the ready as Roland flourished his.

"Yeah… killing weakened men is something the Sith do well." Roland said, completely empty… "Come on then bucket head… brag about how you killed a washed-out, one-armed sith lord!" Roland roared, charging forward and clashing red on red. "I'm going to make you my BITCH." Grinning broadly one last time.

Ashoka carried Kanan down the temple, Ezra carried the arm of Roland… it took them some time, but they finally reached the ships. Kanan's eyes were bound, but they were still lost. Ezra was ominously silent… but he had been through a lot, so it was understandable. There was much lost today…

…She didn't want to admit it… but she was going to miss him. She took his arm, as Ezra and Kanan approached the phantom. "Wait." She said suddenly as they paused before she turned her attention to the Rattletrap. Using the metal arm to open it… Bariss Offee still sat near the opening, and looked up at Ashoka as she approached with Roland's arm…

"…Bariss." She said softly as Bariss stared at it, looking utterly horrified. "He's gone." She said, neither sad nor happy at the news.

Bariss was silent, confused… scared. She didn't know whether to be happy or sad. Her face contorted as she wailed, Ashoka knelt down to her old friend and hugged her… she hugged her back. Then… with the arm in hand, she led the very vulnerable Bariss to the Phantom…


…Sidious sat on his throne in silence, gazing out into the vastness of space as Darth Vader… limped… towards him, dragging a dead body, and dropping it abruptly bedside him before practically collapsing to the floor on one knee. The other was severely damaged, along with his helmet, and missing one of his robotic arms. "…You have returned…" sneered out Sidious, swirling slowly in the chair at his apprentice's mangled form. "…Empty-handed…" he added almost… hilariously.

"…Mother Malisis has fallen… along with MANY of our inquisitors." Vader rattled out, his real eye glancing through the missing piece of his helmet

"Then they were WEAK" Sidious said quickly clawing the armrests of his throne, as if afraid he'd be interrupted. "And what is… that?"

"The one responsible…" Vader said, grabbing the lifeless one-armed corpse of Roland Firemane, Darth Salacious, and flipping it over. A deep black gash across his chest from where Vader had finally put him down… but there was a surprising look of peace on his face.

Sidious's spindly fingers interlocked as a cruel smile stretched across his face. "I see… and you believe something might come out of it?"

"…Allow me to take him to Kamino." Vader said, his electronics twitching from his battle with Roland.

"…Hmm-hmm-hmm…" Sidious chuckled, turning away. "…Very well." He then frowned at the state of his most powerful servant and noted sourly. "…Did you have such trouble with him?" he seemed to savor the words

"…He attempted to make me his… bitch…" Vader said, standing slowly to his wobbling, lopsided feet. "He did not succeed."

"…Clearly." Sidious said, glancing at the corpse with some curiosity.
