
A Deal on Tatooine

I don't own Star Wars.

Mos Eisely was slimy cesspool of scum and villainy-blah-blah-blah you have heard it before. Oswin Knights absently checked his blaster ammo as he strolled casually through the dusty, sandy streets, barely avoiding a speeder driving down the middle of the pathway as he holstered it in his duster. He absently counted the buildings, "Hhmmmn here we go…" he noted, approaching a wide sandstone building with the sound of upbeat music echoing out. He entered, and glanced around…

…Everyone was looking at him. And they were ALL dirty looks. He smiled. "Hello." He nodded entering the bar and Holding up a bounty contract. "I'm looking for Is'talackrok…" he looked up from the contract, with a rather cheerful smile. "Did I say that right?"

Coincidentally, yes he did.

From a table in the corner half a dozen blasters were on him. But he seemed unperturbed. "Southside." He said with a grin. As a towering dowutin rose from the table. A heavy burn scar on the right side of his face, a hollow socket where the eye had once been. He drew a long vibro-knife that could have doubled as a vibro-sword.

"Bounty hunter?" he chuckled as his thugs laughed, keeping their blasters trained on him.

He seemed to think about it, shrugged, smiled, then nodded his head. Is'talackrok grabbed him around the shirt collar, dragging him upward. "I'm wanted in 4 systems."

"I KNOW!" said Oswin, completely unimpressed but sounding ecstatic. "I mean it's really just a matter of who I hand you over too! The Hutts want you, the Empire, the GUILD. OOOh you've been a bad, bad, man Is'talackrok."

"Take it outside!" roared the Rodian bartender, seemingly uninterested in Oswin being threatened by the vibro-blade wielding Dowutin. "I ain't cleaning up your shit again."

"Yeah Yeah. The Dowutin with the inconvenient name noted. "Let's kill you outside." As Oswin shrugged.

"If you insist…"

The Dowutin's backup exploded. A speeder rammed through the wall, taking out five of them with shrapnel, rock and force. The final one crawled to his feet only for a large black boot to slam onto his back with a sickening crunch. Athena glared at the Dowutin, lifting a heavy blaster with a chainsaw grip from the broken speeder and aiming it around the bar as Oswin quick-drew his blaster, and DESTROYED the Dowutin's gripping hand.

"AAAAGH!!!" he dropped his knife, holding his smoking stump as Oswin then shot his knee, sending him to the ground. "UUhg. UUHG MMMN!!!" he glared up at Oswin before he stared down the smoking barrel of his blaster.

"You're wanted dead or alive to TWO of the three with bounties on you." Oswin noted practically as Athena strolled over to them. "…Want to go in hot or cold? I'm good either-or."

"You shouldn't give them options." Athena noted as many of the patrons had run or ducked for cover, the Rodian bartender glared in disbelief at the gaping hole in the wall and the possibly dead thugs.

"Well it depends on if you feel like carrying him, or dragging him." Oswin shrugged at his beautiful lover. "I'm good either…" he paused. Suddenly glancing around… "…I just had a bad feeling."

"Uh Huh." Athena noted, catching the Dowutin's wrist as the vibro-blade stopped inches from Oswin's distracted throat. The heavy blaster was swung like a massive club, sending the Dowutin to the ground, unconscious or dead, they'll check later. "It's probably just gas."

"It's NOT-" Oswin sighed, "It's not just Gas…" he grumbled as Athena grabbed the massive Dowutin by his ankle, easily dragging him along. "I just felt like I was being watched…"

"We did punch a hole in the wall with a speeder." The big Cathar girl noted as he followed her out into the hot suns of Tattooine.

"That reminds me where did you get that?" he noted, jerking a thumb lazily at the hole in the wall.

"Same place I got this heavy blaster. From some very irritating imperials…"

"…Well that leaves out the 'Empire' bounty then. So… Hutts or Guild?"

"Let's see if he's still alive…" she noted, dragging him through the streets, then the maze of alleyways that lead back to their ship. "The hutts want him alive, so if he's dead then the guild."

"So Simple." Oswin smiled at his beautiful warrior woman. "Of course the guild-" he stopped… so she stopped. She blinked and turned around… Oswin had been trailing just behind her… but now he was missing." Suddenly kicked up sand slowly descending as the blustery desert wind whistled through the unarmored parts of her soft black fur.


The rapid sound of blaster fire rippled through the air and Oswin, his coat significantly more torn and sporting three fresh scratches on his handsome face stumbled backward from an alleyway. Firing his blaster randomly into the alley and rubbing his eyes.

"Where is he?!" he shouted, flecking sand back onto the ground from his face.

"…Who?" she asked curiously, dropping the dowutin's leg to approach him.

"Fucking THRAYT!" Oswin, wild-eyed and furious, turned this way and that, aiming his blaster.

"Sawtooth?" Athena noted with a half-smile. He pointed furiously at her, then at the weeping scratches on his cheek with the same hand, and then at his torn clothes.

"It wasn't a JAWA!" he replied sarcastically.

"…I don't know they can be fairly aggressive."

"Not funny Athena." He scowled. She rolled her rose-red eyes. "I'm telling you he just attacked me!"

"And yet he's not attacking you now…" she noted as Oswin snorted, then looked away from her and scowled. Her logic was sound-however…

"…Athena… where's the bounty?"

Athena scowled, turned and sighed. The large dowutin was no longer where she left him. "…Oh… shit." She grumbled.

"Oh. SHIT! That's you." He grumbled angrily, she smacked him in the chest. "Oof."

"Don't be snarky just because your friend tried to kill you again."

"He's not my fucking friend! He KEEPS TRYING TO KILL ME!" he replied indignantly as Athena sighed. "And he probably stole our bounty!" Athena knelt near the shifted sand where the Dowutin previously was. "…Can you track him?"

"For a little while." She noted, "The bounty will slow him down, but the shifting sands will wipe his trail."

"Then we better get on-" he stopped talking again.

"…For fuck's sake Oswin." She mumbled, turning as he vanished again.

Oswin was bodily carried through the alleyway by a charging Sawtooth, slamming against a crate of junk. Reacting quickly, he grabbed a bar of broken Durasteel, slamming it into Sawtooth's head, making the massive trandoshan stumble back as he gripped it in both hands, and swing it the other way. Sawtooth took the bar to the face, stumbling the opposite direction as Oswin came at him again. Swinging the bar down on Sawtooth's skull.

Sawtooth's broken grin stretched wide as he caught the bar in one hand before slamming a powerful jab into Oswin's face. Smashing his nose as his eyes teared up. He stumbled away, letting go of the bar as Sawtooth tossed it aside. Coming at Oswin and swinging his leg hard into his side. Oswin tanked the blow, wrapping his arms around the powerful leg even though it made him stumble in the sand. He leaped forward towards the unbalanced Sawtooth, slamming his booted feet into Sawtooth's chest. The trandoshan, off-balanced, fell backward into the sand with Oswin on top of him. Oswin pulled his blaster aimed it at the trandoshan only to have sand tossed into his eyes.

He fired anyway, Sawtooth shifted his head as the bolt melted the sand into glass he then opened his mouth and sunk his teeth onto Oswin's leg.

"AGH! FUCKER!!" he hissed, leg bleeding and falling over his blaster spun into the sand. "Shit." He winked one eye open, reaching, only to feel the big lizard grab his ankle and drag him away. "Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!" he hissed as he was hurled in a giant swing, around and around and release to crash into the wall. "Ugh!!" he quickly reached into his boot, pulling a hold-out blaster, firing rapidly and blindly, at the dodging Sawtooth. Sawtooth got close, knocked the blaster from his hand and grabbed his shirt, lifting him up and opening his jaw wide. In a horrific grin as his teeth got closer to Oswin's face.

Oswin pulled his fist back and jabbed it hard into the back of Sawtooth's throat.

"ACK!!" the trandoshan gagged and choked, dropping the bounty hunter to his feet, as Sawtooth stumbled around, trying to breath, Oswin leaped onto his broad back and wrapped an arm around his neck in a choke hold. But Sawtooth was made of stronger stuff, stumbling around with Oswin on his back, getting angrier and angrier, and quickly recovering.

"UUrgh! RAAAGH!!!" he ran back towards the wall as Oswin quickly debated whether to release him or try to choke him out

"URGH!!" he grunted as the Trandoshan slammed him against the wall, leaving a crack. He pulled away, and charged backward again as Oswin swung his legs, pushing off the wall with a great heave and shoving them onto the ground, still trying to strangle the albino trandoshan. Sawtooth rolled over, arm rising up and ramming hard into Oswin's ribs, again and again and again as he tightened his grip desperately. Mouth bleeding and eyes stinging with sand.

"FUCK… YOU… THRAYT!!" he garbled out between blows, teeth gnashed. "AAAAGH!!!" Sawtooh tugged his arm away just enough to get his mouth open and sink his awkward teeth into his arm, finally releasing him as Sawtooth yanked away they rolled apart… Oswin's arms bleeding with freshly open holes as his other hand slammed into the sand around a familiar durasteel bar

Sawtooth got to his feet and was immediately met with a fresh swing from the bar as Oswin got to his feet, stumbling… Sawtooth hit the sand as Oswin came over and immediately rained down blow after blow onto the albino trandoshan's back until finally. FINALLY… he stilled, lying in the dirt as he stumbled away… taking a breath, and tossing the bloody bar aside. He stumbled over to his fallen blaster, his main one, picking it up quickly and dusting it off… and not for the first time went to deliver yet ANOTHER coup de grace.

Only to come face to face with Sawtooth, standing tall like they didn't just spend the last ten minutes beating the ever-loving shit out of each other. One hand on his wrist as the blaster fired uselessly into the sand and a clawed fist wrapped around his throat, the monster that was Sawtooth Thrayt pinned Oswin against the wall. Grinning like a madman…

"…Want to help me kill someone?"

Oswin blinked… it might have been the possible concussion… but did Thrayt just speak a coherent sentence?

Oswin took several adrenaline-filled breaths before he managed out a-"What?" he garbled as Thrayt loosened his grip.

"Want. To. help. Me. Kill. Someone?" Sawtooth said slowly and deliberately.

"You… want me… to help you kill someone?" Oswin said, in complete and utter disbelief. "…I can't even begin to count the number of times we tried to kill each other. Or the times I've shot you…" he said slowly, irritated. "What… the actual FUCK is wrong with you?"

Sawtooth grinned and released him. "You're not fun anymore…"

"I… what?" Oswin breathed, "I'm not FUN anymore? Are you fucking mental?! You just tried to kill me! I tried to kill you!…"

"And now I want to kill someone else. Want to help?" he asked with a serpentine grin.

"…Why the HELL would I ever help you?"

"…I'll leave you alone." Oswin stared at him.

"…For how long?"

"A month." Thrayt said as Oswin laughed.

"FUCK no. You try to kill me at least once a month, that's not a good deal."

"A year then." Oswin stared at him. "It'll be FUN." He said with a hiss… it takes a lot to unnerve Oswin Knights… but Sawtooth Thrayt saying the word 'fun' like that was definitely enough.

"Fine. And you give me back my bounty."

"I didn't take him." Sawtooh hissed flatly, "He got up and left…" he declared.

"Oswin!" Athena suddenly shouted as Thrayt punched him hard in the gut, making him double over. He fell to his knees, glancing up as he caught his breath, the big lizard was gone and his beautiful partner was dragging the wounded Dowutin towards him. "There you are… what happened to you?"

Oswin grunted, grabbing his blaster. "…I think I got us a new job?"

"Damn bounty hunters." The dowuntin snarled, struggling against Athena's firm grip. "When I get out of these I'm going to hunt you down and gut you like a FISH!"

"…Athena what's the monetary difference between the guild bounty and the hutts?"

"…About 10,000 credits." She said as Oswin shot the dowutin between the eyes. "…Was that necessary?" she asked as she hefted the body onto her broad, powerful shoulders.

"…I really wanted to shoot somebody." Oswin mumbled dejectedly, retrieving his holdout blaster and limping. With his girlfriend back to their ship. "…I'll give you a bigger cut."

"You better." She said, wrapping her other hand around him and carefully carrying him along. "He really did a number on you this time huh. You should pick your friends better."

"He is not my fucking friend..." He groaned. "He is my arch-nemesis… or was… I guess, he found someone new."

"Hmph… well I'll just have to nurse you back to health." She said with a sultry purr, "Seeing as you're all injured and everything."

…While Oswin was in severe pain… he had to admit, being nursed by his favorite Cathar was almost worth the beating.

End of Chapter